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Scala Rules for Bazel

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Where to get help


Bazel is a tool for building and testing software and can handle large, multi-language projects at scale.

This project defines core build rules for Scala that can be used to build, test, and package Scala projects.


Getting started

Install Bazel, preferably using the Bazelisk wrapper. See the compatible Bazel versions section to select a suitable Bazel version.

Add the following configuration snippet to your WORKSPACE file and update the release <VERSION> and its <SHA256> as specified on the rules_scala releases page. This snippet is designed to ensure that users pick up the correct order of dependencies for rules_scala. If you want to override any of the following dependency versions, make sure to load() them before calling rules_scala_dependencies().

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# See for up to date version
# information, including `<VERSION>` and `<SHA256>` values.
    name = "rules_scala",  # Can be "io_bazel_rules_scala" if you still need it.
    sha256 = "<SHA256>",
    strip_prefix = "rules_scala-<VERSION>",
    url = "<VERSION>/rules_scala-<VERSION>.tar.gz",

load("@rules_scala//scala:deps.bzl", "rules_scala_dependencies")


# In `rules_scala` 7.x, `scala/deps.bzl` imports `rules_java` 7.x. This
# statement will change for `rules_scala` 8.x, which will use `rules_java` 8.x.


load("@bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace")


# If you need a specific `rules_python` version, specify it here.
# Otherwise you may get the version defined in the `com_google_protobuf` repo.
# We use 0.38.0 to maintain compatibility with the combination of `protobuf`,
# `rules_cc`, and related dependencies. This will change in rules_scala 7.0.0.
    name = "rules_python",
    sha256 = "ca2671529884e3ecb5b79d6a5608c7373a82078c3553b1fa53206e6b9dddab34",
    strip_prefix = "rules_python-0.38.0",
    url = "",

load("@rules_python//python:repositories.bzl", "py_repositories")


# Note that `rules_java` 8.x suggests loading `protobuf_deps()` after
# `rules_java_dependencies` and before `rules_java_toolchains()`:
# -
# `rules_java` 7.x also works with this ordering.
load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_deps.bzl", "protobuf_deps")



load("@rules_proto//proto:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_dependencies")


load("@rules_proto//proto:setup.bzl", "rules_proto_setup")


load("@rules_proto//proto:toolchains.bzl", "rules_proto_toolchains")


load("@rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config")

# Stores the selected Scala version and other configuration parameters.
# 2.12 is the default version. Use other versions by passing them explicitly:
#   scala_config(scala_version = "2.13.16")
# You may define your own custom toolchain using Maven artifact dependencies
# configured by your `WORKSPACE` file, imported using external loader like


# Defines a default toolchain repo for the configured Scala version that
# loads Maven deps like the Scala compiler and standard libs. On production
# projects, you may consider defining a custom toolchain to use your project's
# required dependencies instead.
# Optional builtin rules_scala toolchains may be configured by setting
# parameters as documented in the `scala_toolchains()` docstring.
    scalatest = True,


Important changes in rules_scala v7.0.0 configuration

The above configuration snippet reflects important changes since rules_scala v6.x:

  • rules_scala no longer requires the io_bazel_rules_scala repository name unless your BUILD files or those of your dependencies require it (bazelbuild#1696).

    Update your project's @io_bazel_rules_scala references to @rules_scala if possible. Otherwise, use repo_name = "io_bazel_rules_scala" in bazel_dep() or name = "io_bazel_rules_scala" in http_archive.

    You can use the repo_mapping attribute of http_archive or equivalent Bzlmod mechanisms to translate @rules_scala to @io_bazel_rules_scala for dependencies. See the Translating repo names for dependencies section below for details. (That section is about @rules_scala_config, but the same mechanisms apply.)

  • rules_scala v7.0.0 introduces a new scala_toolchains() API that is very different from rules_scala 6. For details on what's changed, see the New 'scala_toolchains()' API for 'WORKSPACE' section below.

