Controller Addresses: 102F48A8, 1F604EA0, and 1F604F4C.
Value | Keypress |
00008000 | A |
00001000 | Y |
00002000 | X |
00004000 | B |
00000004 | - |
00000008 | + |
00010000 | TV |
00000010 | R |
00000040 | ZR |
00000020 | L |
00000080 | ZL |
00000002 | Home |
00000100 | D-Pad Down |
00000800 | D-Pad Left |
00000200 | D-Pad Up |
00000400 | D-Pad Right |
01000000 | Right Stick Up |
02000000 | Right Stick Right |
04000000 | Right Stick Left |
00800000 | Right Stick Down |
00040000 | Right Stick Button |
10000000 | Left Stick Up |
20000000 | Left Stick Right |
40000000 | Left Stick Left |
08000000 | Left Stick Down |
00020000 | Left Stick Button |
Different button-combinations can be calculated. For example, if you want to figure out what the value of pressing the R key while holding down the A key would be, you would simply add the value of A to the value of R. R+A: 00008000 + 00000010 = 00008010. Same thing applies for the Pro Controller Button Activators below.
Controller Addresses: 10795C70, 1F5F7E7C, 1F5F7F6C, 1F5F805C, and 1F5F814C
Value | Keypress |
00000010 | A |
00000020 | Y |
00000008 | X |
00000040 | B |
00001000 | - |
00000400 | + |
00000200 | R |
00000004 | ZR |
00002000 | L |
00000080 | ZL |
00000800 | Home |
00004000 | D-Pad Down |
00000002 | D-Pad Left |
00000001 | D-Pad Up |
00008000 | D-Pad Right |
02000000 | Right Stick Up |
00800000 | Right Stick Right |
00400000 | Right Stick Left |
01000000 | Right Stick Down |
00010000 | Right Stick Button |
00200000 | Left Stick Up |
00080000 | Left Stick Right |
00040000 | Left Stick Left |
00100000 | Left Stick Down |
00020000 | Left Stick Button |