- new special keyword _add_launchpad_and_fw_id allows accessing the LaunchPad in the FireTask
- new special keyword _pass_job_info makes it easy to pass run locations between jobs in a Workflow
- new special keyword _preserve_fworker makes it easy to run multiple jobs on the same FWorker
- default __repr__ for FWSerializable
- fix Hopper qstat bug
- Cobalt queue fixes (W. Scullin)
- SLURM template update (P. Huck)
- greatly improve webgui: stability, clarity, functionality, and speed
- fix bug in created_on for workflows (thanks to W. Zhao for pointing it out)
- fix bug in FWorker query for certain situations (P. Huck)
- Updates for Cobalt, Py3 (W. Scullin)
- Updates for IBM Loadsharing facility (Z. Ulissi)
v1.08 .. note:: v1.08 is not in pip due to version number issues, use Github to get this legacy version
- allow PyTask to return FWAction
- allow FWConfig to set web host and port for GUI
- make detect_lostruns more robust to failure halfway through
- minor fixes and typo corrections (jakirkham)
v1.07 .. note:: v1.07 is not in pip due to version number issues, use Github to get this legacy version
- fix bug in offline mode
v1.06 .. note:: v1.06 is not in pip due to version number issues, use Github to get this legacy version .. caution:: Offline mode unusable in this release
- Pymongo3 compatibility
- fix double tab open on lpad webgui (G. Pettreto)
- show FW WAITING state
- unit test offline mode
v1.05 .. note:: v1.05 is not in pip due to version number issues, use Github to get this legacy version
The default behavior for PyTask handling of kwargs has changed. To maintain legacy behavior, update the "auto_kwargs" option to True in your FireTasks.
Offline mode unusable in this release
- Update PyTask kwargs handling (J. Kirkham)
- Fix writing of FW.json files with _launch_dir param (G. Petretto)
- update PBS template (K. Matthew)
- minor fixes (J. Kirkham)
v1.00-v1.03 are skipped due to problems in pip installation
- fix non-default host/port on Flask site
- remove base site (old frontend)
- address installation issues (MANIFEST.in, package_data)
- improve unit tests
v0.98 is skipped, as it has a faulty dependency.
Users of the frontend will need to install Flask, pip install flask; pip install flask-paginate
. Django is no longer required for the frontend.
- Ability to add FireWorks to existing workflow (launchpad.add_wf_to_fwids)
- Better unit tests for task-level reruns (G. Petretto)
- Redesigned web site using Flask (M. Brafman)
- Fix bug in adding multiple detours
- Task-level reruns (G. Petretto)
- Better Fworker default restrictions (G. Petretto)
- Make _launch_dir if doesn't exist (G. Petretto)
- Bug fixes (G. Petretto)
- Address some installation issues (thanks to kpoman)
- fix minor issues and docs
- Add decompressdir task (S.P. Ong)
- Fix bugs in offline launch (G. Petretto)
- Improve failure handling in case of FW system failure (G. Petretto)
- Allow embedding error message on FW rerun (G. Petretto)
- Minor testing improvements
- Improve performance of get_wflows (S.P. Ong)
- Fix another bug due to performance improvements (B. Medasani)
- Fix bug in de-serialization of non dict-like FireTasks and other serialization issues
- Fix bug in performance improvement cached state + unit tests (B. Medasani)
- minor bug fixes, installation changes
lpad v0.92
This version has a minor bug affecting defusing of FWs and cached states for performance, fixed in v0.94
- Improve large workflow performance using a LazyFirework (B. Medasani, D. Gunter)
- some code cleanups and minor (rare) bugfix to datetime
- Add email option to PBS adapter (S.P. Ong)
- Support for pymatgen as_dict formulation (X. Qu)
- Major: Rename FireWork to Firework. Should be fully backward-compatible for the moment, but users must switch by ~v1.0.
