- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Remove deprecated methods #857 (@joshuascan)
- chore: fix deepsource (@joshuascan)
- chore: removes deprecated wallet methods (@joshuascan)
- chore: remove user.getMetadata (@joshuascan)
- revert manual bump (@joshuascan)
- chore: bump provider version number (@joshuascan)
- Josh Scanlan (@joshuascan)
- fix: issuer (@hcote)
- address comment (@hcote)
- fix: test coverage (@hcote)
- Merge branch 'master' into hcote-web3modal (@hcote)
- re-add localstragekeys enum (@hcote)
- fix: types does not have export yet (@hcote)
- update localstoragekeys to enum (@hcote)
- remove polyfills (@hcote)
- update web3modal package (@hcote)
- add intermediary events for nft.checkout (@hcote)
- nft checkout update (@hcote)
- Jayhwang nft checkout #744 (@octave08 jay.hwang@magic.link)
- fix tests (@hcote)
- pluralize thirdpartywallets & update to web3modal canary version for status (@hcote)
- update import (@hcote)
- temp: remove reference to ThirdPartyWallets (@hcote)
- update ls key names (@hcote)
- fix deepsource lint errors (@hcote)
- update tests (@hcote)
- remove old tests (@hcote)
- update isConnected initialization (@hcote)
- make param optional (@hcote)
- add connectWIthUI options param (@hcote)
- dont route nftCheckout to 3pw (@hcote)
- move all logic to thirdpartywallet module (@hcote)
- add returns to fns routing to tpw methods (@hcote)
- fix logout on disconnect (@hcote)
- typing updates (@hcote)
- move override methods to thirdpartywallet module (@hcote)
- remove unused vars (@hcote)
- add web3modal extension (@hcote)
- Gyujeong Hwang (@octave08)
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- Jay Hwang (jay.hwang@magic.link)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into PDEEXP-530-wallet-connect-login-with-redirect (@Ethella)
- resolve conflict (@Ethella)
- resolve conflict (@Ethella)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-530-wallet-connect-login-with-redirect (@mattupham)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Matt Upham (@mattupham)
- fix: typos #830 (@omahs @Ethella)
- chore: bump eslint version #834 (@otabek-magic @Ethella)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1985-bump-magic-sdk-eslint-version-to-9 (@otabek-magic)
- chore: update eslint config (@otabek-magic)
- chore: update to eslint 9 in magic-sdk magic-ext (@otabek-magic)
- Merge branch 'master' into patch-1 (@Ethella)
- @otabek-magic
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- omahs (@omahs)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1954-OAuth-popup-flow-consolidation (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: implement transition from recover account to update email flow … #833 (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Pdeexp 1544 implement magic auth recover account provider #832 (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1544-Implement-magic_auth_recover_account_provider (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: implement transition from recover account to update email flow events (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: add tests for recover account (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- fix: add condition for test mode (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- fix: update method name (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: implement recover account method (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Pdeexp 1951 lost device event does not emit whitelabel mfa provider #826 (@sherzod-bakhodirov @Ethella)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1951-Lost-Device-Event-Does-Not-Emit-Whitelabel-MFA-provider (@Ethella)
- feat: add tests for login with email otp whitelabel (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1951-Lost-Device-Event-Does-Not-Emit-Whitelabel-MFA-provider (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- fix: update verify recovery code (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: seperate lost-device and verify-recovery-code for login with email otp (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- fix: deepsource error (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: add invalid-recovery-code type to loginWithEmailOtp #827 (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: implement lost-device event handler in loginWithEmailOTP method (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- @sherzod-bakhodirov
