To request model access, please send a request to // with some background information on how you plan to use the model.
Untar //NorESM1-M_sourceCode_vXXX.tar.zg// in your home directory. This will install the model source code in the folder //$HOME/NorESM1-M//.
Untar //NorESM1-M_inputdata_vXXX.tar.zg// to a folder that is available during run-time and has at least 70 GB of free space. This will create a sub-folder inputdata and install NorESM's forcing data and other boundary conditions to it.
Untar //NorESM1-M_initialPiHist1_vXXX.tar.zg// to a folder that is available during run-time and has at least 2 GB of free space. This will install restart conditions for the CMIP5 PiControl and first member of historical experiment.
Define the characteristics of your HPC system in //NorESM1-M/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml//.
Edit following section:
Set //MACH// to an acronym/name tag of your choice of your HPC system. Update //DESC// correspondingly.
Set //EXEROOT// to the root location where the model should create the build and run-directories. The model will replace //$CCSMUSER// with your unix user and //$CASE// with the specific case name (=simulation/experiment name).
Set //DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA// to the location where you installed the forcing and boundary condition data (this path should end with "/inputdata").
Set //DOUT_S_ROOT// to the root location for the short-term archiving (normally on the work disk area of the HPC system).
Optionally, set //DOUT_L_MSROOT// to the root location for the long-term archiving (normally a location that is not subject to automatic deletion). Leave unchanged if you don't plan to use automatic long-term archiving (e.g., if you want to move the data manually).
Optionally, set //DOUT_L_MSHOST// to the name of the (remote)-server for long-term archiving. Leave unchanged if you don't plan to use automatic long-term archiving
Set //BATCHSUBMIT// to the submit command on your HPC system.
Set //GMAKE_J// to the number of make instances run in parallel when building the system. Set to 1 if licence or memory issues occur.
Set //MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE// to the maximum number of MPI tasks that can run on a single node on your HPC system (usually the same as the number of cores per node).
Define NorESM1-M CPU-configurations for your HPC system in //NorESM1-M/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml//.
As a start, we recommend to simply replace all instances of //vilje// with your choice for //MACH// (i.e. the name tag of your machine).
Copy //env_machopts.vilje// to //env_machopts.$MACH// where //$MACH// has to be replaced with the name of your machine.
Edit settings as necessary. The settings should make compilers, libraries, queuing system commands ect. available during building and model execution. You will likely have to remove/replace all module specifications, while the runtime environment settings should work for most systems.
Copy //Macros.vilje// to //Macros.$MACH// if your compiler is intel. If your compiler is pgi, then instead use //Macros.hexagon// as template.
Following lines need to be customised:
INC_MPI := $(MPI_ROOT)/include
LIB_MPI := $(MPI_ROOT)/lib
Copy //mkbatch.vilje// to //mkbatch.$MACH//.
Change as necessary the settings for //mach//, //group_id//, //mppsize//, //mppnodes//, etc.
Replace the line mpiexec_mpt -stats -n $mpptotal omplace -nt ${maxthrds} ./ccsm.exe >&! ccsm.log.$LID with the submit command and appropriate options for your HPC system.
We suggest to test the installation by running a pre-industrial spin-up experiment that is configured as 'start-up' simulation (i.e. uses idealised conditions and observational climatologies as initial conditions).
Change directory to //$HOME/NorESM1-M/scripts//.
Set up pre-industrial spin-up simulation with ./create_newcase -case ../cases/NorESM1-M_PI_spinup -compset NAER1850CN -res f19_g16 -mach $MACH -pecount S where //$MACH// is the name tag of your machine.
Change directory to //../cases/NorESM1-M_PI_spinup//
Run .configure -case to set up simulation.
Run ./NorESM1-M_PI_spinup.$ to stage namelists in run directory and build model code.
Submit run-script //./NorESM1-M_PI_spinup.$ (use appropriate submit command for your HPC system, e.g. qsub).
If the test was successful then the model should run for 5 days and write our restart conditions at the beginning of the 6th day. The location of the run directory is specified via EXEROOT in config_machines.xml (see section Porting).