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File metadata and controls

622 lines (436 loc) · 17.2 KB

What is HTAML?

HTAML (Hypertext Advance Markup Language) is not a replacement for HTMX and "Javascript" but to give developers and idea of what HTML would be without "Javascript" by adding htaml attributes to dom elements.

This project was inspired by jscoding.

Note: Due to school and other projects that or not currently public on my github, the develepment process of this project will be slow.


  • If your lazy just download the htaml.js file from the dist folder.


  • The ($) symbol should only be used inside the "hscript" tag or the "htaml-run:hscript" attribute to retrieve value from a declared variable else might cause variable look up problems.

  • The fist argument for each htaml action can be a "htaml-dom:id". Using a "htaml-dom:id" is faster than using a "selector".

  • To prevent flickering of htaml elements on page load you can do as follow...

    . htaml-hide {
        display: none !important;
    <body class="htaml-hide"></body>
    <!-- After the dom is parsed the .htaml-hide class will be removed -->
  • Instead of using htaml-attribute, it can also be used as ...

    <!-- shorter forms = h-,ht- or hta- -->
    <div h-dom:data="{}" ht-dom:data="{}" hta-dom:data="{}" htaml-dom:data="{}"></div>

htaml-on attribute

Use to trigger events on a dom element.

  • :trigger - Add a event to a element.

The :trigger action

Triggers an event on a element.

Note: All default html events can be used.


on_trigger: Fires when the element is triggered

  • once - trigger the event once.

delay: delay the trigger by seconds or milliseconds.


Here is some examples

<button h-on:trigger="click"></button>

<!-- only use when submitting forms -->
<button h-on:trigger="submit"></button>

<!-- event only fires once -->
<button h-on:trigger="click on_trigger:once"></button>

<!-- delay in seconds or milliseconds -->
<button h-on:trigger="click delay:3s"></button>
<button h-on:trigger="click delay:3ms"></button>

htaml-dom attribute

Use to manipulate the dom and elements.

  • :id - This is is for the first argument for all htaml-dom attributes.

  • :switch - Give a tab like feeling.

  • :bindto - Allows one way data binding.

  • :proc - Process a html element with HTAML attributes.

  • :ignore - Skip processing of element.

  • :swap - Replaces the contents of a element with the content from a get request.

  • :cloak - Hide a element on the DOM.

  • :data - Used to store data.

  • :text - Set the text content of the element.

The :bindto action

Use to bind to a input element.


Binding using "input[name]" selector.

<!-- element to bind to, when the value of this element changes, the changes will reflect on the other element -->
<input h-on:trigger="keyup" name="first_name">

<input h-dom:bindto="first_name" type="text" name="name" placeholder="Last Name" minlength="3">

Binding using htaml-dom:id.

<!-- element to bind to, when the value of this element changes, the changes will reflect on the other element -->
<input h-dom:id="domIdCanBeUsed" h-on:trigger="keyup"  name="first_name">

<input h-dom:bindto="domIdCanBeUsed" type="text" name="lastName" placeholder="Last Name" minlength="3">

The :switch action

Only allows one element to be visible at a time on the DOM.

Note: This action can't be used without modifiers.


attr - a common attribute amoung the elements. Used to switch between target.

  • attr:your_attribute

active - set the current switch element as active by applying a css class

  • active:your_class_name

Here is an example using tabs.

    <li class="tabactive" h-on:trigger="click" h-dom:switch="ui attr:tab active:tabactive">Ui</li>
    <li h-on:trigger="click" h-dom:switch="web attr:tab active:tabactive">Web </li>
    <li h-on:trigger="click" h-dom:switch="bots attr:tab active:tabactive">Bots</li>
    <li h-on:trigger="click" h-dom:switch="shell attr:tab active:tabactive">Shell</li>

<section h-dom:id="ui" tab></section>
<section h-dom:id="web" tab></section>
<section h-dom:id="bots" tab></section>
<section h-dom:id="shell" tab></section>

The :data action

Can be used to declare variables. All variables or evaluated as javascript.


  • The $ symbol can't be used inside the data attribute.
  • Similar keys gets overritten.
  • A key inside the data object should not have a number value.

Here is a example declaring variables.

<header h-dom:data="{name:'Jaedan Willis',year_born:1998,thisYear:2023}">
    <p h-dom:text="'My name is ',name,' and i was born in ',year_born,' not ',thisYear"></p>

Here is a example of a overwritten variable.

<header h-dom:data="{var1:'hi there'}">
    <p h-dom:data="{var1:'Wagwaan'}" h-dom:text="var1"></p> <!-- inner text will be Wagwaan -->

The :swap action

Swaps the content of a element with the requests content.