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- fix: cancel event for recovery factor #829 (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- Merge branch 'master' into cancel-event-for-recovery-flow (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- fix: cancel event for recovery factor (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- Merge branch 'master' into missed_type_for_recovery_factor (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- feat: recovery facto whitelabeling #818 (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-350-White-label-recovery-factor-flow (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- Update .deepsource.toml #804 (@Magic-Brandan)
- feat: recovery facto whitelabeling (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- White label support for MFA | Should not be merged before Mandrake #808 (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- chore: remove unused variables (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- chore: update mfa tests (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Merge branch 'master' into sherzod-PDEEXP-1711-Support-MFA-setup-whitelabel-support (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- chore: add new tests (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: implement disable mfa method (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- chore: update imported inteface name (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Merge branch 'sherzod-PDEEXP-1711-Support-MFA-setup-whitelabel-support' into PDEEXP-1711-disable-mfa-flow-types (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: update tests (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- fix: update requestPayload.id type (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- feat: add handlers to enable MFA method (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Merge branch 'master' into sherzod-PDEEXP-1711-Support-MFA-setup-whitelabel-support (@sherzod-bakhodirov)
- Merge branch 'master' into hcote-cosmos-options (@hcote)
- @sherzod-bakhodirov
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- Enable whitelabel customization for sms login #768 (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: resolve conflicts (@khamdam-magic)
- Merge branch 'khamdam-sc-PDEEXP-54-whitelabel-sms-login' of https://github.com/magiclabs/magic-js into khamdam-sc-PDEEXP-54-whitelabel-sms-login (@khamdam-magic)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/magiclabs/magic-js into khamdam-sc-PDEEXP-54-whitelabel-sms-login (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: add whitelabel sms (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: update branch (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: resolve PR conflicts (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: add devicecheck handlers (@khamdam-magic)
- Merge branch 'master' into khamdam-sc-PDEEXP-54-whitelabel-sms-login (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: fix unit test (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: add unit test (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: replace any type with string (@khamdam-magic)
- fix: add intermediary handles for sms whitelabeling (@khamdam-magic)
- fix(): resolve conflicts (@khamdam-magic)
- fix(auth): enable whitelabel sms login (@khamdam-magic)
- feat: added new event for controlling close by user #781 (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- feat: added new event for controlling close by user #783 (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- feat: added new event for controlling close by user (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- remove async (@Ethella)
- fix tests and revert changes (@Ethella)
- revert changes, add tests (@Ethella)
- add test environment check to avoid setTimeout (@Ethella)
- add useFakeTimers (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into Add-two-more-mfa-flags (@Ethella)
- Merge branch 'fix-pipeline' into Add-two-more-mfa-flags (@Ethella)
- Revert unexpected master changes #780 (@Ethella)
- Revert unexpected master changes (@Ethella)
- Merge branch 'master' into Add-two-more-mfa-flags (@Ethella)
- expose enable MFA and disable MFA (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into Add-two-more-mfa-flags (@Ethella)
- silent console.warn and error in tests (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Merge branch 'master' into khamdam-sc-PDEEXP-54-whitelabel-sms-types (@khamdam-magic)
