A github action to install the latest daily build of the .NET SDK.
- uses: Elskom/setup-latest-dotnet@main
# major version of the .NET SDK to look for the newest version on in the feeds (optional, default is '7').
# minor version of the .NET SDK to look for the newest version on in the feeds (optional, default is '0').
# version band of the .NET SDK to look for the newest version on in the feeds (optional, default is '1xx').
# for different values look in the dotnet/installer github repository.
# default value, this will override the input major, minor and band version for the .NET SDK to install (if set).
# The list of versions of the runtime to install.
# The value below is the default list.
Setup latest .NET SDKs is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.