- install
- run
aws configure
- type key ID
- type secret key
- define zone (us-east-1)
- (1) run
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 <name>
- (2) view configs docker-machine (created on step 1)
docker-machine env <name>
- (3) configure new docker-machine env (created on step 1)
@FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env --shell cmd <name>') DO %i
- open on aws console: Identity and Security > Certificate Manager
- choose 'generate public certificate'
- put your domain like as example.com (prefer to put with 'www' and without 'www' so that the client can access both ways)
- choose what kind of validation do you prefer email/dns (email its more simple ; dns you need configure on your domain provider. Looks below)
- define a tag with key/value
- confirm and see on the end your record name and value. PS: Save them for future use
- open your google domains on DNS settings
- find section 'Custom resource records'
- put on columns:
- Name: record name received on aws. Only the beginning of the name, its looks like
- Type: choose CNAME
- Data: record value receid on aws. Put all value, its looks like
- Name: record name received on aws. Only the beginning of the name, its looks like
- save and waits until the settings are propagated (usually takes a few minutes)