Utility to extract the internal forms representation from both EFI and UEFI drivers/applications into human readable text file.
A fork of Donovan6000's project with bugfixes and additions.
Original code by Donovan6000, rewritten UEFI.cpp by TomRus88, fixes and additions by DeathBringer, Fernando Rodriguez and Seth Stahlman.
This fork provides linux prebuit binary. If you want to build it by yourself, execute the following:
cd Downloads
sudo apt install git cmake;
git clone https://github.com/macos86/Universal-IFR-Extractor.git;
cd Universal-IFR-Extractor
mkdir build; pushd build; cmake ..; make
Drag your BIOS image file over UEFITool
Search the desired BIOS option,
Right click the PE32 Image section and choose
Extract Body
then save the file as.bin
, and name it as desired, e.gSetup.bin
After you've done that, use
in order to be able to read the .bin file in a .txt format
./ifrextract Setup.bin Setup.txt