- Windows 7, R 3.3.0 (local)
- ubuntu 12.04, R 3.3.1 (on travis-ci)
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1 (on my DigitalOcean droplet)
One NOTE about the invalid CRAN URL of the package (the URL will be valid after being accepted to CRAN)
2016-07-25 Duncan Murdoch
Your DESCRIPTION file should give credit to all authors. In particular, the vis-timeline.min.js file contains uncredited source.
Please fix and resubmit.
Added author info to DESCRIPTION
2016-07-25 Duncan Murdoch
Thanks, on CRAN now
- Windows 7, R 3.3.1 (local)
- ubuntu 12.04, R 3.3.1 (on travis-ci)
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1 (on my DigitalOcean droplet)
No errors, warnings or notes
2016-08-24 Kurt Hornik
Thanks, on CRAN now
- Windows 7, R 3.3.1 (local)
- ubuntu 12.04, R 3.3.1 (on travis-ci)
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1 (on my DigitalOcean droplet)
added VignetteBuilder field to DESCRIPTION file as per CRAN's request
2016-08-29 Duncan Murdoch
Thanks, on CRAN now.
- Windows 7, R 3.3.1 (local)
- ubuntu 12.04, R 3.3.1 (on travis-ci)
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1 (on my DigitalOcean droplet)
no errors, warnings, or notes
2016-09-16 Uwe Ligges
Thanks, on CRAN now.
Next time (and now in your master sources), please single quote RStudio and other software names in your Description.