- Added event due to the ticket:PDEEXP-1393 #770 (sukhrobbekodilov@204-108.ip.sola.uz @sukhrobbekodilov)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1393-MFA-Blocks-Login-for-Whitelabel-Email-Logins (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- feat: Added new event type in order to prevent typescript error #773 (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-1454-typescript-should-recognize-the-disconnect-event-on-show-ui (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- feat: Added new event type in order to prevent typescript error and removed the unused import (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- add lifespan parameter to login methods #771 (@otabek-magic)
- feat: Added new event type in order to prevent typescript error (@sukhrobbekodilov)
- chore: update a unit test (@otabek-magic)
- add lifespan parameter to login methods (@otabek-magic)
- Added event due to the ticket:PDEEXP-1393 and removed async as I do not use await (sukhrobbekodilov@204-108.ip.sola.uz)
- Added event due to the ticket:PDEEXP-1393 (sukhrobbekodilov@204-108.ip.sola.uz)
- @khamdam-magic
- @otabek-magic
- @sukhrobbekodilov
- Sukhrobbek Odilov (sukhrobbekodilov@204-108.ip.sola.uz)
- feat: add onramperParams arg to showUI #766 (@romin-halltari)
- Merge branch 'master' into rh-onramper-params (@romin-halltari)
- feat: add onramperParams arg to showUI (@romin-halltari)
- Fix: consider the provider ready after 15s even if the message hasn't arrived #760 (@romin-halltari)
- fix: set a wait time for the magic_overlay_ready message (@romin-halltari)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into PDEEXP-1279-done-event-not-firing-in-whitelabel-email-login-flow (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- rebuild rpc types #736 (@joshuascan)
- rename reveal PK type (@joshuascan)
- Revert "test" (@joshuascan)
- test (@joshuascan)
- Josh Scanlan (@joshuascan)
- readme edit #732 (@joshuascan)
- readme edit (@joshuascan)
- Josh Scanlan (@joshuascan)
- Add private key reveal method #699 (@joshuascan)
- Reverts - Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs #725 (@Ariflo)
- Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs #721 (@Ariflo)
- Add new "Product Announcement" Relayer Message Type #718 (@Ariflo)
- Warn developers of Coming Deprecation of Universal Wallet API Keys #716 (@Ariflo)
- Add an option for crypto-checkout #727 (@octave08)
- Add an option for crypto checkout (@octave08)
- "Bump independent versions [skip ci]" (team@magic.link)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] (team@magic.link)
- Reverts - Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs (@Ariflo)
- Additional testing (@Ariflo)
- Add testing to error factory (@Ariflo)
- Make messageId a number (@Ariflo)
- Pass params to createResponseTimeoutError (@Ariflo)
- Adds createResponseTimeoutError to SDK error factories (@Ariflo)
- Merge branch 'master' into patjacobs-oauth-v2-apple (@patjacobs-magic)
- Update tests (@Ariflo)
- Update ViewController Listener and types to push log when product_announcement avaliable (@Ariflo)
- Removes updates to createDeprecationWarning (@Ariflo)
- Adds more Test coverage (@Ariflo)
- Update Tests (@Ariflo)
- Adds new deprecation warning to provider (@Ariflo)
- Merge branch 'master' into joshscanlan-pk-reveal-method (@joshuascan)
- adds tests (@joshuascan)
- adds reveal key method (@joshuascan)
- @patjacobs-magic
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Josh Scanlan (@joshuascan)
- Magic Labs (team@magic.link)
- Reverts - Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs #725 (@Ariflo)
- Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs #721 (@Ariflo)
- Add new "Product Announcement" Relayer Message Type #718 (@Ariflo)
- Warn developers of Coming Deprecation of Universal Wallet API Keys #716 (@Ariflo)
- Reverts - Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs (@Ariflo)
- "Bump independent versions [skip ci]" (team@magic.link)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] (team@magic.link)
- Additional testing (@Ariflo)
- Add testing to error factory (@Ariflo)
- Make messageId a number (@Ariflo)
- Pass params to createResponseTimeoutError (@Ariflo)
- Adds createResponseTimeoutError to SDK error factories (@Ariflo)
- Merge branch 'master' into patjacobs-oauth-v2-apple (@patjacobs-magic)
- Update tests (@Ariflo)
- Update ViewController Listener and types to push log when product_announcement avaliable (@Ariflo)
- Removes updates to createDeprecationWarning (@Ariflo)
- Adds more Test coverage (@Ariflo)
- Update Tests (@Ariflo)
- Adds new deprecation warning to provider (@Ariflo)
- @patjacobs-magic
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Magic Labs (team@magic.link)
- Adds Response Time out Error to RN SDKs #721 (@Ariflo)
- Add new "Product Announcement" Relayer Message Type #718 (@Ariflo)
