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880 lines (774 loc) · 27.4 KB


Plugins defined in a list forming a pipeline of authentication schemes.

The first plugin to result in a 2XX response code will allow the request to be serviced. If all plugins fail, then by default the result from the final plugin defined in the config_token will be returned to the client. You can however alter that on a service-by-service basis by setting the fallback_plugin=plugin index (0 indexed) parameter on the authentication URL.

In addition, there are various pcb (plugin/pipeline circuit breakers) to do 2 distinct things:

  1. skip plugin execution based on the nature of the request
  2. stop pipeline execution based on the nature of the request or the plugin response

An example config_token:

    plugins: [
        type: "jwt",
        config: {
          secret: "foo"
        pcb: {
          skip: [
              query_engine: "jp",
              query: "$.req.headers.authorization",
              rule: {
                method: "regex",
                value: "/^bearer/i",
                negate: true
          stop: [
              query_engine: "jp",
              query: "$.req.headers.authorization",
              rule: {
                method: "regex",
                value: "/^bearer/i",
        type: "htpasswd",
        htpasswd: "...",
        pcb: {
          skip: [
              query_engine: "jp",
              query: "$.req.headers.authorization",
              rule: {
                method: "regex",
                value: "/^basic/i",
                negate: true
          stop: [
              query_engine: "jp",
              query: "$.req.headers.authorization",
              rule: {
                method: "regex",
                value: "/^basic/i",

The effect of the example is:

  • the jwt plugin will be skipped if the authorization header does not start with bearer
  • if the authorization does start with bearer it will be the last plugin to execute
  • ditto for the htpasswd plugin except with basic instead of bearer


Performs Basic authentiaction using a standard htpasswd file.

    type: "htpasswd",
    realm: "my realm", // optional
    htpasswd: "<password file data>" // ie: "foo:$apr1$P6l79L2I$yXjFNHLV.ZPiV86bZ73GI." be sure to properly escape for json if necessary



Performs Basic authentication using ldap lookups.

    type: "ldap",
    realm: "my realm", // optional
    session_cache_ttl: 900, // seconds to cache successful logins
    connection: {
        url: "...",
        log: false, // special handling to integrate with eas logging, simply set to true to turn on
        see details here:
        filter syntax here:
    assertions: {
        * custom userinfo assertions
        userinfo: [
                see for details

connection parameter details

  • searchFilter: be careful with whitespace between filters (ie: GOOD ()() BAD () ())
  • searchAttributes: only determines what returned, any field can be used in the searchFilter regardless of this setting, also note that computed fields like memberOf are not selected with the default "all" configuration
  • groupSearchBase: example ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
  • groupSearchFilter: can be used to limit which groups will be available in the _groups attribute
    • (cn=*) - include all groups in the _groups userinfo property
    • (member={{dn}}) include only groups the user is a member of


Verifies a jwt token sent as a Bearer token in the Authorization header.

    type: "jwt",
    realm: "my realm", // optional
    header_name: "Authorization", // optional
    scheme: "Bearer", // optional, if using a custom header_name without a scheme leave it blank
    config: {
        secret: "", // either the secret or full public key PEM data or jwks URL or empty if oidc features are enabled and jwks is available
        options: {
            see details here:
    oidc: {
      * enable oidc based features
      * enabling this assumes your oidc provider issues access_tokens as jwts (not required in the spec)
      * and that you want to leverage introspection and/or userinfo features
      enabled: false,
      issuer: {
          * via discovery (takes preference)
          //discover_url: "https://<provider>/.well-known/openid-configuration",

          * via manual definition
          //issuer: '',
          //authorization_endpoint: '',
          //token_endpoint: '',
          //userinfo_endpoint: '',
          //jwks_uri: '',
      client: {
          * manually defined (preferred)
          client_id: "...",
          client_secret: "..."