Loading the scala_* rules

Add the following to your BUILD files to make the scala_* rules available:


Persistent workers

To run with a persistent worker (much faster), add the following to your .bazelrc file:

build --strategy=Scalac=worker
build --worker_sandboxing

Coverage support

To produce a combined coverage report:

bazel coverage \
  --combined_report=lcov \
  --coverage_report_generator="@bazel_tools//tools/test/CoverageOutputGenerator/java/com/google/devtools/coverageoutputgenerator:Main" \

This should produce a single bazel-out/_coverage/_coverage_report.dat from all coverage files that are generated.

You can extract information from your coverage reports with lcov:

# For a summary:
lcov --summary your-coverage-report.dat

# For details:
lcov --list your-coverage-report.dat

If you prefer an HTML report, then you can use genhtml provided also by the lcov package.

Coverage support has been only tested with ScalaTest.

Please check for more details on coverage support.

Selecting the Scala version

With builtin toolchains

rules_scala supports the last two released minor versions for each of Scala 2.11, 2.12, 2.13. Previous minor versions may work but are supported only on a best effort basis.

The Getting started section illustrates how to select the default Scala version and configure its dependencies.

With custom toolchains

You can define your own custom scala_toolchain by calling setup_scala_toolchain() with dependencies that you specify.

Note: Toolchains are a more flexible way to configure dependencies, so you should prefer that way. Please also note, that the overriden_artifacts parameter is likely to be removed in the future.

Multiple versions (cross-compilation)

rules_scala supports configuring multiple Scala versions and offers target-level control of which one to use.

Please check for more details on cross-compilation support.

Compatible Bazel versions

Bazel compatibility is tied directly to the versions of protobuf required by Bazel and rules_java, and their compatibility with scalapb/ScalaPB Maven artifacts. For extensive analysis, see bazelbuild#1647.

The Bazel versions and dependency versions in the table below represent the maximum available at the time of writing.

Bazel/Dependency rules_scala 7.x
Bazel versions using Bzlmod
(Coming soon! See bazelbuild#1482.)
7.5.0, 8.x,
rolling, last_green
Bazel versions using WORKSPACE 6.5.0, 7.5.0, 8.x
(see the notes on 6.5.0 compatibility)
protobuf v30.0
abseil-cpp 20250127.0
rules_java 8.10.0
ScalaPB 1.0.0-alpha.1

Usage with bazel-deps

Bazel-deps allows you to generate bazel dependencies transitively for maven artifacts. Generally we don't want bazel-deps to fetch scala artifacts from maven but instead use the ones we get from calling scala_repositories. The artifacts can be overridden in the dependencies file used by bazel-deps:

      lang: scala/unmangled
      target: "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_library//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_library"
      lang: scala/unmangled
      target: "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_reflect//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_reflect"
      lang: scala/unmangled
      target: "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler"

      lang: scala
      lang: scala

Publishing to Maven repository

See Publish your Scala Libraries to a Maven Repository.

Dependency Tracking

rules_scala supports multiple dependency modes including strict and unused dependency tracking. See Dependency Tracking for more info.

Advanced configurable rules

To make the ruleset more flexible and configurable, we introduce a phase architecture. By using a phase architecture, where rule implementations are defined as a list of phases that are executed sequentially, functionality can easily be added (or modified) by adding (or swapping) phases.

Phases provide 3 major benefits:

  • Consumers are able to configure the rules to their specific use cases by defining new phases within their workspace without impacting other consumers.
  • Contributors are able to implement new functionalities by creating additional default phases.
  • Phases give us more clear idea what steps are shared across rules.

See Customizable Phase for more info.

Phase extensions

Building from source

Build main sources only:

bazel build //src/...

Run all smaller tests:

bazel test //test/...

To run the full test suite:


Note: bazel test //... will not work since we have a sub-folder on the root folder which is meant to be used in a failure scenario in the integration tests. Similarly, to only build you should use bazel build //src/... due to that folder.

Breaking changes in rules_scala 7.x

The main objective of rules_scala 7.x is to enable existing users to migrate to Bazel 8 and Bzlmod. To facilitate a gradual migration, it is compatible with both Bazel 7 and Bazel 8, and both WORKSPACE and Bzlmod. It remains compatible with Bazel 6.5.0 builds using WORKSPACE for the time being, but Bazel 6 is no longer officially supported.

rules_java 7.x contains the following breaking changes when upgrading from rules_scala 6.x.