- Warn developers of Coming Deprecation of Universal Wallet API Keys #716 (@Ariflo)
- Additional testing (@Ariflo)
- Add testing to error factory (@Ariflo)
- Make messageId a number (@Ariflo)
- Pass params to createResponseTimeoutError (@Ariflo)
- Adds createResponseTimeoutError to SDK error factories (@Ariflo)
- "Bump independent versions [skip ci]" (team@magic.link)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] (team@magic.link)
- Merge branch 'master' into patjacobs-oauth-v2-apple (@patjacobs-magic)
- Update tests (@Ariflo)
- Update ViewController Listener and types to push log when product_announcement avaliable (@Ariflo)
- Removes updates to createDeprecationWarning (@Ariflo)
- Adds more Test coverage (@Ariflo)
- Update Tests (@Ariflo)
- Adds new deprecation warning to provider (@Ariflo)
- @patjacobs-magic
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Magic Labs (team@magic.link)
- Add new "Product Announcement" Relayer Message Type #718 (@Ariflo)
- Warn developers of Coming Deprecation of Universal Wallet API Keys #716 (@Ariflo)
- Merge branch 'master' into patjacobs-oauth-v2-apple (@patjacobs-magic)
- "Bump independent versions [skip ci]" (team@magic.link)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] (team@magic.link)
- Update tests (@Ariflo)
- Update ViewController Listener and types to push log when product_announcement avaliable (@Ariflo)
- Removes updates to createDeprecationWarning (@Ariflo)
- Adds more Test coverage (@Ariflo)
- Update Tests (@Ariflo)
- Adds new deprecation warning to provider (@Ariflo)
- @patjacobs-magic
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Magic Labs (team@magic.link)
- Add new "Product Announcement" Relayer Message Type #718 (@Ariflo)
- Warn developers of Coming Deprecation of Universal Wallet API Keys #716 (@Ariflo)
- Update tests (@Ariflo)
- Update ViewController Listener and types to push log when product_announcement avaliable (@Ariflo)
- Removes updates to createDeprecationWarning (@Ariflo)
- "Bump independent versions [skip ci]" (team@magic.link)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] (team@magic.link)
- Adds more Test coverage (@Ariflo)
- Update Tests (@Ariflo)
- Adds new deprecation warning to provider (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Magic Labs (team@magic.link)
- Adds more Test coverage (@Ariflo)
- Update Tests (@Ariflo)
- Adds new deprecation warning to provider (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Merge branch 'master' into PDEEXP-253-whitelabel-update-email-with-ui-missing-event-when-email-address-already-in-use (@joshuascan)
- Josh Scanlan (@joshuascan)
- [FEAT]: adding meta field to @magic-sdk magic constructor #708 (@bengriffin1)
- [FEAT]: adding meta field to @magic-sdk magic constructor (@bengriffin1)
- Ben Griffin (@bengriffin1)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- add unit tests (@Ethella)
- remove update email test cases (@Ethella)
- Fix missing type (@Ethella)
- Add VerifyEmailOTP events (@Ethella)
- Add Recency Check events and UpdateEmail Events (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Use storage for faster calls to
on mobile #689 (@romin-halltari rominhalltari@rohat92phx.lan)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rominhalltari-sc-91336-look-into-faster-calls-to-isloggedin-and (rominhalltari@rohat92phx.lan)
- Add unit test about deprecation warning to increase test coverage (@romin-halltari)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rominhalltari-sc-91336-look-into-faster-calls-to-isloggedin-and (@romin-halltari)
- Flatten if condition (@romin-halltari)
- Rename is_logged_in -> magic_auth_is_logged_in (@romin-halltari)
- Check if useStorageCache is true (@romin-halltari)
- Use storage for faster calls to isLoggedIn for both mobile and web (@romin-halltari)
- Use storage for faster calls to isLoggedIn (@romin-halltari)
- @romin-halltari
- Romin Halltari (rominhalltari@rohat92phx.lan)
- Fix multiple network setups for React Native SDKs #687 (@romin-halltari)
- Fix tests (@romin-halltari)
- Merge branch 'master' into rominhalltari-sc-91530-investigate-and-provide-solution-for-issue (@romin-halltari)
- Fix: waitForReady() if the controller is not ready for requests, instead of using checkIsReadyForRequest when isReadyForRequest is false (@romin-halltari)
- Merge branch 'master' into split-key-device-share (@Dizigen)
- update comment for format of the device share (@Dizigen)
- store the iv directly (@Dizigen)
- add asserts for the unit tests (@Dizigen)
- update implementation to not deal directly with non-base64 encoded strings (@Dizigen)
- update tests (@Dizigen)
- add test coverage (@Dizigen)
