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Extract structured data from HN job threads

Extract structured data from free text in Hacker News who is hiring monthly threads, using HN and OpenAI APIs.

The structured output will look like:

example of structured output

Demo. Yes the progress bar slow down at the end, because some concurrent threads are slower 🤷


Dependencies: jq, openai, rich, tenacity

# Use poetry, or:
[[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]] && brew install jq || apt install jq
python3 -m pip install -U openai rich tenacity

Threads from January to June are uploaded in archive/ (PR welcome to add more).


# HN item id of latest hiring thread
export THREAD_ID="35424807"

# Set your OpenAI API key
export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."

# Fetch comments from HN api

# Process each comments, will save to output.jsonl
# Cost about $0.07 for 350 comments (size of latest HN thread), using gpt-4o-mini
# Take about 30s
./ "comments_$THREAD_ID.json" [--output output.jsonl] [--max-parallel-requests 64]

# Or combined, will save the result under archive/NAME_OF_RESULTING_FILE.jsonl.tar.gz



Example of post-processing, extract all salaries and convert from source currency to USD:

from pathlib import Path
import json
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd

raw = [json.loads(x) for x in Path("output.jsonl").read_text().splitlines()]

# Get the first role for all comment with roles listed
df = pd.DataFrame([
        x["model_output"] | x["model_output"]["roles"][0]
    ) for x in raw if (
        x["status"] == "OK" and len(x["model_output"]["roles"]) > 0

# Only keep entries with salary
df = df[~df.salary.isna()]

# Do nothing fancy, just ignore what is not numerical
df.salary = pd.to_numeric(df.salary, errors="coerce")
df = df[(~df.salary.isna()) & (df.salary > 0)]

# Get current forex rate, courtesy of
_f = urllib.request.urlopen("")
rates_to_usd = json.load(_f)["usd"]

# Assuming missing currency is USD
df.loc[df.currency.isna(), "currency"] = "USD"
df["currency"] = df["currency"].apply(str.lower)

# Convert
def convert_currency(x):
    if x["currency"] != "usd" and x["currency"] in rates_to_usd:
        return round(x["salary"] / rates_to_usd[x["currency"]], 2)
    return x["salary"]
df["salary_in_usd"] = df.T.apply(convert_currency)

# Show top salaries
print(df[["name", "salary_in_usd", "job_title", "locations"]].sort_values(by="salary_in_usd", ascending=False))

Previous approach

Look at the gpt-3.5 branch (or the v1.0-gpt-3.5 tag) for an early 2023 verions using GPT-3.5 without function calling or json mode.