New scala_toolchains() API for WORKSPACE

rules_scala 7.0.0 replaces existing *_repositories() and *_toolchains() macros with the combination of rules_scala_dependencies(), scala_toolchains(), and scala_register_toolchains().

These macros no longer exist:

  • jmh_repositories()
  • junit_repositories()
  • junit_toolchain()
  • rules_scala_setup()
  • rules_scala_toolchain_deps_repositories()
  • scala_proto_default_repositories()
  • scala_proto_register_enable_all_options_toolchain()
  • scala_proto_register_toolchains()
  • scala_proto_repositories()
  • scala_register_unused_deps_toolchains()
  • scala_repositories()
  • scalafmt_default_config()
  • scalafmt_repositories()
  • scalatest_repositories()
  • scalatest_toolchain()
  • specs2_junit_repositories()
  • specs2_repositories()
  • specs2_version()
  • twitter_scrooge()

Replace toolchain configurations like the following:



rules_scala_toolchain_deps_repositories(fetch_sources = True)

# Other dependency declarations...

load("@rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config")

scala_config(scala_version = "2.13.16")







with calls to rules_scala_dependencies(), scala_toolchains() (with the appropriate parameters set), and scala_register_toolchains():

load("@rules_scala//scala:deps.bzl", "rules_scala_dependencies")


# See the `WORKSPACE` configuration snippet from the "Getting started" section
# above for other dependency declarations.

load("@rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config")

scala_config(scala_version = "2.13.16")


# The `scala_version` toolchain repos used by `scala_library` and `scala_binary`
# are _always_ configured, but all others are optional.
    scalafmt = True,
    scalatest = True,


See the scala_toolchains() docstring for the parameter list, which is almost in complete correspondence with parameters from the previous macros. The WORKSPACE files in this repository also provide many examples.

Replacing toolchain registration macros in WORKSPACE

Almost all rules_scala toolchains configured using scala_toolchains() are automatically registered by scala_register_toolchains(). There are two toolchain macro replacements that require special handling.

The first is replacing scala_proto_register_enable_all_options_toolchain() with the following scala_toolchains() parameters:

    scala_proto = True,
    scala_proto_enable_all_options = True,

The other is replacing scala_register_unused_deps_toolchains() with an explicit register_toolchains() call:


In WORKSPACE, this register_toolchains() call must come before calling scala_register_toolchains() to ensure this toolchain takes precedence. The same exact call will also work in MODULE.bazel.

Bzlmod configuration (coming soon!)

The upcoming Bzlmod implementation will funnel through the scala_toolchains() macro as well, ensuring maximum compatibility with WORKSPACE configurations. The equivalent Bzlmod configuration for the scala_toolchains() configuration above would be:

bazel_dep(name = "rules_scala", version = "7.0.0")

scala_config = use_extension(

scala_config.settings(scala_version = "2.13.16")

scala_deps = use_extension(

    scalafmt = True,
    scalatest = True,

The module extensions will call scala_config() and scala_toolchains() respectively. The MODULE.bazel file for rules_scala declares its own dependencies via bazel_dep(), allowing Bazel to resolve versions according to the main repository/root module configuration. It also calls register_toolchains(), so you don't have to (unless you want to register a specific toolchain to resolve first).

The MODULE.bazel files in this repository will also provide many examples (when they land per bazelbuild#1482).

Copy register_toolchains() calls from WORKSPACE to MODULE.bazel

The MODULE.bazel file from rules_scala will automatically call register_toolchains() for toolchains configured via its scala_deps module extension. However, you must register explicitly in your MODULE.bazel file any toolchains that you want to take precedence over the toolchains configured by scala_deps. This includes any scala_toolchain targets defined in your project, or optional rules_scala toolchains like the dependency checker error toolchain from above:


@io_bazel_rules_scala_config is now @rules_scala_config

Since @io_bazel_rules_scala is no longer hardcoded in rules_scala internals, we've shortened @io_bazel_rules_scala_config to @rules_scala_config. This shouldn't affect most users, but it may break some builds using @io_bazel_rules_scala_config to define custom cross-compilation targets.

