This page contains a detailed list of breaking changes and the steps required to upgrade from ts-api@1.x.x
to api-client@2.0.0
function was removed, use ApiClient
class instead.
// ts-api
import LocalazyApi from 'ts-api';
const api = LocalazyApi({ projectToken: 'your-project-token' });
// api-client
import { ApiClient } from 'api-client';
const api: ApiClient = new ApiClient({ authToken: 'your-project-token' });
function was removed, use api.projects.list
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: ListProjects = {
organization: true,
languages: true
const projects: Project[] = await api.listProjects(options, config);
// api-client
const options: ProjectsListRequest = {
organization: true,
languages: true
const webhooks: Project[] = await api.projects.list(options, config);
function was removed, use api.import.json
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: Import = {
projectId: 'project-id',
importAsNew: true,
files: [
name: 'en.json',
content: {
type: 'json',
en: { headers: { name: 'Name' } }
const result: ImportResult = await api.import(options, config);
const id: string = result.result;
// api-client
const options: ImportJsonRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
json: { en: { headers: { name: 'Name' } } },
i18nOptions: {
importAsNew: true
fileOptions: {
name: 'en.json'
const file: File = await api.import.json(options, config);
const id: string = file.importBatch;
function was removed, use api.formats.list
function instead.
// ts-api
const formats: Format[] = await api.listFormats(config);
// api-client
const formats: Format[] = await api.formats.list(config);
function was removed, use api.files.list
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: ListFiles = {
projectId: 'project-id'
const files: FileResult[] = await api.listFiles(options, config);
// api-client
const options: FilesListRequest = {
project: 'project-id'
const files: File[] = await api.files.list(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.files.getContents
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: GetFileContents = {
projectId: 'project-id',
fileId: 'file-id',
lang: 'en'
const blob: Blob = await api.getFileContents(options, config);
// api-client
const options: FileGetContentsRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
file: 'file-id',
lang: 'en'
const blob: Blob = await api.files.getContents(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.files.listKeys
function instead. New function no
longer returns paginated result, it returns all keys and pagination is done automatically.
function was removed, use api.keys.update
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: UpdateKey = {
projectId: 'project-id',
keyId: 'key-id',
comment: 'comment'
await api.updateKey(options, config);
// api-client
const options: KeyUpdateRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
key: 'key-id',
comment: 'comment'
await api.keys.update(options, config);
function was removed, use api.keys.delete
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: DeleteKey = {
projectId: 'project-id',
keyId: 'key-id'
await api.deleteKey(options, config);
// api-client
const options: KeyDeleteRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
key: 'key-id'
await api.keys.delete(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.screenshots.list
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: ListScreenshots = {
projectId: 'project-id'
const screenshots: Screenshot[] = await api.listScreenshots(options, config);
// api-client
const options: ScreenshotsListRequest = {
project: 'project-id'
const screenshots: Screenshot[] = await api.screenshots.list(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.screenshots.listTags
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: ListScreenshotsTags = {
projectId: 'project-id'
const tags: Tag[] = await api.listScreenshotsTags(options, config);
// api-client
const options: ScreenshotsListTagsRequest = {
project: 'project-id'
const tags: ScreenshotTag[] = await api.screenshots.listTags(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.screenshots.create
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: PostScreenshot = {
projectId: 'project-id',
rawScreenshot: 'data:image/png;base64...'
const result: PostScreenhotsResult = await api.postScreenshots(options, config);
const id: string =;
// api-client
const options: ScreenshotCreateRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
encodedData: 'data:image/png;base64...'
const id: string = await api.screenshots.create(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.screenshots.updateImageData
// ts-api
const options: PostScreenshot = {
projectId: 'project-id',
screenshotId: 'screenshot-id',
rawScreenshot: 'data:image/png;base64...'
await api.postScreenshot(options, config);
// api-client
const options: ScreenshotUpdateImageDataRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
screenshot: 'screenshot-id',
encodedData: 'data:image/png;base64...'
await api.screenshots.updateImageData(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.screenshots.update
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: PutScreenshot = {
projectId: 'project-id',
screenshotId: 'screenshot-id',
screenshot: {
comment: 'comment'
await api.putScreenshot(options, config);
// api-client
const options: ScreenshotUpdateRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
screenshot: 'screenshot-id',
comment: 'comment'
await api.screenshots.update(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.screenshots.delete
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: DeleteScreenshot = {
projectId: 'project-id',
screenshotId: 'screenshot-id'
await api.deleteScreenshot(options, config);
// api-client
const options: ScreenshotDeleteRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
screenshot: 'screenshot-id'
await api.screenshots.delete(options, config);
function was removed, use api.webhooks.list
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: ListWebhooks = {
projectId: 'project-id'
const result: ListWebhooksResult = await api.listWebhooks(options, config);
const webhooks: Webhook[] = result.items;
// api-client
const options: WebhooksListRequest = {
project: 'project-id'
const webhooks: Webhook[] = await api.webhooks.list(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.webhooks.update
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: PostWebhooks = {
projectId: 'project-id',
webhooks: {
items: []
await api.postWebhooks(options, config);
// api-client
const options: WebhooksUpdateRequest = {
project: 'project-id',
items: []
await api.webhooks.update(options, config);
function was removed,
use api.webhooks.getSecret
function instead.
// ts-api
const options: GetWebhooksSecret = {
projectId: 'project-id'
const result: GetWebhooksSecretResult = await api.getWebhooksSecret(options, config);
const secret: string = result.secret;
// api-client
const options: WebhooksGetSecretRequest = {
project: 'project-id'
const secret: string = await api.webhooks.getSecret(options, config);