ledger2beancount is a script to automatically convert Ledger-based textual ledgers to Beancount ones.
Conversion is based on (concrete) syntax, so that information that are not meaningful for accounting reasons but still valuable (e.g., comments, formatting, etc.) can be preserved.
ledger2beancount aims to be compatible with the latest official release of beancount.
ledger2beancount is a Perl script and relies on the following Perl modules:
- Carp::Assert
- Config::Onion
- Date::Calc
- DateTime::Format::Strptime
- File::BaseDir
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive
You can install the required Perl modules with cpanminus:
cpanm --installdeps .
If you use Debian, you can install the dependencies with this command:
sudo apt install libcarp-assert-perl libconfig-onion-perl \
libdate-calc-perl libfile-basedir-perl libyaml-libyaml-perl \
libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl libdatetime-format-strptime-perl
ledger2beancount itself consists of one script. You can clone the
repository and run the script directly or copy it to $HOME/bin
a similar location:
git clone https://github.com/zacchiro/ledger2beancount/
./bin/ledger2beancount examples/simple.ledger
ledger2beancount is available on AUR:
You can install Strawberry Perl on Windows
and use cpanm
as described above to install the required Perl modules.
ledger2beancount is not packaged for Windows but you can clone this Git
repository and run the script.
You can install cpanm
from Homebrew:
brew install cpanminus
ledger2beancount can use a configuration file. It will search for
the config file ledger2beancount.yml
and if that is not found for
. You can also pass an
alternative config file via --config/-c
. The file must end in .yml
or .yaml
. See the sample config file for the variables you can use.
While the configuration file is optional, you may have to define a number of variables for ledger2beancount to work correctly with your ledger files:
sets the indentation level used in your ledger file (by default4
has to be configured if you don't use the date formatYYYY-MM-DD
has to be set totrue
if you use commas as the decimal separator (for example,10,12 EUR
meaning 10 Euro and 12 cents).commodity_map
defines mappings from ledger to beancount commodities. You have to set this if you use commodity codes like€
(to map them toEUR
, respectively).
Additionally, these options are useful to configure beancount:
: a list of the currencies you frequently use.beancount_header
: a file which is embedded at the beginning of the converted beancount file which can include beancountoption
information and more.
Other variables can be set to use various functionality offered by ledger2beancount. Please read the section on features to learn about these variables.
ledger2beancount accepts input from stdin
or from a file and will write
the converted data to stdout
. You can run ledger2beancount like this
on the example provided:
ledger2beancount examples/simple.ledger > simple.beancount
After you convert your ledger file, you should validate the generated
beancount file with bean-check
and fix all errors:
bean-check simple.beancount
You should also inspect the generated beancount file to see if it looks correct to you. Please note that ledger2beancount puts notes at the beginning of the generated beancount file if it encounters problems with the conversion.
If you believe that ledger2beancount could have produced a better conversion or if you get an error message from ledger2beancount, please file a bug along with a simple test case.
The syntax of beancount is quite stable but it's expected to become slightly less restrictive as some missing features are implemented (such as posting-level tags).
ledger2beancount aims to be compatible with the latest official release of beancount, but some functionality may require an unreleased version of beancount. You can install the latest development version of beancount directly from the beancount repository:
pip3 install hg+https://bitbucket.org/blais/beancount/
Currently, there are no features that require an unreleased version of beancount.
ledger2beancount is largely compatible with Beancount 2.0. If you use the following features, you need Beancount 2.1:
- UTF-8 letters and digits in account names
- Full-line comments in transactions
- Transaction tags on multiple lines
ledger2beancount supports most of the syntax from ledger. It also offers some features to improve the conversion from ledger to beancount.
If you're new to beancount, we suggest you read this section in parallel to the illustrated ledger file provided. This example ledger file explains differences between ledger and beancount, shows how ledger syntax is converted to beancount and describes how you can use the features described in this section to improve the conversion from ledger to beancount. The illustrated example uses the same subsections as this section, so it's easy to follow in parallel.
You can convert the illustrated ledger file to beancount like this:
ledger2beancount --config examples/illustrated.yml examples/illustrated.ledger
But please be aware that it doesn't pass bean-check
. See the comments in
the file as to why.