          * via client registration
          //registration_client_uri: "",
          //registration_access_token: "",
      features: {
        * check token validity with provider during assertion process
        introspect_access_token: false,

        * if introspect_access_token is true, how long in seconds to cache the result
        * if not a number greater than 0, the introspection endpoint will be requested *every* verify request
        introspect_expiry: 0,

        * fetch userinfo and include as X-Userinfo header to backing service
        fetch_userinfo: true,

        * how frequently to refresh userinfo data
        * true = expire when the token expires
        * false = always refresh (ie: do NOT cache)
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds
        userinfo_expiry: 30,

        * by default, X-Userinfo, and X-Access-Token are
        * returned to the proxy, you can suppress that behavior by adding
        * the headers you do **NOT** want here.
        filtered_service_headers: [],
    assertions: {
        * custom id_token assertions
        id_token: [
                see for details

        * custom userinfo assertions (only when oidc is enabled with fetch_userinfo)
        userinfo: [
                see for details


Verifies a firebase idToken.

    type: "firebase_jwt",
    realm: "my realm", // optional
    header_name: "Authorization", // optional
    scheme: "Bearer", // optional, if using a custom header_name without a scheme leave it blank
    config: {
        api_key: "...",
        project_id: "...",
        options: {
            checkRevoked: true, // if enabled also enable the fetch_userinfo feature and put a sane expiry (cache ttl)
            see details here:
            // issuer and audience are automatically validated
    features: {
        fetch_userinfo: true,
        userinfo_expiry: 30 // if > 0 userinfo will be cached (seconds)
    assertions: {
        * custom id_token assertions
        id_token: [
                see for details

        * custom userinfo assertions
        userinfo: [
                see for details


Initiates oauth Authorization Code Flow for authentication with any provider.

Some providers only allow a single active token per-user per-client_id. This can be a limitation if the same user is using multiple browsers/sessions.

Please read further details about configuration.

    type: "oauth2",
    issuer: {
        authorization_endpoint: '',
        token_endpoint: '',
    client: {
        client_id: "...",
        client_secret: "..."
    scopes: [],

    // custom authorization URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    // NOTE: all critical fields are managed automatically, this should only be used in advanced scenarios
    // ie:
    custom_authorization_parameters: {},

    // custom authorization code URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    // NOTE: all critical fields are managed automatically, this should only be used in advanced scenarios
    // ie:
    // -
    // -
    custom_authorization_code_parameters: {},

    // custom refresh URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    custom_refresh_parameters: {},

    // custom revoke URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    custom_revoke_parameters: {},

    * static redirect URI
    * if your oauth provider does not support wildcards place the URL configured in the provider (that will return to this proper service) here
    redirect_uri: "",
    features: {
        * how to expire the cookie
        * true = cookies expire will expire with tokens
        * false = cookies will be 'session' cookies
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds
        cookie_expiry: false,

        * how frequently to refresh userinfo data
        * true = refresh with tokens (assuming they expire)
        * false = never refresh
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds
        userinfo_expiry: true,

        * how long to keep a session (server side) around
        * true = expire with tokenSet (if applicable)
        * false = never expire
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds (enables sliding window)
        * sessions become a floating window *if*
        * - tokens are being refreshed
        * or
        * - userinfo being refreshed
        * or
        * - session_expiry_refresh_window is a positive number
        session_expiry: true,

        * window to update the session window based on activity if
        * nothing else has updated it (ie: refreshing tokens or userinfo)
        * should be a positive number less than session_expiry
        * For example, if session_expiry is set to 60 seconds and session_expiry_refresh_window value is set to 20
        * then activity in the last 20 seconds (40-60) of the window will 'slide' the window
        * out session_expiry time from whenever the activity occurred
        session_expiry_refresh_window: 86400,

        * will re-use the same id (ie: same cookie) for a particular client if a session has expired
        session_retain_id: true,

        * if the access token is expired and a refresh token is available, refresh
        refresh_access_token: true,

        * which token (if any) to send back to the proxy as the Authorization Bearer value
        * note the proxy must allow the token to be passed to the backend if desired
        * possible values are access_token, or refresh_token
        authorization_token: "access_token",

        * by default, X-Id-Token, X-Userinfo, and X-Access-Token are
        * returned to the proxy, you can suppress that behavior by adding
        * the headers you do **NOT** want here.
        filtered_service_headers: [],

        * fetch userinfo and include as X-Userinfo header to backing service
        * only helpful if your specific provider has been implemented
        fetch_userinfo: true,

        * if you have a supported provider and want to assert or send userinfo via header
        * select the correct provider here
        userinfo: {
            provider: "github",
            config: {
                fetch_teams: true,
                fetch_organizations: true,
                fetch_emails: true

        logout: {
          * Tokens to revoke with the provider on logout
          * can be id_token, access_token, and refresh_token depending on provider support
          revoke_tokens_on_logout: [],
    assertions: {
        * assert the token(s) has not expired
        exp: true,