If your project uses Bzlmod, you can remap @io_bazel_rules_scala_config to @rules_scala_config for your own project via use_repo(). Use this only if updating your project's own @io_bazel_rules_scala_config references isn't immediately feasible.

scala_config = use_extension(

use_repo(scala_config, io_bazel_rules_scala_config = "rules_scala_config")

If your project uses WORKSPACE you must update all @io_bazel_rules_scala_config references to @rules_scala_config. There is no use_repo() equivalent.

Translating repo names for dependencies

For any dependencies referencing @io_bazel_rules_scala_config, use the workarounds below. The same workarounds for your project's dependencies also apply to translating @rules_scala to @io_bazel_rules_scala.


For module extensions, use override_repo() to override @io_bazel_rules_scala_config with @rules_scala_config:

bazel_dep(name = "foo", version = "1.0.0")

foo_ext = use_extension("@foo//:ext.bzl", "foo_ext")
override_repo(foo_ext, io_bazel_rules_scala_config = "rules_scala_config")

bazel_dep() dependencies may still require @io_bazel_rules_scala_config (or @io_bazel_rules_scala) outside of a module extension. In this case, to avoid using the old name in your own project, use archive_override() or git_override() with the repo_mapping attribute. These overrides pass the repo_mapping through to the underlying http_archive() and git_repository() rules:

    repo_mapping = {
        "@io_bazel_rules_scala_config": "@rules_scala_config",


For dependencies, use the repo_mapping attribute of http_archive() or git_repository():

    repo_mapping = {
        "@io_bazel_rules_scala_config": "@rules_scala_config",

Embedded resource paths no longer begin with external/<repo_name>

Any program compiled with an external repo asset in its 'resources' attribute will need to strip the 'external/' and repo name components from its path. For example, the path for resources = ["@some_external_repo//:resource.txt"] would change thus:

  • Before: external/some_external_repo/resource.txt
  • After: resource.txt

This avoids encoding repo names or any other Bazel system knowledge in the compiled artifacts. This is especially important under Bzlmod, because the generated path would otherwise contain the canonical repo name, upon which users should never depend.

Update @bazel_tools//tools/jdk targets to @rules_java//toolchains targets

Per bazelbuild#1660, rules_java 7.10.0 and later precipitate the need to replace @bazel_tools//tools/jdk targets with corresponding @rules_java//toolchains targets. Fix any targets broken by this rules_java upgrade by doing a global search and replace.

However, @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_type dependencies must remain for now, as there's not yet a corresponding toolchain_type() target in @rules_java.

Builtin repositories no longer visible by default under Bzlmod

Under Bzlmod, repos are only visible to the module extension that creates them, unless the MODULE.bazel file brings them into scope with use_repo(). This can lead to errors like those from the following example, which originally called setup_scala_toolchain() under Bzlmod:

load("@rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "setup_scala_toolchain")

    name = "custom_scala_toolchain",
    scalacopts = [
    strict_deps_mode = "error",
    unused_dependency_checker_mode = "warn",

setup_scala_toolchains is a macro that can take user specified classpath targets as described in docs/ Without explicit *_classpath or *_deps arguments, setup_scala_toolchain() defaults to using dependency repositories generated by rules_scala itself. This worked under WORKSPACE, but breaks under Bzlmod, because the builtin toolchain dependency repos are no longer in the project's scope by default:

ERROR: no such package
    '@@[unknown repo 'org_scala_sbt_compiler_interface_3_3_5'
        requested from @@]//':
    The repository '@@[unknown repo 'org_scala_sbt_compiler_interface_3_3_5'
        requested from @@]' could not be resolved:
    No repository visible as '@org_scala_sbt_compiler_interface_3_3_5'

In this case, where the toolchain only sets different compiler options, the best fix is to use the 'scala_toolchain' rule directly instead. Its underlying BUILD rule uses builtin toolchain dependencies via existing targets visible within rules_scala, without forcing users to import them:

load("@rules_scala//scala:scala_toolchain.bzl", "scala_toolchain")

    name = "custom_scala_toolchain_impl",
    scalacopts = [
    strict_deps_mode = "error",
    unused_dependency_checker_mode = "warn",

    name = "custom_scala_toolchain",
    toolchain = ":custom_scala_toolchain_impl",
    toolchain_type = "@rules_scala//scala:toolchain_type",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

A big part of the Bzlmodification work involved enabling rules_scala to generate and register toolchains without forcing users to bring their dependencies into scope. However, another way to fix this specific problem is to call use_repo for every builtin repository needed by the setup_scala_toolchain() call.