- refactor code to move device logic out of view controller (@Dizigen)
- move the device share retrieval into the lib itself. (@Dizigen)
- use existing iv and ek to encrypt and decrypt other multichain keys (@Dizigen)
- await iterate (@Dizigen)
- add more log lines to debug multichain error (@Dizigen)
- make sure to clear all device share keys at once (@Dizigen)
- remove log lines (@Dizigen)
- debugging why deviceShare is not emitted in the payload (@Dizigen)
- add device share to magic message request (@Dizigen)
- debug device share retrieval (@Dizigen)
- fix the way the iv is retrieved (@Dizigen)
- correctly encodes and stores the device share (@Dizigen)
- clear device shares when user denies account access + disconnects (@Dizigen)
- network hash implementation (@Dizigen)
- use console.warn so the test makes it to the console output (@Dizigen)
- implementation for device share + debug line for extConfig (@Dizigen)
- device share encryption, decryption, store, retrieve implementation (@Dizigen)
- add setting and retrieving device share (@Dizigen)
- David He (@Dizigen)
- Fix: Allow implementers of
to set if it's connected to the internet, and reject requests whenisConnectedToInternet
#673 (@romin-halltari) - Fix: Remove check for isReadyForRequest, add isConnectedToInternet (@romin-halltari)
- Add
hook to track internet connectivity changes #665 (@romin-halltari)
- Use createModalNotReadyError() when modal is not ready on react native (@romin-halltari)
- Rename: ready -> checkIsReadyForRequest and isReady -> isReadyForRequest (@romin-halltari)
- add tests (@romin-halltari)
- Do now wait for ready promise on a react native environment, as it never resolves when there's no internet connection (@romin-halltari)
- Injectable webcrypto jwt for session persistence #635 (@Dizigen)
- Merge branch 'master' into injectable-webcrypto-jwt-for-session-persistence (@Dizigen)
- update unit tests (@Dizigen)
- have the jwt itself be injectable via indexedDB (@Dizigen)
- David He (@Dizigen)
- Merge branch 'master' into hcote-support-sepolia-natively (@hcote)
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- Adds template name to loginWithOTP and loginWithMagicLink #643 (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Fixes tests (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Changes function to accept overrides (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Logging (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Change out variable name for back end consumption (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Add optional field to login methods (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Chris Dakin (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Have the constructor preload iframe assets by default, with optional SDK flag to defer preloading #634 (@Dizigen)
- optional sdk ctor flag to defer preloading (@Dizigen)
- Merge branch 'master' into force-ctor-preload-iframe (@Dizigen)
- force the constructor to preload the iframe (@Dizigen)
- David He (@Dizigen)
- Merge branch 'master' into patjacobs-sc-83016-ux-optimization-expired-email-otps (@patjacobs-magic)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into jerryliu-sc-87830-optimize-webcrypto-implementation-to-generate (@Ethella)
- update comment (@Ethella)
- improve generateKey logic (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Jayhwang sc 87905 gas subsidy change sendgaslesstransaction #638 (@octave08)
- Fix tc for sendGaslessTransaction (@octave08)
- Refactor transaction type without ethers.js (@octave08)
- Change sendGaslessTransaction signature (@octave08)
- Removes Deprecation Warnings for
methods #629 (@Ariflo) - Removes deprecation warnings for @magic-ext/auth methods (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Jayhwang sc 86422 implement magic wallet sendgaslesstxn 2 #625 (@octave08)
- Fix tc (@octave08)
- Fix parameters (@octave08)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Jerryliu sc 83009 deprecate updatephonenumber in sdk #598 (@Ethella @chrisdakin-magic)
- Chris Dakin (@chrisdakin-magic)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Remove gasEndpoint and nftEndpoint (@octave08)
- Fix tc fail (@octave08)
- Change api response from boolean to GasApiResponse (@octave08)
- Add address to parameter (@octave08)
- Add sendGaslessTransaction api (@octave08)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Jayhwang sc 85078 update response type for nft purchase #612 (@octave08)
- Refactor nft types (@octave08)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Josh sc 75022 standalone update email v2 #599 (@joshuascan)
