These are the repositories with the highest ratio of stars from programmers based in Paris:
- france.code-civil: Le code civil français sous git
- jurismatic:
- developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017
- ctop: Top-like tool for monitoring containers
- react-patterns: React Techniques & Patterns
- deep-photo-styletransfer: Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Trans...
- contrats-francais: Contrats français
- reactide:
- localstack: A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Devel...
- guetzli:
- dotfiles: Default configuration for Le Wagon's students
- bash-guide: Bare minimum you need know about bash
- MetroGit: Paris Metro lines on a Git graph
- create-react-native-app: (PREVIEW) Create a React Native app on any OS w...
- movies-for-hackers: 🎬 A curated list of movies every hacker & cyber...
- mastodon: A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server
- navitia: The open source software to build cool stuff wi...
- Caporal.js: A full-featured framework for building command ...
- rx-player: HTML5 video player with some reactive programmi...
- tatami: An Open Source enterprise social network
- redux-offline: ☕ Something brewing here. Come back later.
- python-fire: Python Fire is a library for automatically gene...
- stations: List of stations and associated metadata
- postal: A fully featured open source mail delivery plat...
- YellowLabTools: WebPerf and front-end quality testing tool