- Unicode compatibility for Py3k (S.P. Ong)
- Introduce reporting tools via lpad report (W. Chen)
- Fix bug in locking
- Greatly speed up rlaunch rapidfire by removing artificial sleep
- Use monty CLoader (S.P. Ong)
- Fix small FireTaskMeta issue (G. Petretto w/S.P. Ong)
- simplify some imports
- Add reservation display mode (S.P. Ong)
- add updated_on to FW which updates whenever FW changes state
- improve docs
- Add many more unit tests (B. Medasani)
- Fix tracking when FireTask crashes (B. Medasani)
- Clean up some logging
- Don't rerun DEFUSED FWs - they must be reignited
- Allow defuse of COMPLETED FWs
- minor internal fixes
- Fix major bug causing FIZZLED FWs to rerun spontaneously
- Make WFLock more nimble
- Forcibly remove WFLock after some time in case of catastrophe (tunable in FW_config)
- improve unit tests
This version has a major bug that causes FIZZLED FWs to rerun, patched in v0.87
- add delete_wfs command (w/S.P. Ong)
- add update_fws command (S.P. Ong)
- add ignore_errors option in some default FireTasks (S.P. Ong)
- fix bug in Windows $HOME var (thanks to A. Berg)
- fig bug in reporting of lost FWs; rerun option should be OK in prev. versions
- change FIZZLED to have lower STATE_RANK than READY/RESERVED/RUNNING/etc
- fix bug in running daemon mode locally with qlaunch rapidfire (B. Foster)
- better handling of duplicate path detection (S.P. Ong)
- add support for nodes keyword in SLURM adapter (S.P. Ong)
- ability to define links when defining FireWorks rather than all at the Workflow level (based on conversation with H. Rusche)
- better handling of config files and better reporting on config file conflicts
- misc multiprocessing improvements (X. Qu)
- better handling of dir creation conflicts (X. Qu)
- add ability to define links via {fw1:fw2} objects rather than explicit IDs (based on conversation with H. Rusche)
- un-reserve a FW if queue submission goes badly and clean up queue launcher code
- internal cleanups (don't rerun ARCHIVED jobs, skip reruns of WAITING jobs)
- stop rapidfire upon error in queue launch
- rerun fw on unreserve
- add methods to work with queue ids (
option inget_fws
, andget_qid
A major bugfix to dynamic and branching workflows was added in this release
- fix race condition bug in which two FW belonging to same WF simultaneously try to update the WF, and only one succeeds
- rerun duplicated FWs on a rerun command (enabled by default), and return back all fw_ids that were rerun
- change default QUEUE_UPDATE_INTERVAL from 15 secs down to 5 secs
- add background tuneup option, and make it the default
- misc. cleanup (S.P. Ong)
- Add support for IBM LoadLeveler Queue (F. Brockherde)
- Fix spec copy bug as reported by Github user (F. Brockherde)
- Misc fixes (archiving FWs, tuple support)
- Support/fix serialization of tuples as list instead of String (S.P. Ong)
- Introduce fw_env variables (S.P. Ong)
- Better test for invalid WFs (S.P. Ong)
- Minor internal code cleanup (S.P. Ong)
- add internal profiling tools (D. Gunter)
- Fix bug that randomly affected some dynamic workflows
- Add CompressDir and ArchiveDir tasks (S.P. Ong)
- Initial commit of PyTask (S.P. Ong)
- Initial networkx graphing of workflows via lpad (S.P. Ong)
This version has a bug that can affect some dynamic workflows, patched in v0.75
- Include default base site files in pip install
- Optimizations for when WFs contains 1000s of root node FWs
- zopen tracker files
- Include default templates in pip install
- Change default formatting in get_wfs (S.P. Ong)
The default behavior is now that mod_spec and update_spec push updates to next Firework AND the next FireTask
The FWConfig parameters are no longer called via a FWConfig() class instantiation; you can import these parameters directly now.
- Python 3 support! via 'six' library (S.P. Ong)
- BackgroundTasks introduced
- Performance improvements to get_wf command (S.P. Ong)
- Deserialization warnings and added stability (S.P. Ong)
- Reservation mode and silencer works in remote launch (S.P. Ong)
- Restore old FileTransferTask behavior
- Tutorial updates
- Various internal improvements, e.g. to FWConfig (S.P. Ong)
- Bug fixes (A. Jain, S.P. Ong)
This version changes the default serialization for custom FireWorks without _fw_name to <project>::<Class> instead of <Class>. If you have custom FireTasks from v0.62-v0.65 that did not specify _fw_name explicitly, this introduces a backward incompatibility. Contact the support list if this affects you - an easy fix is available.
- Fix major bug in dynamic workflows with multiple additions/detours
- Fixed lpad reset that became broken in recent release
- Change default _fw_name for FireTasks to <project>::<Class>, e.g. fireworks::MyTask
- Fix bug in qlaunch singleshot introduced in previous release (S.P. Ong)
- Add qlaunch cleanup (S.P. Ong)
- Setup different default config dirs (S.P. Ong)
This version introduced a major bug in qlaunch singleshot
via the command line (fixed in v0.65)
This version introduced a bug in lpad reset
via the command line (fixed in v0.66)
The add_dir
command is incorporated into the add
command. e.g. lpad add my_dir/*.yaml
. Many command line options that allowed comma-separated lists are now space-separated lists to better employ argparse (see updated docs).
- clean up argument parsing (S.P. Ong)
- remote qlaunch handles multiple configs (S.P. Ong)
- fix bug in rtransfer mode of FileTransferTask (S.P. Ong)
- improvements to remote qlaunch (S.P. Ong)
The TransferTask is renamed to FileTransferTask (however, existing FireWorks databases should be backwards-compatibile). The names of the default FireTasks no longer have spaces; however, existing FireWorks databases and code should be backwards-compatible.
