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Pull Request Stats

Github action to print relevant stats about Pull Request reviewers
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Pull Request Stats

CI GitHub Marketplace

Github action to print relevant stats about Pull Request.

The objective of this action is to:

  • Track and increase your team's performance.
  • Reduce the time taken to review the pull requests.
  • Encourage quality on reviews.
  • Help to decide which people to assign as reviewers.

Running this action will add a section at the bottom of your pull requests description:

Each reviewer has a link pointing to their historical behavior of each reviewer:

Or send the data to your favorite tools by using the integrations available:


MS Teams



  • No repository data is collected, stored, or distributed by this GitHub action. This action is state-less.
  • Charts data is sent over the URL and never stored or transmitted anywhere else.
  • Minimal data is sent to Mixpanel in order to improve this action. However, you can opt-out using the telemetry option.


Just add this action to one of your workflow files:

      - name: Run pull request stats
        uses: flowwer-dev/pull-request-stats@main

If you are getting an empty table or an error, check the troubleshooting section.

Action inputs

The possible inputs for this action are:

Parameter Description Default
token A Personal Access Token with repo permissions. Required to calculate stats for an organization or multiple repositories. GITHUB_TOKEN
repositories A comma-separated list of GitHub repositories to calculate the stats, e.g. username/repo1,username/repo2. If no repositories are specified, the action defaults to the repository where the workflow is running. When specifying other repo(s), it is mandatory to pass a Personal Access Token in the token parameter. Current repository
organization If you prefer, you may specify your organization's name to calculate the stats across all of its repositories. When specifying an organization, it is mandatory to pass a Personal Access Token in the token parameter. null
period The period used to calculate the stats, expressed in days. 30
limit The maximum number of rows to display in the table. A value of 0 means unlimited. 0
stats A comma-separated list of stats to calculate and display. Possible values: totalReviews, timeToReview, totalComments, etc... (Check all available in the Stats section) totalReviews,timeToReview,totalComments
charts Whether to add a chart to the start. Possible values: true or false. false
disableLinks If true, removes the links to the detailed charts. Possible values: true or false. false
sortBy The column used to sort the data. Possible values: totalReviews, timeToReview, totalComments, commentsPerReview, openedPullRequests. totalReviews
publishAs Where to publish the results. Possible values: COMMENT, DESCRIPTION, or NONE. COMMENT
exclude A comma-separated list of usernames (case-insensitive) to be excluded from the results (e.g. username1,username2), or a regular expression enclosed between slashes (e.g. /^bot/i will exclude all usernames that begin with "bot"). null
include A comma-separated list of usernames (case-insensitive) to be the only ones included in the results (e.g. username1,username2), or a regular expression enclosed between slashes (e.g. /^bot/i will include only usernames that begin with "bot"). null
telemetry Indicates if the action is allowed to send monitoring data to the developer. This data is minimal and helps improve this action. This option is a premium feature reserved for sponsors. true
slackWebhook A Slack webhook URL to post resulting stats. This option is a premium feature reserved for sponsors. See full documentation here. null
slackChannel The Slack channel where stats will be posted. Include the # character (e.g. #mychannel). Required when a slackWebhook is configured. null
teamsWebhook A Microsoft Teams webhook URL to post resulting stats. This option is a premium feature reserved for sponsors. See full documentation here. null
webhook A webhook URL to send the resulting stats as JSON (integrate with Zapier, IFTTT...). See full documentation here. null

Action outputs

This action outputs the following variables:

Variable Description
resultsMd The resulting stats stored as a step output variable in Markdown format.
resultsJson The resulting stats stored as a step output variable in JSON format.


Minimal config

Add this to the file .github/workflows/stats.yml in your repo:

name: Pull Request Stats

    types: [opened]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run pull request stats
        uses: flowwer-dev/pull-request-stats@main

This config will:

  • Calculate the reviewer stats for the current repo in the lasts 30 days.
  • Add links to the historical data.
  • Sort results by the "total reviews" column by default.

and print a table like this:

User Total reviews Median time to review Total comments
jartmez 37 22m 13
manuelmhtr 35 48m 96
ernestognw 25 1h 27m 63
javierbyte 12 30m 0
Phaze1D 4 34m 1

Visual config

Add this to the file .github/workflows/stats.yml:

name: Pull Request Stats

    types: [opened]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run pull request stats
        uses: flowwer-dev/pull-request-stats@main
          token: ${{ secrets.ADD_A_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          organization: 'piedpiper'
          period: 7
          charts: true
          disableLinks: true
          sortBy: 'totalComments'
          stats: 'totalComments,openedPullRequests,totalReviews'

This config will:

  • Calculate the reviewer stats for all the repos in the "piedpiper" organization in the lasts 7 days.
  • Display charts for the metrics.
  • Remove the links to detailed charts.
  • Sort results by the "Total comments" column.
  • Show the "Total comments", "Opened pull requests"and "Median time to review" columns (in that order).

and print a table like this:

User Total comments Opened pull requests Median time to review
1d 16h 18m
2h 15m
1h 28m
21h 24m


This section explains the available stats that can be displayed using the stats option and how they are calculated.

