Note: This is the branch Post2Vec interface for easy use, means you can get the learned representation directly from the trained check point. If you want to check the orignal training and test data, please checkout the main
branch and you should have them.
Get question vector by simply calling
Get full vector of a question by calling
qvec = np.concatenate([q.title, q.desc_text, q.desc_code])
- GitHub Repo
1.1 Clone the repo under the folder [LOCAL_FILE_DIR]
git clone
- Docker
2.1 Download the Docker Image (around 11G) from here
2.2 Import the image via:
cat [LOCAL_FILE_DIR]/post2vec-interface.tar | docker import - post2vec-interface:latest
2.3 Create a Docker Container:
docker run -it --gpus '"device=[GPU(s)]"' --name post2vec -v [LOCAL_FILE_DIR]:/post2vec post2vec-interface
- Model checkpoint
3.1 Download the model checkpint at Link and store under the folder [LOCAL_FILE_DIR]/data/model
- Input/Query data
4.1 Add your data to be converted to vectors by Post2vec under the folder [LOCAL_FILE_DIR]/data/input
- Configuration (Input & Output Data File Path)
Configure the main file Post2Vec/src/interface/
in the container accordingly, and then set up the environment by using virtual environemnt with pip3 installl -r requirement.txt
. And then run the main file again to produce the corresponding vectors in .pkl
- Run to collect the output data
cd /post2vec/Post2Vec
source .env/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/post2vec/Post2Vec/src"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 .env/bin/python3 src/interface/