- Updated pom.xml latest AWS 1.12.534 BOM
- Updated pom.xml latest AWS 1.12.150 BOM
- Updated pom.xml latest AWS 1.12.128 BOM to include log4j updates
- Updated to JUNIT 4.3.2
- Updated Maven shade plug version
- Added ReceiveMessageRequest support
- Updated pom file to support builds with recent JDKs
- Updated to support integrations testing
- Bumped junit version
- Updated license
- Updated security notice
- Updated AWS SDK version to 1.11.567
- Improved pom.xml file
- Documentation improvements
- Added CreateQueueResult getQueueUrl method
- Added Message getBody, getMessageId and getReceiptHandle methods
- Added SendMessageResult getMessageId method
- Updated the security notice
- Minor bug fixes
- Initial release to GitHub.com
- Reorganized package
- Documentation improvements
- Initial release Supporting SQS