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AWS EC2 Run Instance

Creates and runs an EC2 instance
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AWS EC2 Run Instance Action

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This action will create and run an AWS EC2 instance and then optionally terminate it as a post step.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Configure AWS Credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
          role-to-assume: "${{ secrets.AWS_ASSUME_ROLE }}"
          aws-region: "us-east-2"
      - name: Setup ARM64 EC2
        id: ec2-arm64
        uses: truemark/aws-ec2-run-instance-action@v5
          security-group-id: "sg-0baf5bcfe9f21efa0"
          subnet-id: "subnet-09a35a2abd797dbf0"
          image-id: "default-arm64"
          instance-type: "c7g.large"
          instance-profile: "TruemarkEC2RoleforSSM"
          region: "us-east-2"
          user-data: |
            echo "Do something cool here"

You can use default-arm64 and default-amd64 to get the latest Amazon Linux ARM. You can also use the AMI ID of your own AMI.


Name Type Required Description
subnet-id string Yes Subnet ID to launch the instance in
security-group-id string Yes Security group to apply to the EC2 instance
image-id string Yes Image ID to use for the EC2 instance. Also accepts default-arm64 and default-amd64 options
instance-type string Yes Instance type to use for the EC2 instance
instance-profile string No Instance profile to use for the EC2 instance
volume-size number No Volume size in GB to use for the EC2 instance
associate-public-ip-address boolean No Associate a public IP address to the instance
tags string No Tags to apply to the EC2 instance. Format: JSON
user-data string No User data to apply to the EC2 instance
instance-shutdown-behavior string No Shutdown behavior for the EC2 instance. This may be stop or terminate. Default is terminate
region string Yes AWS region to use for the EC2 instance
key-name string No SSH key name to use for the EC2 instance
terminate-on-post boolean No Terminate the EC2 instance after the post step. Default is true.
name string No Name to use for the EC2 instance. Default is repository name and run number


Name Type Description
instance-id string Instance ID of the EC2 instance


Install node version 16

Install the dependencies

$ npm install

Build the typescript and package it for distribution

$ npm run build && npm run package

Run the tests ✔️

$ npm test

AWS EC2 Run Instance is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Creates and runs an EC2 instance

AWS EC2 Run Instance is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.