"redshift versus blueshift"
Quasar and emission line precise redshift fitting from prior
This package aims at measuring a precise redshift given a broad redshift prior. To do so the package, for each emission line or the full spectrum:
Runs a coarse chi2 scan as a function of redshift, using the input PCA+boradband Legendre polynomials
Finds three local minima
Does a finer chi2 scan in each minima
Defines the global PCA redshift, "ZPCA" from the best minimum of the three. ZPCA is a redshift estimator biased toward the computation of the PCA.
The redshift of the line, "ZLINE", is defined from the maximum of the best-fit model of the line. ZLINE is a redshift estimator un-biased toward the velocity of the line, but can be biased with respect to the cosmological redshift.
Chi2 scan vs. redshift | Best fit |
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To install simply clone the repository, add to your PATH and to your PYTHONPATH
git clone https://github.com/londumas/redvsblue
To get all available options:
redvsblue_lineFitter.py --help
To run on SDSS data, do:
--out <path_to_write_output>.fits
--in-dir $BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX/v5_13_0/
--drq DR12Q_v2_10.fits
--z-key Z_VI
--qso-pca <path_to_folder>/redvsblue/etc/rrtemplate-qso.fits
To run on DESI data, for example:
--out <path_to_write_output>.fits
--in-dir /project/projectdirs/desi/datachallenge/redwood/spectro/redux/redwood/spectra-64/
--drq /project/projectdirs/desi/datachallenge/redwood/spectro/redux/redwood/zcatalog-redwood-target-truth.fits
--z-key Z
--qso-pca <path_to_folder>/redvsblue/etc/rrtemplate-qso.fits
--data-format DESI
The output is a FITS file, with one HDU per redshift type:
- CAT, HDU=1: redshift prior
- PCA, HDU=2: PCA redshift
- HALPHA, HDU=3: redshift of the HALPHA line
- HBETA, HDU=4: redshift of the HBETA line
- MGII, HDU=5: redshift of the MGII line
- CIII, HDU=6: redshift of the CIII line
- CIV, HDU=7: redshift of the CIV line
- LYA, HDU=8: redshift of the LYA line
For each best fit readshift, the code gives the following quantities:
ZLINE: best fit redshift of the line according to maximum of PCA
ZPCA: best fit redshift according to PCA
ZERR: redshift error
ZWARN: redshift warning, use ZWARN=0 for reliable redshifts
CHI2: chi^2 of the best fit
DCHI2: Delta chi^2 against a Legendre polynomial, i.e. gives the significance of the redshift
NPIXBLUE: number of pixel on the blue side around the prior redshift
NPIXRED: number of pixel on the red side around the prior redshift
NPIX: total number of pixels around the prior redshift
NPIXBLUEBEST: number of pixel on the blue side around the best redshift
NPIXREDBEST: number of pixel on the red side around the best redshift
NPIXBEST: total number of pixels around the best redshift
SNR: mean signal-to-noise ratio per pixel in the spectral region used for measuring the redshift
RED vs BLUE, from Corridor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arg_aHzviQw