- Merge branch 'master' into josh-sc-75022-standalone-update-email-v2 (@joshuascan)
- changes naming for update email flow (@joshuascan)
- adds tests for auth settings and deeplinks (@joshuascan)
- Josh Scanlan (@joshuascan)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Jerryliu sc 81984 update loginwithemailotp interface with new #596 (@dependabot[bot] @Ariflo @Ethella)
- Implement nft.transfer api #602 (@ysm-dev)
- code review: comment (@ysm-dev)
- implement nft.transfer api (@ysm-dev)
- Update IntermediaryEvents (@Ethella)
- Update Event handlers (@Ethella)
- Update events (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into jerryliu-sc-81984-update-loginwithemailotp-interface-with-new (@Ethella)
- Add device verification events (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (@Ethella)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Chris Yang (@ysm-dev)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Magic SDK Node version bump #538 (@makrandgupta)
- fix imports in magic-sdk/provider tests (@makrandgupta)
- force canary build for all packages. (@makrandgupta)
- Makrand Gupta (@makrandgupta)
- David He (@Dizigen)
- Merge branch 'master' into jayhwang-sc-81912-add-optional-nftendpoint-param (@octave08)
- Add optional nftEndPoint param (@octave08)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Emit id token on connect - update yarn.lock #565 (@Dizigen)
- Emit id token on connect #564 (@Dizigen)
- David He (@Dizigen)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Revert ClearKeys() (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (@Ethella)
- remove clearKeys (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Auto version bumping #557 (@Ethella @Ariflo)
- Updates License to Apache 2.0 #551 (@Ariflo)
- Implement view-in-wallet #548 (@octave08)
- Match NPM Version (@Ariflo)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] (@Ethella)
- Replace
Package #550 (@Ariflo) - White space bump (@Ariflo)
- Add typings to package.json export #517 (@octave08)
- Remove approval step for canary releases [sc-80045] #549 (@bcleary06)
- Add test suite for nft checkout (@octave08)
- Implement view-in-wallet (@octave08)
- Add typings to package.json export (@octave08)
- Merge branch 'master' into briancleary7114-sc-80045-remove-approval-step-for-canary-releases (@bcleary06)
- Fix Failing CI #556 (@Ariflo)
- Fix Failing CI (@Ariflo)
- Fix CI Tests #552 (@Ariflo)
- Add Testing for isMajorVersionAtLeast (@Ariflo)
- DRYify isMajorVersionAtLeast (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Brian Cleary (@bcleary06)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Replace
Package #550 (@Ariflo) - White space bump (@Ariflo)
- Add typings to package.json export #517 (@octave08)
- Remove approval step for canary releases [sc-80045] #549 (@bcleary06)
- Add test suite for nft checkout (@octave08)
- Implement view-in-wallet (@octave08)
- Add typings to package.json export (@octave08)
- Merge branch 'master' into briancleary7114-sc-80045-remove-approval-step-for-canary-releases (@bcleary06)
- Fix Failing CI #556 (@Ariflo)
- Fix Failing CI (@Ariflo)
- Fix CI Tests #552 (@Ariflo)
- Add Testing for isMajorVersionAtLeast (@Ariflo)
- DRYify isMajorVersionAtLeast (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Brian Cleary (@bcleary06)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Add missing isRNMobilePackage var (@Ariflo)
- Adds isMajorVersionAtLeast util function (@Ariflo)
- Throw error if loginWithMagicLink used in RN packages v19.0.0 or higher (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- [FEAT]: adding types for nft checkout #539 (@bengriffin1 @octave08)
- Add test case (@octave08)
- [FEAT]: adding types for nft checkout (@bengriffin1)
- Ben Griffin (@bengriffin1)
- Jay Hwang (@octave08)
- Fix tests (@Ethella)
- Add configuration to enable testing framework for extension packages (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into jerryliu_hotfix_gdkms (@Ethella)
- publish gdkms extension (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into jerryliu-sc-77755-kresus-hotfix (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Add conditional for
call #518 (@Ariflo) - UseInstead @magic-ext/auth auth.loginWithEmailOTP() (@Ariflo)
- Add conditional for useInstead of loginWithMagicLink createDeprecationWarning (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- update MIT license to apache #500 (@Dizigen)
- Srinjoy/add logo to readme #501 (@srinjoyc @hcote)
- quick fix passing authorization token in payload #502 (@Ethella)