Note on regular expressions: many of the features described below require you to specify regular expressions in ledger2beancount configuration file. The expected syntax (and semantics) for all such values is that of Perl regular expressions.
ledger2beancount will convert ledger account declarations to beancount
statements using the account_open_date
variable as the opening
date. The note
is used as the description
Unlike ledger, beancount requires declarations for all account names.
If an account was not declared in your ledger file but used,
ledger2beancount will automatically create an open
statement in
beancount. You can turn this off by setting automatic_declarations
to false
. This is useful if you have include files and run
ledger2beancount several times since duplicate open
statements for
the same account will result in an error from beancount.
ledger2beancount replaces ledger account names with valid beancount accounts and therefore performs the following transformations automatically:
- Replaces space and other invalid characters with dash
Liabilities:Credit Card
) - Replaces account names starting with lower case letters with
upper case letters (
) - Ensures the first letter is a letter or number by replacing
a non-letter first character with an
While these transformations lead to valid beancount account names,
they might not be what you desire. Therefore, you can add account
mappings to account_map
to map the transformed account names to
something different. The mapping will work on your ledger account
names and on the account names after the transformation.
Unlike ledger, beancount expects all account names to start with one
of five account types (Assets
, Liabilities
, Equity
, Expenses
and Income
, although this can be configured). If you use more than
five account types, you will have to rename them. Currently,
ledger2beancount doesn't have an option to map the account types.
Ledger's apply account
and alias
directives are supported. The
mapping of account names described above is done after these directives.
In ledger, amounts can be placed after the amount. This is converted to beancount with the the amount first, followed by the commodity.
If you use commas as the decimal separator (i.e. values like 10,12
using the ledger option --decimal-comma
) you have to set the
option to true
. Please note that commas are not
supported as the decimal separator in beancount at the moment (issue
204) so your
amounts are converted not to use comma as the decimal separator.
Commas as separators for thousands (e.g. 1,000,000
) are supported by
Like accounts, ledger2beancount will convert ledger commodity
declarations to beancount. The note
is converted to name
. As with
account names, ledger2beancount will create commodity
statements for
all commodities used in your ledger file (if automatic_declarations
is true
ledger2beancount will automatically convert commodities to valid
beancount commodities. This involves replacing all invalid characters
with a dash (a character allowed in beancount commodities but not in
ledger commodities), stripping quoted commodities, making the commodity
uppercase and limiting it to 24 characters. Furthermore, the first
character will be replaced with an X
if it's not a letter and the
same will be done for the last character if it's not a letter or digit.
If you require a mapping between ledger and beancount commodities, you
can use commodity_map
. You can use your ledger commodity names or
the names after the transformation in the map to perform a mapping to
another commodity name.
Commodity symbols (like $
, €
and £
) are supported and converted to
their respective commodity codes (like USD
). Update
if you use other symbols.
ledger2beancount supports both transaction flags (transaction state) and account flags (state flags).
ledger supports a wide range of date formats whereas beancount requires
all dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD
(ISO 8601). The variable
has to be set if you don't use ISO 8601 for the dates in
your ledger file. date_format
uses the same format as the ledger
options --input-date-format
and --date-format
(see man 1 date
Ledger allows dates without a year if the year is declared using the Y
or year
directive. If date_format_no_year
is set, ledger2beancount
can convert such dates to YYYY-MM-DD
Posting-level dates are recognized by ledger2beancount and stored as
metadata according to the postdate_tag
by default) but this
has no effect in beancount. There is
a proposal
to support this functionality in a different way, but this is not
implemented in beancount yet.
While ledger2beancount itself doesn't read your ledger config file, the
script ledger2beancount-ledger-config
can be used to parse your ledger
config file (~/.ledgerrc
) or your ledger file (ledger files may contain
ledger options) to output the correct config option for ledger2beancount.
Beancount currently doesn't support ledger's auxiliary dates
(or effective dates; also known as date2 in hledger) (but there is
a proposal
to support this functionality in a different way),
so these are stored as metadata according to the auxdate_tag
Unset the variable if you don't want auxiliary dates to be stored as
metadata. Account and posting-level auxiliary dates are supported.
