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Sliding Brick Puzzle

Solving a brick puzzle with different search algorithms


This repository contains a C++ implementation of different search algorithms to solve a Sliding Brick Puzzle. The goal of the puzzle is to get the "master brick" to the exit by shifting bricks around. The concept is illustrated in the image below.

The puzzle proved to be a good testing ground for applying search algorithms and evaluating them.



NOTE: see /doc folder for a more detailed documentation!

The game world is represented by a 2D grid. Every brick is a number. The example puzzle from the Abstract translates to the following.

The following table describes the meaning of each value.

Value Description
-1 exit (goal)
0 empty field
1 wall
2 master brick
>2 each of the other bricks

The C++ code is mainly divided into four classes. The 2D grid for example is implemented in the class "Matrix". Find a list of all classes and their functionalities below.

Class Description
Matrix Represents the state of a puzzle. It's width, height and all the cells values
Node Represents a node in a tree. It holds the current state of the puzzle (Matrix) as well as a reference to it's parent node
CostNode Represents a node with a weight (cost) in a tree. The class is derived from Node. The only extension is a member variable that holds the cost. This node is used for the A* search algorithm
Search Encapsulates the search algorithms, functions to run them and print their results

The code is purposely designed to be modular to be able to add new algorithms without a hitch.

How do i run this code?


CMake, GCC and C++11

Running the code

Clone or download the repository.

Run CMake in the top level directory where the file "CMakeLists.txt" is

$ cmake .

Then create an executable named sbp

$ make

Run the executable

$ ./sbp

By default, this will run all search algorithms on the first two level and give you something like the following output (depending on your machine). Change the main.cpp and all the other files as you need/like

----- level0 -----
#nodes: 19  time: 0.001s  length: 5
#nodes: 10  time: 0s  length: 9
#nodes: 82  time: 0.003s  length: 5
A* manhatten
#nodes: 14  time: 0.001s  length: 5
A* blocking
#nodes: 12  time: 0s  length: 5

----- level1 -----
#nodes: 100  time: 0.024s  length: 16
#nodes: 69  time: 0.021s  length: 49
#nodes: 37060  time: 98.451s  length: 16
A* manhatten
#nodes: 93  time: 0.019s  length: 16
A* blocking
#nodes: 89  time: 0.055s  length: 16

#nodes = the number of nodes that were explored during the search

time = time needed to find the solution

length = number of moves necessary to get to the solution (i.e. the length of the solution)

The actual moves that solve the level and hide behind the length parameter can be printed to the console when passing true to the function Search::printResults in main.cpp.


Note: the levels are not necessarily always increasing in difficulty with their number in the name of the file!

A test run on level1.txt gives the following data.

BFS DFS IDDFS A* Manhatten A* blocking
#nodes 110 64 33038 93 88
time 0.002 0.002 8.673 0.002 0.002
length 16 60 16 16 16

The optimal solution length is 16, which every algorithm except for the DFS found. The DFS is a complete, but non-optimal search in this case. It is worth mentioning, that the IDDFS searches the most nodes, due to it's nature of always starting at the root node again after hitting the current depth limit. Therefore, the number of explored nodes contains many duplicates! Although this search is complete and optimal after all, the algorithm does not seem feasible for more complex levels. The A* blocking algorithm yields the best results because it finds the optimal solution by exploring the fewest nodes in the process.

To give a little more insight on runtimes, here are example runtimes for all algorithms for the first four levels. If not indicated otherwise, the runtime is denoted in seconds.

BFS DFS IDDFS A* Manhatten A* blocking
level0 0 0 0 0 0
level1 0.002 0.002 8.673 0.002 0.002
level2 0.389 0.023 >1 h 0.138 0.020
level3 0.518 0.077 ?? 0.671 0.660

It is also worth comparing the A* algorithm with both heuristic options, the Manhatten distance and the blocking heuristic. The following table compares the two heurstics for all levels.

Both heuristic functions output the optimal solution (length). The number of explored nodes and the time can be used to calculate the percentage of nodes reduced and the Speedup, respectively.

The blocking heuristic does not provide a general Speedup of a fixed value. The best Speedup was measured for level2 at 10.61, because this level contains more zero cells than others. The blocking heuristic profits a lot from this! In case of level10 the Speedup is almost non-existent, because the number of explored nodes could only be reduced by a few compared to the Manhatten distance.