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Integrating the risk of natural disturbances into forest management using NFI data in Norway. A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions. Sundvolden Hotel, Norway. May 19-23, 2019. [pdf]
Optimal forest management in multi-purpose forestry under changing climate. EGU. Vienna. March, 2019. [pdf]
Integrating hazards for forest management and planning in Norway. Science afternoon. Institute of silviculture. BOKU. Vienna. January 11, 2018. [[pdf]({{ site.url }}/assets/docs/SciAfternoon_ODY_handout.pdf)]
Forest stand variables affecting break and uproot of trees after the occurrence of wind and snow damage. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, United States. August 6-11, 2017 [[pdf]({{ site.url }}/assets/docs/ESA17_OlallaDiazYanez.pdf)]
What makes a forest stand more vulnerable to snow and wind damage? 8th International Conference on Wind and Trees. Boulder, Colorado, United States. July 17-21, 2017.[[pdf]({{ site.url }}/assets/docs/WindConf_OlallaDiazYanez.pdf)]
What variables make a young forest stand more vulnerable to ungulate browsing occurrence? Conference: Forest Regeneration – IUFRO. Corvallis, Oregon, United States. Jul 11-13, 2017 [[pdf]({{ site.url }}/assets/docs/ForestRen_OlallaDiazYanez_.pdf)]
Poster 7th Spanish Forest Conference 2017 [Spanish] [[pdf]({{ site.url }}/assets/docs/ODY_poster_7CFE_A0.pdf)]