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Pull Dog

Automatic Docker Compose based test environments for your pull requests
126 installs


Free plan available.

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Pull Dog allows you to make automatic Docker Compose based test environments for your pull requests, when they are created.

A tester's best friend

Now your quality assurance team knows exactly where to see your changes in action.

Collect feedback easily

Others can easily see your pull request in action on a real server, making it easier for them to provide feedback.

When a pull request is opened, a test environment is being provisioned from your Docker Compose file.

Plans and pricing

Pull Dog is free per default. If you want to run more test environments at a time, or need more powerful hardware, there's a small price tag.

Next: Confirm your installation location

Pull Dog is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation


Automatic Docker Compose based test environments for your pull requests
126 installs


Free plan available.