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311 lines (265 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

311 lines (265 loc) · 10.1 KB

stackLoad - A tiny synchronous Javascript/JsonP/CSS module loader that simply does its job.

Marco "Lubber" Wienkoop

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browsers browsers mobile mobile


  • Checks for particular Javascript Logic/existing Objects in order to prevent loading already existing code which was not embedded using stackload
  • Avoids multiple embedding of same files
  • Files will be stacked and loaded synchronously after each other and a callback can be given for each stack
  • Logs missing files to the console if supported
  • Could cancel the whole stackload if just one file is missing
  • Guesses filetypes
  • Dynamic parameter handling
  • supports npm semver package naming and loads from jsdelivr
  • can autoload by a single stackload inclusion using a GET parameter
  • Vanilla Javascript: Does not need other libraries itself :)

This small library is especially useful if you want to provide something in one single js file without copying all dependency libraries into it, but still rely on external resources/CDNs, so your single js file stays small and the user does not need to implement or even know what other dependencies are needed to be embedded.
So this library is tiny enough to be embedded into your own single-js file library


  1. Implement one script tag or copy the code on top of your own library.
<script type="text/javascript" src="stackload.min.js"></script>
  1. Call it with an object of configuration. That's it

You can stack multiple callbacks each having a bunch of files and individual callbacks using the appending .then method


You can autoload files while including the stackload script

<script type="text/javascript" src="stackload.min.js?autoload=fomantic-ui@2.9.0/dist/semantic.min.css"></script>


The only Parameter stackLoad needs is either

  • a string of a filename
// use npm package nameing and stackload will load from jsdelivr CDN automatically
  • an array with strings of filenames
  • a fileObject
    url: 'foo.js'
  • a stackObject with additional features like callback functions for (un)successful loads
    files: ['foo.js','bar.css'],
    success: function(){...},
    error: function(e){...} 

fileObject Configuration

    url: 'domain.tld/folder@version',        
    check: 'window.jQuery',
    type: 'css'   

fileObject Properties

url: string (mandatory)

check: string
JS code as a string (! Because this could rely one some previous needed code loaded by stackLoad before) as a dependency if code perhaps already exists.

  • The (last) statement of the code needs to end with an expression (var a=1,b=2;b<0;) and not a return statement (var a=1,b=2;return b<0;). If that expression is either undefined/false/null then the appropriate file will be loaded
  • stackLoad has a little internal helper to get css style properties of a selector path. Just use the function cssProperties() within your JS Code
//cssProperties takes a css selector string and returns all style-object properties
    check: 'cssProperties("ui multiple foo bar classnames").backgroundImage==="none"'
  • Can be omitted, the file will be loaded immediately then.)

type: string
If omitted, stackLoad tries to guess it from a possible file extension. Otherwise assumes 'js' as default. Other possible values are:

  • css
  • jsonp
    Using jsonp assumes the url already has the probably needed callback function name as part of the url. stackLoad just adds a timestamp to the url to make sure it is not cached
  • Anything else is considered javascript.

noCache: boolean
Set to true if you definately want to skip cache-load for the file and force redownloading from the server

stackObject Properties

files: string | array() of strings | fileObject | array() of fileObjects
The files will be synchronously loaded in the order of the array. So take care of possible dependencies.

success: function()

  • Will be called once when all files of the files within the current stackObject have been loaded (regardless if a file was found or not)
  • Can be omitted

error: function(eventObject)

  • Will be called on each failed load within the current stackObject. The event object will be delivered to the function as a parameter
  • If the given function returns false then loading of all remaining files within the current stackObject will be cancelled. It's still possible to start another stackLoad again later.
  • Can be omitted

Internet Explorer does not trigger failing load events for css files!


Load a file.


Load a list of files.


The file type will be guessed according to file extension. JS will be assumed by default

    'main.js',                                   //-> detects js file
    'main.css',                                  //-> detects css file    
    'mainUpper.CSS',                             //-> detects css file    
    'foo.css?count=1',                           //-> detects css file
    'bar.JS?version=1.2.3#ubuntu',               //-> detects js file
    'http://domain.tld/folder/library@version'   //-> detects js file (because no extension available)

Loading URLs with unguessable file types which won't be JS files

        type: 'css'

Loading jsonp

        type: 'jsonp'

Prevent Caching / Force Server reload (automatically enabled for jsonp files)

        noCache: true

Call a function when all files are loaded

    files: [
    success: function(){
       console.log('loading finished'); 

Load jQuery only if not already available:

    files: {
        check: 'window.jQuery',
        url: '//'
    success: function(){
        // jQuery is available now
        $(function() {
            // ...

Load jQuery and Fomantic UI each having a different Callback using the .then method

    files: [{
        check: 'window.jQuery',
        url: '//'
    success: function(){
        // jQuery is available now
        $(function() {
            // ...
    files: [{
        check: 'jQuery().modal',
        url: '//'
    success: function(){
    // Fomantic UI is also available now

Check for a specific CSS property in order to load a css file (to not only rely on the filename)
In this example a HTML tag with assigned class "ui popup" should have an z-index of 1900 if fomantic ui css is already available

    files: [{
        check: 'parseInt(cssProperties("ui popup").zIndex,10)===1900',

Load jQuery, but load Fomantic UI at a later stage and ignore already loaded libraries

    check: 'window.jQuery',
    url: '//'

// ...
// Lot's of your code in between
// ...

// stackLoad remembers what it has already loaded,
// so it will skip loading jQuery from the same url again.
    files: [
         check: 'jQuery().modal',
         url: '//'
    success: function(){
     // Fomantic UI is also available now

Using the error method property

Internet Explorer does not trigger failing load events for css files!

Do something in case a file is missing

    files: ['foo.css','bar.js'],
    error: function(e){
        console.log('Missing file:',( :;

Cancel load in case a file is missing.
Simply return false in your function to make this happen.

    files: ['foo.css','bar.js'],
    error: function(e){
        console.log('Missing file:',( :;
        console.log('All remaining files will be cancelled!');
        return false;
