All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
v2.2.1 - 2025-03-25
v2.2.0 - 2025-03-11
- chore: only run chrome browser tests locally
- chore: update comunica to v2.1.0
- fix: starting with an empty store
- fix: websockets
- fix: premature start of the source watch
- Merge pull request #136 from comunica/feat/order-by
- Merge branch 'next/minor' into feat/order-by
- feat: add slice-ordered query operator
- feat: add support for ORDER BY
- chore: change CI name and fix badge
- Merge pull request #127 from comunica/renovate/rdf-terms-2.x
- fix(deps): update dependency rdf-terms to v2
- chore: fix test too wait for ws connection to close
- chore: add multi platform browser tests
- fix: remove polly in integration tests + cleanup tests
- fix: context shortcut for deferredEvaluation
- chore: extend clean-monorepo command
- chore: add CI tests for different oses
- chore: update main repo readme
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack-cli to v6 (#120)
- Merge pull request #126 from comunica/next/minor
v2.1.0 - 2025-02-14
- chore: update ci actions/cache to v4
- fix: node v22 + more extensive browser testing framework
- fix: browser broke on DefferedEvaluation in user tools
- chore: update packages
- chore: fix TODO's
- chore: create next/major branch
- Merge pull request #125 from comunica/feature/user-tools
- feat: add user-tools
- Merge pull request #114 from comunica/fix-dev-environment
- chore: update lerna publish message
- chore: fix renovate automerge
- chore: revert lerna bump
- chore(deps): update dependency lerna to v8 (#55)
- chore(deps): update dependency typedoc to ^0.27.0 (#106)
- Merge pull request #111 from comunica/next/major
v2.0.0 - 2025-01-29
- chore: changes to types and add context entries to QueryEngine
- chore: change order in result for optional-hash
- fix: bug in order of OPTIONAL result
- fix: add tests and fix bugs for StreamingQuerySourceStream
- fix: enable nestedloop joins for in cases where a variable is undefined
- chore: refactor integration test
- fix: add tests and fix GroupsIterator
- chore: fix linting issues
- chore: add tests for delete event in source watch deferred
- chore: add tests for complete coverage of memory bind join
- chore: add tests for default behaviour if isAddition is not set
- chore: rename StreamQuerySources to StreamingQuerySourceStream
- fix: reenable tests for computational bind join (checks for certain operations)
- fix: add test for union default graph
- fix: add Streaming store test on StreamingRdfJs actor
- chore: update TODO's and fix some linting
- fix: hashfunction in full hash join
- fix: hashing in minus join
- chore: update TODO deadlines
- chore: fix tsdoc
- fix: partialArrayify functions and refactored them
- fix: autostart issues in slice query operator
- chore: cleanup packages and dependencies in config
- feat: add support for REDUCED
- fix: default behaviour of isAddition in jest package
- fix: make sure default behaviour of quad is addition
- feat: add LIMIT and OFFSET support
- fix: matchOptions with deletestream in context
- fix: sequence issue in StreamingStore
- chore: rename deferredEvaluationEventEmitter
- feat: add nop query operator
- chore: change behaviour is isAddition context is not available
- chore: edit TODO's
- chore: rdf-js to @rdfjs/types
- fix: arrayifyStream imports
- fix: add tests and fixes to stream source
- chore: extract logic of partialArrayifyStream to DevTools
- chore: remove unused IRdfJsSourceExtended interface
- chore: rename to types
- chore: rename to jest + minor doc fixes
- chore: rename join packages, remove "incremental"
- chore: rename to actor-rdf-join-optional-hash
- chore: rename to actor-rdf-join-minus-hash
- chore: rename to actor-query-operation-distinct-hash
- chore: rename to source-watch and determine-changes
- fix: explicit undefined
- test: add aggregation function tests
- chore decheck fix
- refactor aggregation functions to Devtools package
- Merge pull request #110 from comunica/update-to-comunica-v3
- fix linting issues
- add filter
- fix deferred resource watch
- fix handle undef joins & add join coefficients calc
- fix optional hash
- fix linting
- fix stream source metadata and depedencies
- chore rename StreamingStore and DevTools
- add cardinality estimate
- fix: overfetching on deferred evaluation
- fix: disable repeating property paths
- fix memory leak error on deferredEvaluationEventEmitter
- fix correct deferred context shortcut
- fix streamSource lint
- fix streamSource event emitter memory leak
- rename StreamingHypermedia to stream
- fix long running browser test
- add stream source
- fix DualKeyHashMap tests
- Add aggregator implementations
- add delete hash join
- change match hash join name
- clean up codebase
- changes to memory bind join
- changes to computational bind join
- switch StreamingQuerySource to abstract class
- update packages
- Remove single-order delta query
- Add deferred evaluation
- fix naming issues for polling
- refactor engine destroy and add polling to context
- removed source-identify-serialized
- Fix streaming store issues
- update files fields in package.json
- add linting rule for TODO messages with deadline
- Refactoring and renaming diff => isAddition
