In VSCode, click File > Open Folder and open the cvpadmin folder Next, make a new directory and clone the repo using the following commands
mkdir git-projects
cd git-projects
git clone
Click File > Open Folder and open cvpadmin/git-projects/AHM-ADC
install the correct versions of the requirements using the following commands
pip install -r .devcontainer/requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy collection install -r .devcontainer/requirements.yml --force
Check to make sure the following is installed under the root user using the following command
ansible-galaxy collection list
Collection Version
---------------------------------------- -------
ansible.netcommon 7.0.0
ansible.posix 1.5.4
arista.avd 4.8.0
arista.cvp 3.10.1
arista.eos 10.0.0
community.general 9.1.0
Finally, install zsh
sh -c "$(wget -O-" -- \
-t robbyrussell \
-p git \
-p ssh-agent \
-a 'alias pip="pip3"' \
-a 'alias python="python3"'
type 'zsh' at the shell to open Zsh shell
Verify tun0 interface is up and configured wsith
When initially building the tools-server, the IP will be active. After restarting the lab,
you may find the IP is missing on tun0
You can add it manually each time with the following command:
ip addr add dev tun0
Or you can edit the /etc/rc.local file and add the above line at the top of the file.
/etc/rc.local will look like this:
# Check if vx-tun0 exists and delete it
if ip link show vx-tun0 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
ip link delete vx-tun0
# Check if tun0 exists and delete it
if ip link show tun0 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
ip link delete tun0
# Add the new veth pair
ip link add dev vx-tun0 type veth peer name tun0
ip link set dev tun0 up
ip link set dev vx-tun0 up
ip addr add dev tun0