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Offers codes to facilitate connections to databases in LSCode projects.

NuGet version (LSCode.DatabaseConnectors)


  • .Net Standard 2.1

Currently supported:

  • Relational databases

    • Firebird
    • MySQL
    • Oracle
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLite
    • SQL Server
  • Non-relational databases

    • MongoDB
    • Redis


  • FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
  • MongoDB.Driver
  • MySql.Data
  • Npgsql
  • Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core
  • StackExchange.Redis
  • System.Data.SqlClient
  • System.Data.SQLite.Core

Dependencies (Test projects):

  • Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
  • NUnit
  • NUnit3TestAdapter
  • NUnit.Analyzers
  • coverlet.collector

How to install:

  • Click on the following link and see here some ways to install: click here.

How to use Firebird:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.Firebird, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.Firebird, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly IFirebirdContext _context;

    public MyClass(IFirebirdContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use MongoDB:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.MongoDB, "connectionString", "databaseName");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.MongoDB, "connectionString", "databaseName");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly IMongoDBContext _context;

    public MyClass(IMongoDBContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use MySQL:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.MySQL, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.MySQL, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly IMySQLContext _context;

    public MyClass(IMySQLContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use Oracle:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.Oracle, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.Oracle, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly IOracleContext _context;

    public MyClass(IOracleContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use PostgreSQL:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.PostgreSQL, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.PostgreSQL, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly IPostgreSQLContext _context;

    public MyClass(IPostgreSQLContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use Redis:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.Redis, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.Redis, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly IRedisContext _context;

    public MyClass(IRedisContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use SQLite:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.SQLite, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.SQLite, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly ISQLiteContext _context;

    public MyClass(ISQLiteContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

How to use SQLServer:

First install the package, for example:

<PackageReference Include="LSCode.DatabaseConnectors" Version="x.x.x" />

In the file where the services used in the application are added (Startup.cs, Program.cs or others), you must import the following namespaces:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Enums;
using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Extensions;

Then add the following line to register the service:

services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.SQLServer, "connectionString");


builder.Services.AddDataContext(DatabaseManagementSystem.SQLServer, "connectionString");

In the file that you want to use the database connection context, you must import the following namespace:

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

The context contains a property called Connection. As its name implies, this property contains the connection to the configured database.

using LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.DataContexts.Interfaces;

namespace MyNamespace
  public class MyClass
    private readonly ISQLServerContext _context;

    public MyClass(ISQLServerContext context) => _context = context;

    public Task Delete(long id) => ... _context.Connection ...;

Connection string examples:

Database Connection String
Firebird Server=localhost; Database=C:\database.FDB; User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey;
MongoDB mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&appname=MongoDB%20Compass%20Community&ssl=false
MySQL SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=mysql; UID=root; PASSWORD=root;
Oracle User ID=SYSTEM;Password=root;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = xe)));Pooling=true;Connection Lifetime=300;Max Pool Size=20;
PostgreSQL Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=LSCode.DatabaseConnectors.Test;User Id=postgres;Password=root;
Redis localhost
SQLite Data Source=C:\database.sqlite;Version=3;
SQL Server Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=master;Data Source=PC\SQLEXPRESS;