All the information that you need to install OSEM. If you have any problems with installing don't hesitate to contact us
OSEM is an semantic versioned app. That means given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH we increment the:
- MAJOR version when we make incompatible changes,
- MINOR version when we add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
- PATCH version when we make backwards-compatible bug fixes
You can find the latest OSEM releases on our release page (older release here)
OSEM is a Ruby on Rails application. We recommend to run OSEM in production with mod_passenger and the apache web-server. There are tons of guides on how to deploy rails apps on various base operating systems. Check Google ;-)
For more information about rails and what it can do, see the rails guides.
If you have an heroku account you can also
There are a couple of environment variables you can set to configure OSEM.
Variable | Content | Purpose |
OSEM_NAME | openSUSE Events | The name of your page |
OSEM_HOSTNAME | | The host this OSEM instance runs on |
OSEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS | | The address OSEM uses for sending mails |
OSEM_ICHAIN_ENABLED | true/false | Enable the usage of devise_ichain_authenticatable |
OSEM_TRANSIFEX_APIKEY | string | Use this api key for transifex. See for details. |
OSEM_ERRBIT_HOST | | The errbit host to post exceptions to |
OSEM_ERRBIT_APIKEY | string | The api key for the errbit host |
OSEM_FACTORY_LINT | boolean (true/false) | Setting this to false will disable linting of factories before running spec |
OSEM_GOOGLE_KEY | string | OMNIAUTH Developer Key for GOOGLE |
OSEM_GOOGLE_SECRET | string | OMNIAUTH Developer Secret for GOOGLE |
OSEM_FACEBOOK_KEY | string | OMNIAUTH Developer Key for Facebook |
OSEM_FACEBOOK_SECRET | string | OMNIAUTH Developer Secret for Facebook |
OSEM_GITHUB_KEY | string | OMNIAUTH Developer Key for GitHub |
OSEM_GITHUB_SECRET | string | OMNIAUTH Developer Secret for GitHub |
OSEM_SCHEDULE_CELL_SIZE | integer | Schedule timeslot size to use (in minutes), should be greater than zero, should be divisor of 60 |
OSEM_SMTP_ADDRESS | | The smtp server to use |
OSEM_SMTP_PORT | int | The port on the smtp server |
OSEM_SMTP_USERNAME | string | The user for the smtp server |
OSEM_SMTP_PASSWORD | string | The password for the smtp server |
OSEM_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION | plain, login or cram_md5 | The auth method for the smtp server |
OSEM_SMTP_DOMAIN | | The HELO domain for the smtp server |
CLOUDINARY_URL | string | Configure your cloud name and api key/secret |
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY | string | Publishable Key for Stripe Gateway |
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY | string | Secret Key for Stripe Gateway |
We use Stripe for accepting your ticket payments securely over the web. Our application uses iFrame for accepting your user's payment details without storing them, making the application PCI SAQ-A Compliant. Please refer to PAYMENTS documentation file for setting up your stripe account and start accepting payments from your users.
We use ImageMagick for image manipulation so it needs to be available in your installation. If you would like to resize exisiting logos in your OSEM installation you can do so by running the following rake task:
$ bundle exec rake logo:reprocess
In order to use openID logins for your OSEM installation you need to register your application with the providers (Google, GitHub or Facebook) and enter their API keys in config/secrets.yml
file, changing the existing sample values.
======= Open a separate terminal and go into the directory where the rails app is present, and type the following to start the delayed_jobs worker for sending email notifications.
bundle exec rake jobs:work