From Penrose's Disbanded Oxford Web Site
10.6b (MatrixBud) A different solution.pdf
10.8b (MatrixBud) A different solution.pdf
11.10b (MatrixBud) Clarification of what Penrose is asking for.pdf
11.11b (MatrixBud) Additional explanation of DimBulb's solution.pdf
11.13b (MatrixBud) A more complete solution.pdf
11.3b (MatrixBud) A solution bypassing Shaun Culver's subtle error.pdf
11.5 (MatrixBud) Correction and Clarification of deant's solution.docx
11.5 Figure (MatrixBud).docx
11.5 MatrixBud) Correction and Clarification of deant's solution.pdf
12.9f (MatrixBud) The solution and a 2nd example.docx
12.9f (MatrixBud) The solution and a 2nd example.pdf
13.19 (MatrixBud) Rework of Beckmann's Proof.pdf
13.19 (MatrixBud) Simpler Proof, based on Beckmann.pdf
13.21 (Matrixbud) Added General Case.docx
13.21 (Matrixbud) Added General Case.pdf
13.22 (Matrixbud) Added Proof of Fig 13.8b.docx
13.22 (Matrixbud) Added Proof of Fig 13.8b.pdf
13.26 (MatrixBud) Includes polynomial generation.docx
13.26 (MatrixBud) Includes polynomial generation.pdf
13.31 (MatrixBud) A Shorter solution and shows T is diagonal matrix.docx
13.31 (MatrixBud) A Shorter solution and shows T is diagonal matrix.pdf
13.31 (MatrixBud) Rework of Beckmann's solution.docx
13.31 (MatrixBud) Rework of Beckmann's solution.pdf
13.32 (MatrixBud) Elaboration of Robin's solution.docx
13.32 (MatrixBud) Elaboration of Robin's solution.pdf
13.7 (MatrixBud) ver 2 (rigorous).docx
13.7 (MatrixBud) ver 2 (rigorous).pdf
13.7 (Matrixbud) ver 1 (short version).docx
13.7 (Matrixbud) ver 1 (short version).pdf
13.7 ver 2 (mathematica) (MatrixBud).nb
8.4d (MatrixBud) rework of Vasco's solution.pdf
8.6b (MatrixBud) Inelegant solution.pdf
9.2d (MatrixBud) A different interpretation.pdf
9.4 (MatrixBud) An attempt at a solution.docx
9.4 (MatrixBud) An attempt at a solution.pdf
9.6b (MatrixBud) A different solution.pdf
9.7d (MatrixBud) A simple solution.docx
9.7d (MatrixBud) A simple solution.pdf
RTR Chapter 12 Notes .docx
RTR Chapter 12 Notes .pdf
RTR Chapter 13 Notes.docx
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