Beancount doesn't support ledger's transaction
codes. These are
therefore stored as metatags if code_tag
is set.
The ledger payee information, which is generally used as free-form text to describe the transaction, is stored in beancount's narration field and properly quoted.
Ledger has limited support for payees. A payee
metadata key can be set
but this also overrides the free-form text to describe the transaction.
Payees can also be declared explicitly in ledger but this is not required
by beancount, so such declarations are ignored (they are preserved as
hledger allows the separation of payee and narration using the pipe
character (payee | narration
). This is supported by ledger2beancount
if the hledger
option is enabled.
Since ledger has limited support for payees, ledger2beancount offers several features to determine the payee from the transaction itself.
You can set payee_split
and define a list of regular expressions which
allow you to split ledger's payee field into payee and narration. You
have to use regular expressions with the named capture groups payee
and narration
. For example, given the ledger transaction header
2018-03-18 * Supermarket (Tesco)
and the configuration
- (?<narration>.*?)\s+\((?<payee>Tesco)\)
ledger2beancount will create this beancount transaction header:
2018-03-18 * "Tesco" "Supermarket"
In other words, payee_split
allows you to split the ledger payee
into payee and narration in beancount. payee_split
is a list of
regular expressions and ledger2beancount stops when a match is
Furthermore, you can use payee_match
to match based on the ledger
payee field and assign payees according to the match. This variable
is a list consisting of regular expressions and the corresponding
payees. For example, if your ledger contains a transaction like:
2018-03-18 * Oyster card top-up
you can use
- ^Oyster card top-up: Transport for London
to match the line and assign the payee Transport for London
2018-03-18 * "Transport for London" "Oyster card top-up"
Unlike payee_split
, the full payee field from ledger is used as the
narration in beancount. Again, ledger2beancount stops after the first
match. Beancount comes with a plugin called fix_payees
offers a similar functionality to payee_match
: it renames payees
based on a set of rules which allow you to match account names,
payees and the narration. The difference is that ledger2beancount's
will write the matched payee to the beancount file
whereas the fix_payees
plugin leaves your input file intact and
assigns the new payee within beancount.
Please note that the payee_match
is done after payee_split
is evaluated even if payee_split
matched. This allows
you to remove some information from the narration using payee_split
while overriding the found payee using payee_match
The regular expressions from payee_split
and payee_match
are evaluated
in a case sensitive manner by default. If you want case insensitive
matches, you can prefix your pattern with (?i)
, for example:
- (?i)^Oyster card top-up: Transport for London
Finally, metadata describing a payee or payer will be used to set the
payee. The tags used for that information can be specified in
and payer_tag
. Payees identified with these tags will
override the payees found with payee_split
and payee_match
in the case of payee_split
the narration will be modified as per the
regular expression). This allows you to define generic matches using
and payee_match
and override special cases using metadata
Account and posting metadata are converted to beancount syntax. Metadata
keys used in ledger can be converted to different keys in beancount using
. Metadata can also be converted to links (see below).
Beancount is more restrictive than ledger in what it allows as metadata
keys. ledger2beancount will automatically convert metadata keys to valid
beancount metadata keys. This involves replacing all invalid characters
with a dash and making sure the first character is a lowercase letter
(either by lowercasing a letter or adding the prefix x
ledger2beancount also supports
typed metadata
(i.e. key::
instead of key:
) and doesn't quote the values accordingly,
but you should make sure the values are valid in beancount.
Beancount allows tags for transactions but currently doesn't support
tags for postings (issue
144). Because of
this, posting-level tags are currently stored as metadata with the key
. This should be seen as a workaround because metadata with the
key tags
is not treated the same way by beancount as proper tags.
Ledger's apply tag
directive is supported. If the string to apply is
metadata or a link (according to link_match
, see below), the information
will be added to each transaction between apply tag
and end tag
If it's a tag, beancount's equivalent of apply tag
is used (pushtag
and poptag
Note that tags can be defined in ledger using a tag
directive. This
is not required in beancount and there's no equivalent directive so
all tag
directives are skipped.