Note: Swapping the root html outter contents will not work, however the inner contents will be replaced instead. If a title is found in the swap content it will be used as the title.


replace: Placement of the swap content.

  • outter - swap the outter content of the element.

  • inner - swap the inner contents of the element.


Here is a example of swapping.

<!-- swaps the response content in this current element -->
<body h-on:trigger="click" h-req:get="" h-dom:swap="swap">Press Me To Swap</body>

<!-- You can also swap a html file from disk. -->
<section h-on:trigger="click" h-req:get="swap.html" h-dom:swap="swap">Press Me To Swap</section>

Here is a example of swapping the inner/outter html of a element.

<!-- the target element -->
<body h-dom:id="target"></body>

<!-- swapping the inner content of this element  -->
<section h-on:trigger="click" h-req:get="" h-dom:swap="this">Swap Outter</section>

<!-- swapping the outter html of the target  -->
<button h-on:trigger="click" h-req:get="" h-dom:swap="target replace:outter">Swap Outter</button>

<!-- swapping the inner html of the target   -->
<button h-on:trigger="click" h-req:get="" h-dom:swap="target replace:inner">Swap Inner</button>

The :cloak action

Can be use to hide a element on the DOM.

<!-- Set the opacity of a element to 0 -->
<input  h-dom:cloak="cloak" type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="First Name" minlength="3">

<!-- Un-render the element from the DOM -->
<input  h-dom:cloak="hide" type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="First Name" minlength="3">

The :proc action

Use to process a DOM element with htaml attributes.

Note: The "htaml-dom:ignore" and the "htaml-dom:cloak" attributes or remove before the element is processed.


on_process: Runs after the element has been processes.

  • scroll - scroll to the bottom of the content.

  • replace - replace the process element with a clone version of itself.


Show 10 users everytime the button is clicked.

 <button h-dom:proc="users">Generate Random Users</button>

    h-on:trigger="click delay:500ms"
    h-dom:proc="users on_process:replace">Generate Random Users

<div h-dom:id="users" h-dom:cloak="cloak" h-dom:ignore="all"
    h-req:get="" h-req:out="rusers"
    h-run:if="this.response.status == 200 && rusers.results"
    h-run:for="person in rusers.results" id="projects__tabs-content">

    <div id="projects__project">
        <div id="projects__img">
            <img h-dom:src="person.picture.large" h-dom:alt="" />
        <div id="projects__info">
            <h3 h-dom:text=",'.',,&#32,"></h3>
                <p h-dom:text="person.location.timezone.description"></p>
        <div id="projects__link"><a h-dom:href="person.picture.large" target="_blank"

Everytime the button is clicked, 10 users or append on the element.

 <button h-dom:proc="users">Generate Random Users</button>

    h-on:trigger="click delay:500ms"
    h-dom:proc="users">Generate Random Users

<div h-dom:id="users" h-dom:cloak="cloak" h-dom:ignore="all"
    h-req:get="" h-req:out="rusers"
    h-run:if="this.response.status == 200 && rusers.results"
    h-run:for="person in rusers.results" id="projects__tabs-content">

    <div id="projects__project">
        <div id="projects__img">
            <img h-dom:src="person.picture.large" h-dom:alt="" />
        <div id="projects__info">
            <h3 h-dom:text=",'.',,&#32,"></h3>
                <p h-dom:text="person.location.timezone.description"></p>
        <div id="projects__link"><a h-dom:href="person.picture.large" target="_blank"

The ignore action

Tells the htaml stepper to skip proccessing of this element or childerns.

<!-- ignores the current element, all child elements will be processed -->
 <div h-dom:ignore="this"  id="projects__ideas"> </div>

 <!-- ignores the current element and its childrens-->
<div h-dom:ignore="all"  id="projects__ideas"></div>

The :text action and default html attributes

Used to set the innerText of a DOM element.


As like the text action, any default html attributes can also be used with the htaml-dom: attribute.


Text example.

<section h-dom:data="{msg:'Wagwaan'}">
    <div h-dom:text="msg,' ',it's me!!!"></div>

Accessing default attributes.

<section h-dom:data="{link:'',placeHolder:'Enter text here',link_text:'Google'}">
    <a h-dom:href="link" h-dom:text="link_text"></a>
    <input h-dom:placeholder="placeHolder"></input>
    <img h-dom:alt="link_text" h-dom:src="link"></img>

htaml-req/areq attribute

Can be use to perform synchronous/asynchronous requesst.

  • :data - data to be sent to sever.

  • :out - output result to a variable.

  • :config - used to configure the request.

  • :get - perform a GET request.