- quick fix passing authorization token in payload (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into jerryliu-sc-75641-lazer-request-showsettings-page-mfa (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- product consolidated SDK + deprecation warnings #497 (@Dizigen)
- Jerryliu sc 75641 lazer request showsettings page mfa #498 (@Ethella)
- Add test for showSettings.spec.ts (@Ethella)
- Merge branch 'master' into jerryliu-sc-75641-lazer-request-showsettings-page-mfa (@Ethella)
- add showSetting configuration (@Ethella)
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- change name to SetAuthorizationToken (@Ethella)
- Put setAuthorizationJWT back into ma core (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- remove canary release test changes to readme (@bcleary06)
- test canary release (@bcleary06)
- Merge branch 'master' into briancleary7114-sc-73967-auto-publish-canary-version-for-magic-sdk (@bcleary06)
- Brian Cleary (@bcleary06)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- fix promise in tests (@Ethella)
- remove skip (@Ethella)
- move test to a new file (@Ethella)
- fix tests (@Ethella)
- remove otp-input-sent event to reduce confusion (@Ethella)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into jerryliu-sc-74424-email-otp-login-invalid-email-otp-event (@Ethella)
- Add cancel event (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Revert "move third party wallet connections to sdk (#473)" (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- feat: [sc-71135] Add purchase SDK method #455 (@bcleary06 @hcote)
- update nft purchase test (@bcleary06)
- update provider version (@bcleary06)
- Merge branch 'master' into briancleary7114-sc-71135-add-checkout-sdk-method (@bcleary06)
- revert airdrop changes (@hcote)
- add nft airdrop method #452 (@hcote)
- update params for test (@hcote)
- Merge branch 'briancleary7114-sc-71135-add-checkout-sdk-method' into hcote-nft-aidrop (@hcote)
- update nft airdrop response type (@hcote)
- rename checkout to purchase (@bcleary06)
- add nft airdrop method (@hcote)
- implement magic.nft.checkout() (@bcleary06)
- Brian Cleary (@bcleary06)
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- Sc 68969 immutable stark error #477 (@mattupham)
- Reset version history (@mattupham)
- update canary version (@mattupham)
- Add data attribute to MagicRPCError (@mattupham)
- Matt Upham (@mattupham)
- Updated events to properly send otp #469 (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- updated events to properly send otc (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Mushfi Chowdhury (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- LoginWithEmailOtp Whitelabeling #414 (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- removed async in function (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- added conditional to loginwithemailotp in order to handle undefined (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- adding ; (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:magiclabs/magic-js into mushfichowdhury-login-with-email-otp-whitelabel (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- added showUI conditional rendering (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- updated auth module and unit tests (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Mushfi Chowdhury (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Remove empty comments (@Ethella)
- NIT remove empty comment (@Ethella)
- Add test (@Ethella)
- Add configuration (@Ethella)
- Add recoverAccount api (@Ethella)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- Update Package versions #454 (@Ariflo)
- Add updatePhoneNumber sdk method #450 (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Update Package versions (@Ariflo)
- Updates PR Template warning about one label #453 (@Ariflo)
- removed arguments for updatePhoneNumber method (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- changed name from updateSms to updatePhoneNumber (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- added update sms sdk method (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Mushfi Chowdhury (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- add tests (@hcote)
- update RequestUserInfoScope (@hcote)
- move connect methods to wallet module under magic-sdk (@hcote)
- Hunter Cote (@hcote)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Update ReadMe to Triggger CI (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Whitespace commit to trigger ci job (@Ariflo)
- Arian Flores (@Ariflo)