Beancount differentiates between tags and links whereas ledger doesn't. Links can be used in beancount to link several transactions together. ledger2beancount offers two mechanisms to convert ledger tags and metadata to links.
First, you can define a list of metadata tags in link_tags
values should be converted to beancount links instead of metadata. For
- Invoice
with the ledger input
2018-03-19 * Invoice 4
; Invoice:: 4
will be converted to
2018-03-19 * Invoice 4 ^4
instead of
2018-03-19 * Invoice 4 #4
Tags are case insensitive. Be aware that the metadata must not contain any whitespace.
Since posting-level links are currently not allowed in beancount, they are stored as metadata.
Second, you can define regular expressions in link_match
to determine
that a tag should be rendered as a link instead. For example, if you
tag your trips in the format YYYY-MM-DD-foo
, you could use
- ^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-
to render them as links. So the ledger transaction header
2018-02-02 * Train Brussels airport to city
; :2018-02-02-brussels-fosdem:debian:
would become the following in beancount:
2018-02-02 * "Train Brussels airport to city" ^2018-02-02-brussels-fosdem #debian
Comments are supported.
Currently, beancount doesn't accept top-level comments with the |
(issue 282).
ledger2beancount changes such comments to use the ;
Beancount does not have a concept of virtual costs (issue 248). ledger2beancount therefore treats them as regular costs (or, rather, as regular prices).
Lot costs and prices are supported, including per-unit and total lot costs. Lot dates and lot notes are converted to beancount.
The behaviour of ledger and beancount is different when it comes to costs. In ledger, the statement
Assets:Test 10.00 EUR @ 0.90 GBP
creates the lot 10.00 EUR {0.90 GBP}
. In beancount, this is not the
case and a cost is only associated if done so explicitly:
Assets:Test 10.00 EUR {0.90 GBP}
This makes automatic conversion tricky because some statements should be simple conversions without associating a cost whereas it's vital to preserve the cost in other conversions.
Generally, it doesn't make sense to preserve the cost for currency
conversion (as opposed to conversions involving commodities like shares
and stocks). Since most currency codes consist of 3 characters (EUR
, etc), the script makes a simple conversion (10.00 EUR @ 0.90 GBP
) if both commodities consist of 3 characters. Otherwise it
associates a cost (1 LU0274208692 {48.67 EUR}
). Since some 3 character
symbols might be commodities instead of currencies (e.g. ETH
and BTH
), the
variable can be used to treat them as commodities
and associate a cost in conversions. Similarly, commodity_is_currency
can be used to configure commodities that should be treated as currencies
in the sense that no cost is retained. This is useful if you, for
example, track miles or hotel points that are sometimes redeemed for a
cash value. Both of these variables expect beancount commodities, i.e.
after transformation and mapping. (Note that beancount itself uses the
terms "commodity" and "currency" interchangeably.)
Ledger balance assertions
are converted to beancount balance
Please note that beancount evaluates balance assertions at the beginning of the day whereas ledger evaluates them at the end of the day (up to ledger 3.1.1) or at the end of the transaction (newer versions of ledger). Therefore, we schedule the balance assertion for the day after the original transaction. This assumes that there are no other transactions on the same day that change the balance again for this account.
In addition to balance assertions, ledger also supports balance assignments. ledger2beancount can handle some, but not all types of balance assertions. The most simple case is something like:
2012-03-10 KFC
Expenses:Food $20.00
Assets:Cash = $50.00
which can be handled like a balance assertion. However, ledger also allows transactions with two null postings when there's a balance assignment, as in:
2012-03-10 KFC
Expenses:Food $20.00
Assets:Cash = $50.00
This can't be handled by ledger2beancount. While ledger can calculate
how much you spent in Assets:Cash
and balance it with Expenses:Drink
ledger2beancount can't. The transformation of this transaction will lead
to two null postings, which bean-check
will flag as invalid.
Finally, ledger allows transactions solely consisting of two null postings when one has a balance assignment:
2012-03-10 Adjustment
Assets:Cash = $500.00
ledger2beancount will create a beancount pad
statement, followed by a
statement the following day, to set the correct balance.
Ledger's automated transactions are not supported in beancount. They are added as comments to the beancount file.
