Actions- Template Frogo for creating library
- Using GitHub Action For CI / CD
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Repository for testing build from
- Red : Failed
- Green : Success / Pass
This Is Latest Release
~ Beta Release
$version_release = comming-soon
What's New??
* Comming Soon *
// Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
// Add it in your root build.gradle.kts at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
dependencies {
// library [project-name]
implementation 'com.github.frogobox:[project-name]:comming-soon'
dependencies {
// library [project-name]
Very open to anyone, I'll write your name under this, please contribute by sending an email to me
- Mail To
- Subject : Github _ [Github-Username-Account] _ [Language] _ [Repository-Name]
- Example : Github_amirisback_kotlin_admob-helper-implementation
Name Of Contribute
- Muhammad Faisal Amir
- Waiting List
- Waiting List
Waiting for your contribute
- Please enjoy and don't forget fork and give a star
- Don't Forget Follow My Github Account
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