- Updating SDK version #393 (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- added comment (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Mushfichowdhury sc 61149 implement event emitting in magic sdk #390 (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- added showUI back to auth module for email otp (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- update loginwithemailotp unit test (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Merge branch 'master' into mushfichowdhury-sc-61149-implement-event-emitting-in-magic-sdk-based (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- removed console.log (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- removed unused code in unit test (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- added unit test (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- updated auth.ts (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- adding in types (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- v1 of bidirectional rpc event support (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci] #394 (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Mushfi Chowdhury (@mushfichowdhury-magic)
- Merge branch 'master' into early-access (@bcleary06)
- Update Readme and manual version bump for releases #339 (@Ethella)
- Revert "Enable bundle Id in Expo" #337 (@Ethella)
- Brian Cleary (@bcleary06)
- Jerry Liu (@Ethella)
- [Chore]: added
method #302 (@adenekan41)
- Adenekan Wonderful (@adenekan41)
- Update READMEs with outdated context/hyperlinks (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Merge with master (@smithki)
- Merge branch 'master' into feat/faster-builds (@smithki)
- Remove comments from README files (@smithki)
- Fix build errors related to isolatedModules (@smithki)
- Replace microbundle with ESBuild (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Fix dist files glob in package.json (@smithki)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:magiclabs/magic-js (@smithki)
- Force re-publish (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Fix bug with
d.generateKey is undefined
build bug #228 (@dgerrellsMagic)
- Enable SMS login #223 (@dgerrellsMagic)
- Port
extensions to Magic SDK monorepo #218 (@smithki) - Add
package for out-of-the-box login page UIs #217 (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- [Feat]: Update type signature of
to implement Web3'sAbstractProvider
#201 (@adenekan41 @smithki) - bypass webcrypto on non web platforms #200 (@dgerrellsMagic)
- @dgerrellsMagic
- Adenekan Wonderful (@adenekan41)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Custom session duration #199 (@dgerrellsMagic)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Ian K Smith (@smithki)
- Removed the following public methods and functions
- Adds a Magic SDK extensions runtime compatibility check, ensuring you're version of Magic SDK is designed for the extensions you have in use.
- New, optional
parameter for theloginWithMagicLink
method - New
method for completing a magic link login with redirect:await magic.auth.loginWithCredential()
- Fix Modal doesn't show up
- New optional
parameter to SDK constructor
- New RPC error code for the
- Add
to the dependencies
- Export
type andisPromiEvent
utility from SDK entry-points (magic-sdk
- Bug preventing NPM tarball from containing
- Updated build system to use TypeScript project references instead of Microbundle.
- Pass
parameter topostMessage
- Bug affecting
type imports causing compilation failure in TypeScript.
- WebAuthn support.
APIs for Magic SDK Extensions.
- Update dependencies.
- Marked
utility methods for deprecation inv3.0.0
- Add
class. - Add
helper methods toBaseExtension
. - Add
helper methods toBaseExtension.utils
. These are direct aliases forencodeQueryParameters
(which will be deprecated in the next major version).
can now be typed as a plainnumber
for greater flexibility.
- The argument type given to the default
event ofPromiEvent
is nowany
(in line with native Promise typings).
- Add the
method. - You are now able to attach arbitrary, strongly-typed data to
- The following utilities are now exposed on the
base class:createPromiEvent
- The
utilities are now nested under theutils
field of theExtension
base class.
- Introduced
type to create consistency for errors rising from Magic SDK Extensions. - Add the
- Update dependencies.
- Circle CI tag in readme is broken after namechange from MagicHQ to MagicLabs
- Update dependencies.
This is the first release our changelog records. Future updates will be logged in the following format:
- Bug fixes and patches will be described here.
- Changes (breaking or otherwise) to current APIs will be described here.
- New features or APIs will be described here.