Ledger's periodic transactions are not supported in beancount. They are added as comments to the beancount file.
Ledger's concept of virtual postings
does not exist in beancount. Ledger has two types of virtual postings:
those in parentheses ((Budget:Food)
) which don't have to balance and
those in brackets ([Budget:Food]
) which have to balance. The former
violate the accounting equation and can't be converted to beancount.
The latter can be converted by making them into "real" accounts.
ledger2beancount will do this if the convert_virtual
option is set to
. By default, ledger2beancount will simply skip all virtual
If you set convert_virtual
to true
, be aware that all account names
have to start with one of five assets classes (Assets
, etc). This is
often not the case for virtual postings, so you will have to rename or
map these account names.
Very simple inline math is supported in postings. Specifically, basic multiplications and divisions are supported, such as shown in the following transactions:
2018-03-26 * Simple inline math
Assets:Test1 1 GBP @ (1/1.14 EUR)
Assets:Test2 -0.88 EUR
2018-03-26 * Simple inline math
Assets:Test1 (1 * 3 GBP)
Assets:Test2 -3 GBP
Support for more complex inline math would require substantial changes to the parser.
ledger allows implicit conversions under some circumstances, such as in this example:
2019-01-29 * Implicit conversion
Assets:A 10.00 EUR
Assets:B -11.42 USD
They are generally a bad idea since they make it very easy to hide problems that are hard to track down. beancount doesn't support implicit conversions.
ledger2beancount supports implicit conversions if there are only two postings in a transaction (the most common case). More complex implicit conversations are not supported.
The syntax of hledger is largely compatible with
that of ledger. If the hledger
config option is set to true
ledger2beancount will look for some hledger specific features:
hledger allows the separation of a transaction's description into payee and note (narration) using the pipe character (
payee | narration
). -
hledger allows
to specify posting dates in posting comments in addition to ledger's[date=date2]
syntax. -
The syntax of tags is different in hledger:
tag1: tag2:, tag3:
in hledger vs:tag1:tag2:tag3:
in ledger.
Sometimes it makes sense to exclude certain lines from the conversion.
For example, you may not want a specific include
directive to be
added to the beancount file if the file contains ledger-specific
definitions or directives with no equivalence in beancount.
ledger2beancount allows you to define a marker in the config file as
. If this marker is found as a ledger comment on a
line, the line will be skipped and not added to the beancount output.
For example, given the config setting
ignore_marker: NoL2B
you could do this:
C 1.00 Mb = 1024 Kb ; NoL2B
If you want to skip several lines, you can use $ignore_marker begin
and $ignore_marker end
. This syntax is also useful for ledger
directives, which don't allow a comment on the same line.
; NoL2B begin
include ledger-specific-header.ledger
; NoL2B end
Since some people use ledger and beancount in parallel using
ledger2beancount, it is sometimes useful to put beancount-specific
commands in the input file. Of course, they may not be valid in ledger.
Therefore, you can put a commented out line in the ledger input, mark it
with the $keep_marker
and ledger2beancount will uncomment the line and
put it in the output.
Given the input
; 2013-11-03 note Liabilities:CreditCard "Called about fraud" ; L2Bonly
ledger2beancount will add the following line to the beancount output:
2013-11-03 note Liabilities:CreditCard "Called about fraud"
You can also use $keep_marker begin
and $keep_marker end
to denote
multiple lines that should be included in the output:
; L2Bonly begin
; 2014-07-09 event "location" "Paris, France"
; 2018-09-01 event "location" "Bologna, Italy"
; L2Bonly end
The following features are not supported in beancount and therefore commented out during the conversion from ledger to beancount:
- Automated transactions
- Commodity conversion (
) - Commodity format (
) - Commodity pricing: ignore pricing (
) - Timeclock support (
) - Periodic transactions
The following ledger features are currently not supported by ledger2beancount:
- Fixated prices (
syntax and thefixed
directive) - The
Contributions are welcome!
If you find any bugs in ledger2beancount or believe the conversion from ledger to beancount could be improved, please open an issue. Please include a small test case so we can reproduce the problem.
See the contributing guide for more information on how to contribute to ledger2beancount.