- Fixed most tests for comunica V4
- fixed linting
- fixed config (building for V4)
- depcheck fix, generic side data types on busses, other minor changes
- update code to use the comunica hash-bindings bus
- update code from V3 to V4 (no testing)
- Apply linting rules and scipts/config updates
- resolved issues with changes to tsconfig (added comments and cleanup)
- Fix conig and components js
- Fix change to query init actor
- Update some dependencies
- Change incremental-bindings to bindings with context
- Rename to source-identify
- Update package.json
- Incomplete change incremental-bindings to bindings with context (may contain other changes)
- Merge pull request #104 from comunica/incremental-distinct-hash
- Add distinct to configuration
- Merge pull request #103 from comunica/incremental-distinct-hash
- add DISTINCT operator
- Merge pull request #101 from comunica/next/major
v1.3.0 - 2024-04-23
- add new packages to package.json
- Merge pull request #100 from comunica/add-incremental-filter
- partial implementation of the FILTER operator
- Merge pull request #99 from comunica/add-optional
- Added incremental optional operator
- Merge pull request #98 from comunica/add-minus
- added incremental minus operator
- added variable initialization to hash bindings
- added bindingsToString method
- Merge pull request #97 from comunica/fix-readme
- Improved clarity on how to use Incremuncia
- Merge pull request #90 from comunica/fix-automerge-renovate
- copied renovate settings
- Merge pull request #86 from comunica/fix-automerge-renovate
- Merge branch 'master' into fix-automerge-renovate
- fix automerge properly
- Update Comunica monorepo packages to v2.10.2
- Update dependency node-polyfill-webpack-plugin to v3
- Merge pull request #82 from comunica/next/major
v1.2.2 - 2023-12-06
- Merge pull request #81 from comunica/fix-browser-websockets
- use the 'websocket-polyfill' package to support browser and nodejs
- added nessecary 'ws' package
- Merge pull request #80 from comunica/next/major
v1.2.1 - 2023-12-06
- Merge pull request #79 from comunica/fix-browser-websockets
- Fixed package 'ws' not working in the browser
- Merge pull request #78 from comunica/fix-automerge-renovate
- properly updated to comunica 2.10.1
- disabled automerge
- Update Comunica monorepo packages to v2.10.1
- Merge pull request #75 from comunica/next/major
v1.2.0 - 2023-11-29
- updated packages and lock file
- Merge pull request #65 from comunica/bindingstream-up-to-date-feature
- add up-to-date field to lowest iterators
- implemented context entries
- Merge pull request #64 from comunica/fix-docs
- Merge branch 'master' into fix-docs
- change typedoc configs
- Update jest monorepo to v29
- Update dependency typescript to v5
- Merge pull request #61 from comunica/update-comunica-packages
- fixed delta-query tests
- Merge branch 'master' into update-comunica-packages
- Update dependency nodemon to v3
- updated comunica packages to 2.10 and fixed tests
- Update dependency typedoc to ^0.25.0
- Update dependency @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to v5.62.0
- Update Comunica monorepo packages
- fix fetch function
- Update dependency @types/node to v20
- Merge pull request #53 from comunica/renovate/readable-stream-4.x
- Update dependency @types/readable-stream to v4
- Merge pull request #51 from comunica/guard-watch-changes
- change addition store to array
- Merge pull request #50 from comunica/guard-watch-changes
- made sure deletions are propagated before additions
- added priority for the resource watchers
- Merge pull request #49 from comunica/node-version-update
- test for new versions
- Merge pull request #47 from comunica/solid-notification-client
- Merge branch 'master' into solid-notification-client
- updated the configs + updated the engine's package.json + updated yarn.lock + updated main package.json
- updated offline asset recordings
- changed bus guard and added naive guard actor
- removed the polling diff guard actor
- added the solid notification websockets resource watcher
- added the polling resource watcher
- added the bus for resource watchers
- fix polling readme
- Merge pull request #46 from comunica/webpack
- added webpack testing (local and in CI)
- Merge pull request #45 from comunica/next/major
v1.1.0 - 2023-11-15
- add hash-bindings to package.json
- Merge pull request #44 from comunica/master
- Merge pull request #43 from comunica/fix-set-semantics-streaming-store
- fixed set semantics bug in the streaming store
- Merge pull request #42 from comunica/cleanup
- fixed workflow
- changed the bindingToHash function to use the termToString function
- fixed memory bind join and changed some tests
- small change to memory bind and fix for delta query
- removed coefficients for now in joins, and changed tests
- change some scripts to use '-' instead of ':'
- Merge pull request #41 from comunica/bindings-to-string-reliable
- made hashbindings tests and fixed hash bindings based on keys with a value bug
- DualKeyHashMap does not check if the objects are the same if 2 identical keys are used
- add hash binding class and add it to join actors
- Merge pull request #37 from comunica/changed-npm-publish