        * custom userinfo assertions
        userinfo: [
                see for details
    //xhr detection is determind by the presence of an 'origin' header OR X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
    xhr: {
        //defaults to 302 but could be set to anything
        //if set to 401 the response will include a WWW-Authenticate header with proper realm/scopes
        //redirect_http_code: 302,

        //if set to true, the browser will be redirected to the referer
        //use_referer_as_redirect_uri: true
    csrf_cookie: {
        //enabled: true, //can disable the use of csrf cookies completely
        //domain: "", //defaults to request domain, could do sso with more generic domain
        //path: "/",
        //httpOnly: true,
        //secure: false,
        //sameSite: lax,
    cookie: {
        //name: "_my_company_session",//default is _oeas_oauth_session
        //domain: "", //defaults to request domain, could do sso with more generic domain
        //path: "/",
        //httpOnly: true,
        //secure: false,
        //sameSite: lax,
    // see for details
    custom_error_headers: {},
    custom_service_headers: {},


Initiates OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow for authentication with any provider.

Some providers only allow a single active token per-user per-client_id. This can be a limitation if the same user is using multiple browsers/sessions.

Please read further details about configuration.

    type: "oidc",
    issuer: {
        * via discovery (takes preference)
        //discover_url: "https://<provider>/.well-known/openid-configuration",

        * via manual definition
        //issuer: '',
        //authorization_endpoint: '',
        //token_endpoint: '',
        //userinfo_endpoint: '',
        //jwks_uri: '',
    client: {
        * manually defined (preferred)
        client_id: "...",
        client_secret: "..."

        * via client registration
        //registration_client_uri: "",
        //registration_access_token: "",
    scopes: ["openid", "email", "profile"], // must include openid

    // custom authorization URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    // NOTE: all critical fields are managed automatically, this should only be used in advanced scenarios
    // ie:
    custom_authorization_parameters: {},

    // custom authorization code URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    // NOTE: all critical fields are managed automatically, this should only be used in advanced scenarios
    // ie:
    // -
    // -
    custom_authorization_code_parameters: {},

    // custom refresh URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    custom_refresh_parameters: {},

    // custom revoke URL parameters
    // values can be handlebars syntax with access to `req` and `parentReqInfo` objects (see examples/parent_request_info.json)
    custom_revoke_parameters: {},

    * static redirect URI
    * if your oauth provider does not support wildcards place the URL configured in the provider (that will return to this proper service) here
    redirect_uri: "",
    features: {
        * how to expire the cookie
        * true = cookies expire will expire with tokens
        * false = cookies will be 'session' cookies
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds
        cookie_expiry: false,

        * how frequently to refresh userinfo data
        * true = refresh with tokens (assuming they expire)
        * false = never refresh
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds
        userinfo_expiry: true,

        * how long to keep a session (server side) around
        * true = expire with tokenSet (if applicable)
        * false = never expire
        * num seconds = expire after given number of seconds (enables sliding window)
        * sessions become a floating window *if*
        * - tokens are being refreshed
        * or
        * - userinfo being refreshed
        * or
        * - session_expiry_refresh_window is a positive number
        session_expiry: true,

        * window to update the session window based on activity if
        * nothing else has updated it (ie: refreshing tokens or userinfo)
        * should be a positive number less than session_expiry
        * For example, if session_expiry is set to 60 seconds and session_expiry_refresh_window value is set to 20
        * then activity in the last 20 seconds (40-60) of the window will 'slide' the window
        * out session_expiry time from whenever the activity occurred
        session_expiry_refresh_window: 86400,

        * will re-use the same id (ie: same cookie) for a particular client if a session has expired
        session_retain_id: true,

        * if the access token is expired and a refresh token is available, refresh
        refresh_access_token: true,

        * fetch userinfo and include as X-Userinfo header to backing service
        fetch_userinfo: true,

        * check token validity with provider during assertion process
        introspect_access_token: false,

        * if introspect_access_token is true, how long in seconds to cache the result
        * if not a number greater than 0, the introspection endpoint will be requested *every* verify request
        * NOTE: the cache is stored on a per-eas-session basis vs a per-token (jti) basis
        introspect_expiry: 0,

        * which token (if any) to send back to the proxy as the Authorization Bearer value
        * note the proxy must allow the token to be passed to the backend if desired
        * possible values are id_token, access_token, or refresh_token
        authorization_token: "access_token",

