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luka177 edited this page Nov 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Garden_admin wiki!

This is garrden administaration system (at least i will use it as that). For now you can create new table (File-->New) it will ask for size of table, maximum is 5000x5000 (** you cant edit that**). Then you can see table in main window, if you put your pointer on some cell in table it will be highlighted with red. When you click that cell you will see new small window there you can choose image from list for now you will see "pyimagenumber" later will fix, you will see that image in window, you can enter "Name" in that window (just some text), you will see that name in main window when your pointer is on cell. You can Save (File-->Save as) then you will see file dialog where you will choose file location and name. Of course you can load with (File-->load). You can change sizes of cells with (File-->Set cell size) you will be promted for new size in new dialog. For now thats all.

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