- Merge branch 'master' into changed-npm-publish
- Merge pull request #36 from comunica/next/major
- made yarn publish safer
- Merge pull request #35 from comunica/next/major
- Merge pull request #34 from comunica/next/major
v1.0.3 - 2023-09-05
v1.0.2 - 2023-09-04
v1.0.1 - 2023-08-30
v1.0.0 - 2023-08-29
- Merge pull request #33 from comunica/setup-for-publishing-to-npm
- Merge branch 'master' into setup-for-publishing-to-npm
- Cleanup + changed from @comunica to @incremunica
- Merge pull request #32 from comunica/setup-for-publishing-to-npm
- Should be final updates before pushing to npm
- Merge pull request #31 from comunica/update-versions
- bumped config versions
- updated versions to push to npm
- Merge pull request #30 from comunica/fix-initial-version-lerna
- changed the initial version in lerna.json
- Merge pull request #29 from comunica/incremental-computational-multi-bind-join
- Added security that the match will end in the streaming store + bug in resolve quad pattern streaming source test + computational bind join tests
- Merge pull request #28 from comunica/temp-update-branch
- Merge branch 'incremental-computational-multi-bind-join' into temp-update-branch
- Merge pull request #27 from comunica/single-quad-interface-streamingstore
- added a few more tests
- some bug fixes and beginnings of tests for the computational bind join
- Merge pull request #26 from comunica/single-quad-interface-streamingstore
- added a single quad interface to the StreamingStore
- Merge pull request #25 from comunica/merges
- Merge branch 'incremental-computational-multi-bind-join' into merges
- update join actors in config
- All functionality should be there, only tests need to be written
- Merge pull request #24 from comunica/incremental-delta-query
- Implemented multi delta query + fixed rdf resolve quad pattern + added printBindingsStream to devtools
- Merge pull request #23 from comunica/master
- Merge pull request #22 from comunica/streaming-store-stop
- Added halting to streaming store + remove function
- Merge pull request #21 from comunica/remove-unnecessary-actors
- removed some of the core packages that don't work with the incremental approach
- Merge pull request #20 from comunica/incremental-inner-full-hash-join
- implemented incremental full hash join
- changed partial hash and nestedloop cofig in readme
- Merge pull request #19 from comunica/change-name-streaming-store
- Merge pull request #18 from comunica/incremental-inner-partial-hash-join
- changed streaming store package name
- added inner incremental partial hash join
- removed comments from nested loopjoin and removed some imports in test file
- Merge pull request #17 from comunica/incremental-inner-nested-loop-join
- tests added
- inner incremental loopjoin is implemented some tests are missing
- Merge pull request #16 from comunica/incremental-bind-join
- changed bindings-factory to incremental-bindings-factory
- implemented bind join and unit tests
- added the necessary components to propagate the diff from quads to bindings
- addition of computational incremental bind join, with diff bug
- Merge pull request #15 from comunica/query-tests
- added static tests and framework for dynamic (update) tests
- Merge pull request #14 from comunica/master
- Merge pull request #13 from comunica/remove-guard-if-no-listeners
- streaming store now emits an event when all match streams are closed
- Merge pull request #12 from comunica/changes-to-CI/CD
- only make docs when master changes 3
- Merge pull request #11 from comunica/changes-to-CI/CD
- only make docs when master changes 2
- Merge pull request #10 from comunica/changes-to-CI/CD
- only make docs when master changes
- Merge pull request #9 from comunica/master
- only perform pull request actions when pulling to master and only test on push 2
- only perform pull request actions when pulling to master and only test on push
- Merge pull request #8 from comunica/remove-guard-if-no-listeners
- added required tests for streaming store
- automatic removal of guard when streaming store is not used anymore
- Merge pull request #7 from comunica/master
- Merge pull request #5 from comunica/extract-http-header-info-for-guard
- add config for metadata extract guard data
- Merge pull request #4 from comunica/changes-to-CI/CD
- added a script to the package.json to test the pre-commit
- changed the github workflow files
- Merge pull request #3 from comunica/udate-readme
- updated main and engine readme
- Merge pull request #2 from comunica/extract-http-header-info-for-guard
- first version of ActorRdfMetadataExtractGuardData implemented
- Merge pull request #1 from comunica/comunica-feature-incremental
- fix dependencies
- polling works with tests
- CI pipeline should be fixed 3
- CI pipeline should be fixed 2
- CI pipeline should be fixed
- added general query engine tests and the CI pipeline should be fixed
- CI fail solution 5
- CI fail solution 4
- CI fail solution 3
- CI fail solution 2
- CI fail solution
- added workflow, changed package.json, fixed linting
- initial commit with diff bindings and factory
- making sure the cache is done before querying + individual cache invalidation
- Update
- a lot of changes, see description