        * by default, X-Id-Token, X-Userinfo, and X-Access-Token are
        * returned to the proxy, you can suppress that behavior by adding
        * the headers you do **NOT** want here.
        filtered_service_headers: [],

        logout: {
          * Tokens to revoke with the provider on logout
          * can be id_token, access_token, and refresh_token depending on provider support
          revoke_tokens_on_logout: [],

          // details:
          "end_provider_session": {
            "enabled": false,
            "post_logout_redirect_uri": ""

          // details:
          "backchannel": {
            // NOTE: this value can be altered instance-wide with the env var EAS_BACKCHANNEL_LOGOUT_CONFIG
            // see doc above for more details
            "enabled": false
    assertions: {
        * assert the token(s) has not expired
        exp: true,

        * assert the 'not before' attribute of the token(s)
        nbf: true,

        * assert the correct issuer of the token(s)
        iss: true,

        * custom userinfo assertions
        userinfo: [
                see for details

        * custom id_token assertions
        id_token: [
                see for details

        * custom access_token assertions
        access_token: [
                see for details
    //xhr detection is determind by the presence of an 'origin' header OR X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
    xhr: {
        //defaults to 302 but could be set to anything
        //if set to 401 the response will include a WWW-Authenticate header with proper realm/scopes
        //redirect_http_code: 302,

        //if set to true, the browser will be redirected to the referer
        //use_referer_as_redirect_uri: true
    csrf_cookie: {
        //enabled: true, //can disable the use of csrf cookies completely
        //domain: "", //defaults to request domain, could do sso with more generic domain
        //path: "/",
        //httpOnly: true,
        //secure: false,
        //sameSite: lax,
    cookie: {
        //name: "_my_company_session",//default is _oeas_oauth_session
        //domain: "", //defaults to request domain, could do sso with more generic domain
        //path: "/",
        //httpOnly: true,
        //secure: false,
        //sameSite: lax,
    // see for details
    custom_error_headers: {},
    custom_service_headers: {},


Proxy the response from another external/forward authentication service.

    type: "forward",
    url: "",
    allow_insecure: false // self-signed certs


Checks the request headers to allow the request. It operates as a logical OR meaning, as soon as a matched value is found for ANY of the specified headers the request is allowed.

Be sure your reverse proxy is passing the appropriate headers to the service.

    type: "request_header",
    headers: {
        "X-FooBar": ["value1", "value2", ...],
        "X-FooBaz": "other value"


Is a powerful plugin to essentially build your own plugin. Due to the level of trust required between the deployment of the service and those issuing config_tokens the request_js plugin is only available if the EAS_ALLOW_EVAL environment variable has been set. The plugin receives direct access to eas internals and can execute arbitrary code on the server including process.exit() etc. You have been warned :)

Having said all that, great power comes from this plugin. The context of the invoked code will have access to several variables:

  • req - the object representing the request to the eas server, this includes access to request headers
  • res - the mock response object used by eas internally for all plugins. This primarily can/will be used to set the plugin's statusCode and any appropriate headers
  • configToken - the decoded config_token for the request
  • plugin - the invoked instance of the request_js plugin. Mostly useful to invoke various util methods and access the core eas server instance if necessary
  • parentReqInfo - this is contains details about the request to the reverse proxy (as opposed to eas itself). For example, the original request method and uri parsed etc.
    type: "request_js",
    "snippet": "...javascript code...",

A common use-case for this plugin would be to selectively allow public endpoints to be authenticated without going through the normal pipeline.

# allow request based on VERB
"snippet": "if (parentReqInfo.method == 'GET') res.statusCode = 200;",

# allow request based on HOST + PATH
"snippet": "if ( == '' && parentReqInfo.parsedUri.path == '/public/endpoint') res.statusCode = 200;",

# setting a header
"snippet": "res.setHeader('foo', 'bar');",


Checks the request parameters to allow the request. It operates as a logical OR meaning, as soon as a matched value is found for ANY of the specified params the request is allowed.

    type: "request_param",
    params: {
        "auth_param1": ["value1", "value2", ...],
        "auth_param1": "other value"


Helpful if you want to only do header injection. For example inject a static jwt to a backing service.

    type: "noop",
    status_code: 200 // optional, can be used with pcb, etc to conditionally return failure codes