  • :post - perform a POST request.

The :out action

Used to output the response to a variable.

<div h-req:get="" h-req:out="yourVariable"></div>

The :config action

Used to configuring the request.

Note: Requests must be configured before sending.


Cconfigureing request.


The :get/post action

Used to perform http requests.


Sending a get sync/async request.

<!-- synchronous requests -->
<div h-req:get=""></div>

<!-- asynchronous request -->
<div h-areq:get=""></div>

Making a post sync/async request.

<!-- sending sysynchronous requests -->
<div h-req:data="{name:'Jaedan Willis'}" h-req:post=""></div>

<!-- forms sending sysynchasynchronousronous requests -->
<div h-req:data="{name:'Jaedan Willis'}" h-areq:post=""></div>

Here is a perfect example submititng a form

  • Note: For form submission to work, "htaml-dom:id='form'" should be on the form tag and "htaml-on:trigger='submit'" on the button tag. Use "htaml-dom:ignore='this'" to stop the elment from been proccess. On submission the form will be processed.
Since each htaml attributes or process in order, i used the h-dom:ignore="this" to stop processing of the form div.
After form submission the h-dom:ignore attribute will be removed so it can be processed.
<form class="form" h-dom:id="form" h-dom:ignore="this" h-req:post="">
    <div class="form--header">
    <div class="form--content form--content--single">
        <div id="form__one">
            <div class="form--group">
                <input type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="First Name"  minlength="3">
            <div class="form--group">
                <input  type="text" name="lastName" placeholder="Last Name" minlength="3">
            <div class="form--group">
                <input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Email Address">
            <div class="form--group">
                <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" minlength="6">

    <div class="form--footer">
        <button h-on:trigger="submit">Register</button>

htaml-run attribute

Used to perform if statements and for loops.

  • :if - verify a condition

  • :for - performs loops over arrays

  • :hscript - allows inline code

The :hscript action

Similar to the hscript tag but can be used to execute inline code on a element.

Note: To get a declared variable u must used the ($) symbol.

<div h-run:hscript="document.getElementById('contact').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth' })"></div>

To get access to the result, return it. The result is stored in a variable called (hscript)

<p h-run:hscript="return new Date().getFullYear()" h-dom:text="hscript"></p> <!-- result will be the current year -->

The :if action

The if action is use to toggle elements on and off on the dom if the result is true.

Note: The if action automatically removes the element from the DOM and removes the dom:cloak attribute if added.

<div h-run:if="document.body.querySelector('div')"></div>

Using "htaml-run:if" to check if response is the required length.

    h-run:if="users.length && users.length == 30"
    h-run:for="user in users"

    <p h-dom:text="users[0].id"></p>

The :for action

The for action allows you perform loops. This action MUST be declared on a element that MUST contain root element/elements.

Note: After each for loop, the "h-dom:cloak" attribute is remove off each element if added.


Looping over a list.

<section id="skills" class="observer">
        const skills = [
                'name': 'Mobile App Skills',
                'skills': [
                    'Android Studio'
        return skills;

    <div h-run:for="skill in skills" id="skills__cards">
        <div id="skills__card">
            <h3 h-dom:text=""></h3>
            <ul h-run:for="name in skill.skills">
                <li h-dom:text="name"></li>

Getting access to the index.

<!-- through a supplier variable called (i) -->
<div h-run:for="skill in skills" id="skills__cards">
    <div id="skills__card">
        <h3 h-dom:text="skill.skills[i].name"></h3>

<!-- or defined your own index variable -->
<div h-run:for="skill in skills;x=index" id="skills__cards">
    <div id="skills__card">
        <h3 h-dom:text="skill.skills[x].name"></h3>

You can also decalare variables.

<div h-run:for="skill in skills;myVar='hi'" id="skills__cards">
    <div id="skills__card">
        <h3 h-dom:text="myVar"></h3>

<!-- you can also retrieve the value of a declared variable  -->
<section h-dom:data={a:1}>
        const b = 2;
        return b;

    <div h-run:for="id in your_list;x=index one=a two=$b" id="skills__cards">
        <div id="skills__card">
            <h3 h-dom:text="id,x,one,two"></h3>

HScript Tag

Used to declare javascript code.

Note: <hscript> tags can only contain one root level element. To get access to a declared variable inside the hscript tag,you simple return it. You can also get access to a declare variable by using the ($) symbol inside the hscript tag.

<div h-dom:data="{value:8}">
          const list = [6,70,90,4,$value,7].map((i) => i > $value)
          return list;

     <div h-dom:cloak="cloak" h-run:for="num in list">
          <p h-dom:text="num, + index =,' ',num+i"></p>