Review stats

Stats related to the review process:

Stat name and ID Description
Total reviews (totalReviews): The total number of pull requests reviewed by a user during the specified period.
Total comments (totalComments): The number of comments made while reviewing other users' Pull Requests during the specified period. Excludes comments made on your own pull requests or general discussions; only code-related comments are included.
Time to review (timeToReview): The median time a reviewer takes from the Pull Request publication or the last commit push (whatever happens last) to the first time the pull request is reviewed.
Comments per review (commentsPerReview): The median number of comments a reviewer made per pull request.
Reviewed additions (reviewedAdditions): The total number of added lines reviewed.
Reviewed deletions (reviewedDeletions): The total number of deleted lines reviewed.
Reviewed lines (reviewedLines): The total number of lines reviewed (additions + deletions).

Performance stats:

Stats related to the production process (opened pull requests):

Stat name and ID Description
Opened pull requests (openedPullRequests): The number of pull requests opened by the user in the period.
Total observations (totalObservations): The total number of comments received on pull requests opened by the user.
Median observations (medianObservations): The median number of comments received per pull request opened by the user.
Revision success rate (revisionSuccessRate): The percentage of pull request reviews resulting in approval, compared to the total reviews received. (eg. After 2 "Comment", 4 "Request changes" and 3 "Approve" reviews, the success rate would be 0.33)
Additions (additions): The total number of added lines across the opened pull requests.
Deletions (deletions): The total number of deleted lines across the opened pull requests.
Lines (lines): The total number of lines changed (added and deleted) across all pull requests opened by the user.

Integrations 🔌

Check the guide for the tool you want to integrate:


The action is printing an empty table.
  1. Make sure the repositories have pull request reviews during the configured period.
  2. When specifying repositories or organization parameters, a Personal Access Token is required in the token parameter.
  3. If providing a Personal Access Token, ensure it has the repo permission for the projects you want.
  4. If you are not providing a Personal Access Token (thus, the action is using the default GITHUB_TOKEN), make sure the job has the contents: read and pull-requests: write permissions While these permissions are typically provided by default, certain organizations may customize or overwrite them.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      - name: Run pull request stats
        uses: flowwer-dev/pull-request-stats@main
I get the error "Error commenting on the pull request...".

This error happens when the organization configures the action's permissions as read. To fix it, overwrite them by adding a permissions configuration in the workflow file. The minimum required permissions are contents: read and pull-requests: write:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      - name: Run pull request stats
        uses: flowwer-dev/pull-request-stats@main
I'm a sponsor but still getting the error " a premium feature, available to sponsors".
  1. Check the sponsorship comes from the account that owns the configured repos (usually an organization).
  2. Make sure the sponsorship is configured as public, otherwise, the action cannot access the sponsorship information. If you prefer to keep it private, please reach me out to make it work for you that way 😉.

Premium features ✨

This action offers some premium features only for sponsors:

  • Disabling telemetry.
  • Slack integration.
  • Microsoft Teams integration.
  • Coming soon: Discord integration, web version.

The suggested sponsorship is $20 USD / month. However, if it's not possible for you or your organization, please consider supporting it with any amount you can. Even a one-time sponsorship will enable the Premium features and encourage the progress of this project.

Being a sponsor will also give you access to the premium features in all of my other projects.

Thanks for your support! 💙

Related projects 🔥

  • Recap: Tired of writing pull request descriptions? Let GPT do it for you.

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Used by hundreds of successful teams:



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🇲🇽 Guadalajara, MX
🇲🇽 Colima, MX


This project is maintained by a small team, considering supporting the project by:

NEW: Check the web version! ⚡

Flowwer web preview

Breaking News! We’ve unleashed the stand-alone version of this action!

  • Filter by repositories and date range.
  • Stats tracking over the time.
  • Tons of new features coming soon!

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Pull Request Stats is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Github action to print relevant stats about Pull Request reviewers

Pull Request Stats is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.