All volume rendering algorithms are found in cppvolrend/structured
. Assume we want to create a new renderer, which visualizes isosurfaces. We call it a ray-casting 1-pass isosurface renderer, or short rc1piso
. These steps need to be taken to add it:
- Create a new subfolder
and add some files: -
- Add the C++ files named
. Their content could come from one of the other algorithms, or be based onvolrendernull.cpp/h
- Add the C++ files named
- Add a compute shader called
- Add a compute shader called
- Edit
to add the new C++ files in the call toadd_executable()
. Follow the structure of the existing text there. - Run CMake. The files should now be part of your buildsystem and appear in your IDE.
- Include the new renderer in the list of renderers available to the program by adding a few lines in
// near the beginning of main.cpp ...
#include "structured/rc1piso/rc1pisorenderer.h"
// ... and in the main function
int main (int argc, char **argv)
RenderingManager::Instance()->AddVolumeRenderer(new RayCasting1PassIso());
You can now compile and test your new renderer.