All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #24 Fix 'window is undefined' bug for UMD @colw
- Fix api.get.tx(hash) not working because of an unhandled response format @faboweb
- Updated to support newest SDK version @faboweb
- Added collective validatorSigningInfos endpoint @faboweb
- Added minting endpoints @faboweb
- Export some lower level api calls to make it easier to integrate into other libs @faboweb
- Return included transaction @faboweb
- Made repo CI ready @faboweb
- Renamed module to cosmos-api @faboweb
- Fixed depositing message @faboweb
- Updated axios @faboweb
- Fixed not all validators being loaded @faboweb
- Fixed inclusion check @faboweb
- Fix inclusion check @faboweb
- Check for errors on already broadcased transactions @faboweb
- Increase gas adjustment to 1.5 @faboweb
- Fixed premature success message on tx inclusion failure @faboweb
- Added simsala release tool @faboweb
- Increase simulated gas by a factor of 1.2 as a recommendation of the SDK team @faboweb
- Properly handle synchronous signers @faboweb