Download a GitHub release asset from a semver version template
Easy! You can just download the binary from the command line:
- Linux
curl -sL > gh-downloader
curl -sL > gh-downloader
If you prefer compiling the binary (assuming buildtools and Go are installed):
go install
usage: gh-downloader [--gh-token] [--repository, -r] [--asset, -a] [--scheme, -s] [--latest] [--output, -o] [--mode]
- GithubToken: string GitHub API token (env: GITHUB_TOKEN, UPF_GITHUB_TOKEN, flag: --gh-token)
- Repository: main.repoConfig Repository (env: REPOSITORY, flag: --repository, -r)
- Asset: string Asset name (env: ASSET, flag: --asset, -a)
- Scheme: string Scheme of the release (env: SCHEME, flag: --scheme, -s)
- Output: string Output location on disk, if left empty the file will be written on stdout (env: OUTPUT, flag: --output, -o)
- FileMode: main.fileMode File mode to create the output file in (default: 0644) (env: FILEMODE, flag: --mode)
Let's say you have a repositiory upfluence/foo
and all the release are
tagged such as bar-0.0.1
, bar-0.1.0
and so on.
you can download the latest release with:
gh-downloader -a mybin -gh-token="GITHUB_TOKEN.." -o mybin -repository upfluence/foo -s "bar-vx.x.x"
you can also download the latest release with the major version 3
gh-downloader -a mybin -gh-token="GITHUB_TOKEN.." -o mybin -repository upfluence/foo -s "bar-v3.x.x"
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: upfluence/gh-downloader@master
repo: upfluence/ubuild
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
asset: ubuild-linux-amd64
output: ~/gh-action
gh-downloader is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.