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Copy image from src to dst by Skopeo
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Skopeo Copy Action

Reference: Copying images

Copy image from src to dst.


Input parameter name Description Example
src-image source image with tag to copy from
src-creds credentials with format: [USERNAME]:[PASSWORD] to pull source image username:password
dst-image destination image with tag to copy to
dst-creds credentials with format: [USERNAME]:[PASSWORD] to push destination image username:password


  1. You MUST ensure that the content of the credentials [USERNAME]:[PASSWORD] DOES NOT contain any colons(:) other than the separator one. Otherwise, it is likely that the registry will not be accessed correctly. Of course, we can extend the cred parameters to registry, username and password to avoid this problem. But this increases the complexity of this action.
  2. We tend to use Skopeo inside GFW to sync the outside image into the registry inside GFW. When you run this action on self-hosted runner, you MUST ensure that Skopeo installed. Here is an example to use an action-runner-dind with Skopeo.
# You can mirror actions-runner-dind:ubuntu-22.04 first by the following cmd:
# skopeo copy --dest-creds <creds> \ 
# docker:// \
# docker:// 

RUN sudo apt-get update -y \
    && sudo apt-get install -y skopeo

A little best practice

Here is a typical example about maintaining images between the registry outside GFW and the one inside GFW.

We build docker image on GitHub-hosted runner and sync image from the registry outside the GFW to the registry inside GFW on self-hosted runner. If the synchronization fails on self-hosted runner, the job will be done on GitHub-hosted runner as a fallback. This has proven to be the most economically efficient (cost of self-built containers) and time-consuming overall. Practice has shown that it is more difficult and insurmountable to push and pull data from outside the GFW to inside the GFW than to push and pull data from inside the GFW through a reliable network proxy.

skopeo-copy-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Copy image from src to dst by Skopeo

skopeo-copy-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.