- Add FIFO and FILO sort options for equal priority FireWorks
- Remove database locks in multiprocessing mode
- Allow multiple scripts in ScriptTask (S.P. Ong)
- Add additional File I/O FireTasks (S.P. Ong)
- Changes to FireTask base implementation (S.P. Ong)
- Allow config file in $HOME/.fireworks (S.P. Ong)
- Add remote options to qlaunch via fabric library (S.P. Ong)
- _fw_name automatically set to class name if unspecified (S.P. Ong)
- Remove ValueError upon not finding a Firework to run and handle this situation better
- Include text files needed for queue adapters in distribution (D. Gunter)
The QueueAdapter code has been refactored in a way that is not fully backward compatible. Chances are, you will have to modify any my_qadapter.yaml
files you have so that the _fw_name
is set to CommonAdapter and a new _fw_q_type
parameter is set to PBS, SGE, or SLURM.
- Major refactor of QueueAdapters so it is easy to change template files without adding new code (S.P. Ong)
- restore lpad.maintain()
- minor doc updates
- Add
options to Trackers + minor formatting changes - use config file in current dir if possible
- Display name in trackers
- Fix some bugs relating to multiprocessing & offline mode (Xiaohui Qu)
- Don't require password when tracking many FWs
- Default 25 lines in trackers
- add trackers, or the ability to monitor output files
- make set_priority work as intended through command line
- invert the -b option on webgui (new -s option skips opening browser)
The command/function detect_fizzled
has changed to detect_lostruns
, changed old arguments and added additional ones
The command/function detect_unreserved
has changed - refactored "mark" to "fizzle"
- add option to "rerun" when detecting lost runs
- add option to only detect short-lived lost jobs (useful for job packing type failures)
- refactored argument names and method names for clarity
- add NEWT queue adapter
- allow user to confirm database reset and multi-FW changes via an input prompt rather than password parameter
- make it easier to define new queueadapters, and add documentation
- fix bug introduced in v0.4 that caused rlaunch rapidfire to stop working
- fix bug introduced in v0.4 that caused update_time to be NULL for launches
- add
function to LaunchPad - minor bug fixes related to multi-launcher and default queue params
- add offline mode
The default behavior in ScriptTask is now fizzle_bad_rc
- add
lpad add_scripts
by default in ScriptTask- add FWorker() by default in rlaunch
The rerun_fw
, defuse_fw
, and reignite_fw
commands are now pluralized, refresh_wf
is simply refresh
, and rerun_fizzled
has been incorporated into rerun_fws
- much more powerful control for
- restore behavior back to v0.33
- deprecated - rename FIZZLED to FAILED
- concatenate the update_spec and mod_spec of all FireTasks, instead of exiting as soon as a FireTask updates a spec.
- change templating language to Jinja2 (and remove heavyweight dependency to Django)
- add ability to manually refresh workflows
- fix bug related to interaction between multi job packer and job checkout optimization
- multi job launcher to 'pack' jobs (Xiaohui Qu)
- make paramiko optional as it can cause install problems
- TransferTask added
- fix
- delete useless dirs when setting
- ScriptTask and TemplateWriterTask have
- allow user to control where a FW gets executed using
- add TemplateWriterTask plus documentation
- check for duplicate serialized objects
- initial (alpha) release of Web GUI from Morgan Hargrove
- bugfix to detect_unreserved script
- fixes to pip installation and instructions
- add fizzle_bad_rc option to ScriptTask
- major doc additions and updates
- minor update to ping()
- major docs reorganization and updates
- document and better support 'pip' installation
- refactor AVOID_MANY_STATS into more tunable QSTAT_FREQUENCY
- speed up counting operations
- add more indices
- better log queue submission errors
- auto_load() function for LaunchPad
- queue launcher fills in previous block if not full (modifiable in FWConfig)
- many doc updates
- add ability to ARCHIVE FireWorks
- update docs regarding enhancements to querying FireWorks and Workflows
- option to avoid overloading the queue management system with status requests
- more robust PBS adapter implementation
- pin down and fix known issue of launches sometimes not being updated
- further refine display options and enhancements for
. - minor enhancements to queue launcher and PBS adapter
- support user indices for workflows
- minor bugfixes and internal code cleanup
- multiple query and output display options and enhancements added for
. - use FW's name to set more informative PBS job names
- make sure ping_launch only writes on running jobs (prevent race condition)
- minor bugfixes
The get_fw_id
and get_fw
LaunchPad commands were merged into get_fws
- better support for getting states of FireWorks and Workflows
- minor bugfix for dynamic FireWorks
- rerunning FireWorks
- misc fixes for categories
- initial Release