From 5f1a37a74c81ff43cb0a855e661af0cec515ec50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Max von Hippel Do you have a registry?
We totally understand if you can't make it, and if you can, we REALLY appreciate
the time, effort, lost sleep, and cost involved in attending.
In light of this, we are not asking for gifts, other than the gift of your good company and whatever sick dance moves you can teach us after dinner.
+ That being said, if you still want to give us a gift, we would very much appreciate a gift card to our local bike shop in Colorado, to help us cover the cost of gravel bikes for our honeymoon. Alternatively, we travel a lot, so air miles would be great! Since we have not yet settled on where we want to live once Emily finishes her PhD, we are trying not to collect household items that may not make it all the way to wherever we move next.
- The wedding will take place on December 19, 2024 at the Olwandle Estate in KSN, South Africa. + The wedding will take place on December 19, 2024 at the Olwandle Estate in KZN, South Africa. By the way, when people in South Africa talk about some place called Kayzidend, that is them saying "K Z N" in their ridiculous accent.
- We would like to have a final guest list by May-ish. + We would like to have a final guest list by August-ish. +
++ It seems most people from afar are making a trip out of it. As it should be! If you would like any post/pre wedding travel recommendations please please do reach out :)