In both the default CAM5-aerosol packages (MAM3,MAM7) and the Oslo-aerosol packages, the budget terms can be taken out using a variable in the namelist :
&phys_ctl_nl history_aerosol = .true. /
Two more diagnostics are useful:
To enable this, take the file cam/src/physics/cam_oslo$ vim preprocessorDefinitions.h and copy it to your SourceMods/ folder
Change both preprocessor definitions to true
- define AEROCOM
- define AEROFFL
The AEROCOM-token turns on diagnostics needed for AEROCOM The AEROFFL-token tells the model to do additional radiation-diagnostics for aerosol indirect effect
Running with budgets activated will produce the following terms in the monthly output files:
^ Output variable name ^ Meaning ^ Comment ^ | SF{Tracer} | Emissions from surface | | | GS_{Tracer} | gas phase chemistry | 3D-emissions and gas phase washout included in this term | | AQ_{Tracer} | aquous chemistry | | | {Tracer}_Mixnuc1 | Activation in clouds and evaporation of cloud droplets | | | {Tracer}_DDF | Dry deposition flux (aerosol tracers) | | | {Tracer}_SFWET | Wet deposition flux (aerosol tracers) | | | {Tracer}_condtend | loss/production in condensation/nuclation | (CAM-Oslo only) | | {Tracer}_coagTend | loss/production in coagulation | (CAM-Oslo only) | | DF_{Tracer} | dry deposition flux (gas tracers) | output with history_aerosol with CAM-Oslo only| | WD_A_{Tracer} | wet deposititon flux (gas tracers) | output with history_aerosol with CAM-Oslo only| | {Tracer}_CLXF | 3D-emissions ("external forcing") | output with history_aerosol with CAM-Oslo only| | {Tracer}_clcoagTend | loss of tracer due to coagulation with cloud droplets | output with history_aerosol with CAM-Oslo only|
Note: Since 3D-emissions and and gas washout rates are included in the term GS_{Tracer} in the mozart chemistry solver, the individual terms can be found like this (example for SO2): ncap2 -O -s GS_ONLY_SO2=GS_SO2-WD_A_SO2-SO2_CLXF
More info on SO2 budgets (see /models/atm/cam/tools/diagnostics/ncl/ModIvsModII/ for scripts with info on all tracers):
GS_SO2 contains the SO2 budget terms for all that goes on in the chemistry-routine, which is \\ 1) Gas phase chemistry, 2) Wet deposition, and 3) 3D-emissions.\Gas phase chemistry is both production from DMS (GS_DMS) and loss through OH (GL_OH) \\ For calculations of net loss, e.g. used to calculate SO2 life-times, we're interested in the \\ loss through OH from the chemistry-term (GL_OH).\GS_SO2 = GL_OH + SO2_CLXF - WD_A_SO2 - GS_DMS*64/62 \\ or \\ GL_OH = GS_SO2 - SO2_CLXF + WD_A_SO2 + GS_DMS*64/62 \\
Estimating chemical loss w.r.t. S (instead of SO2 or DMS), for comparison with CAM4-Oslo numbers:\net chemial loss gas phase = (GS_SO2/1.998 - SO2_CLXF + WD_A_SO2)/1.998 + GS_DMS/1.938 \\ net chemical loss = net chemial loss gas phase + AQ_SO2/1.998 \\
Finally, total net loss (used to calculate life-time = -load/(net loss), where load = cb_SO2/1.998):\net loss = \\ - WD_A_SO2/1.998 ;wet deposition in kg/m2/sec (positive in output file) \\ - DF_SO2/1.998 ;dry deposition in kg/m2/sec (positive in output file) \\ + AQ_SO2/1.998 ;wet phase production of SO4 in kg/m2/ses (negative in output file) \\ + (GS_SO2 - SO2_CLXF + WD_A_SO2)/1.998 + GS_DMS/1.938 ; net chemical loss gas phase \\
Making ncl plots of often used aerosol and cloud fields, including ERFs, for two model versions (CAM-Oslo only)
\ ```
<>`__\ ```
<>`__To prepare output so that it is processed automatically by the aerocom tools, use the script located at **models/atm/cam/tools/aerocom/** in the svn repository. The script prepares files such that the idl aerocom tools prepare plots for the aerocom webinterface: URL link to NorESM on AeroCom webinterface
The script requires _ and as input.
: for a climatological average and run choose 9999 , for nudged simulations choose the year of the meteorology
_: is the dataset identifier under which the plots appear on the AeroCom webinterface \\ of the form NorESM-CAM5_svn{RevisionNumber}_YYMMDD{initials}_Freetext. \\ Example: "NorESM-CAM5_svn1094_151201AG_CMIP6endelig" \\ Initials AG: Alf Grini, AK: Alf Kirkevåg, DO: Dirk Olivie...
The script creates files named like
⇒ eg NorESM-CAM53 \\ ⇒ svn{RevisionNumber}_YYMMDD{initials}_Freetext
\\ ⇒ aerocom variable names \\ ⇒ “Surface”, “Column”, “ModelLevel”, “SurfaceAtStations”, “ModelLevelAtStations” \⇒ eg “2008”, “2010”, "9999" \\ ⇒ “timeinvariant”,”hourly”, “daily”, “monthly”, “sat1000”, “sat1330”, “sat2200”, “sat0130” \\
Note that VerticalCoordinateType is dependent on the variable!! It is not a question about "vertical coordinate type used in model simulations"!
The script copies files on norstore into
- /projects/NS2345K/CAM-Oslo/DO_AEROCOM/_/renamed/**