Replace some $(location) calls with $(rootpath) for Bazel 8

This isn't actually a rules_scala breakage, but a Bazel 8 breakage encountered while preparing rules_scala for Bazel 8 in bazelbuild#1652. bazelbuild/bazel#25198 describes how the semantics of some instances of $(location) changed, and how changing these particular instances to $(rootpath) fixed them.

The good news is that replacing such instances $(location) with $(rootpath) is backwards compatible to Bazel 6.5.0 and 7.5.0. Updating them now will ensure future compatibility.

Limited Bazel 6.5.0 compatibility

rules_scala 7.x officially drops support for Bazel 6.5.0. Bzlmod builds with Bazel 6.5.0 won't work at all because Bazel 6.5.0 doesn't support 'use_repo_rule', which 'rules_jvm_external' >= 6.3 requires.

At the moment, WORKSPACE builds mostly continue to work with Bazel 6.5.0, but not out of the box, and may break at any time. Per bazelbuild#1647, you must add the following flags to .bazelrc, required by the newer abseil-cpp version used by protobuf:

common --enable_platform_specific_config

common:linux --cxxopt=-std=c++17
common:linux --host_cxxopt=-std=c++17
common:macos --cxxopt=-std=c++17
common:macos --host_cxxopt=-std=c++17
common:windows --cxxopt=/std=c++17
common:windows --host_cxxopt=/std=c++17

Note that this example uses common: config settings instead of build:. This seems to prevent invalidating the action cache between bazel runs, which improves performance.

If you have a dependency that requires protobuf version before v28, use the following maximum versions of key dependencies. Note that no ScalaPB release supports protobuf v25.6, v26, or v27.

Dependency Max compatible version Reason
protobuf v25.5 Maximum version supported by ScalaPB 0.11.17.
rules_java 7.12.4 8.x requires protobuf v27 and later.
rules_cc 0.0.9 0.0.10 requires Bazel 7 to define CcSharedLibraryHintInfo.
0.0.13 requires at least protobuf v27.0.
ScalaPB 0.11.17
(0.9.8 for Scala 2.11)
Later versions only support protobuf >= v28.

scala_proto not supported for Scala 2.11

ScalaPB 0.9.8, the last version compatible with Scala 2.11, doesn't support protobuf v25.6 or later. See bazelbuild#1712 for an example of what happens to Scala 2.11 test cases when using protobuf v25.6. Since rules_scala now supports more recent protobuf versions via ScalaPB 1.0.0-alpha1, we had to remove the Scala 2.11 test cases.

Building scala_proto for Scala 2.11 requires building with Bazel 6.5.0 under WORKSPACE, with the maximum dependency versions specified in that section. While this may continue to work for some time, it is not officially supported.

Bazel module compatibility levels

rules_scala 7.0.0 will set the compatibility_level value for its module() directive. The compatibility_level for rules_scala will track major version numbers (per semantic versioning), and this README will clearly document the reason for the level bump. compatibility_level mismatches in the module graph will cause module resolution to fail, signaling the presence of known breaking changes.

The concept of proper compatibility_level usage is still up for discussion in bazelbuild/bazel#24302. However, the policy above favors forcing module resolution to fail, rather than allowing a later execution step to fail with a potentially confusing error message. If a version bump may break builds for any known reason, we will explain why up front instead of waiting for users to be surprised.

A comment from #1647 illustrates how 'rules_erlang' fails due to 'compatibility_level' conflicts. The 'rules_erlang' 3.0.0 release notes describe the breaking changes. This seems like a reasonable model to follow.


See for more info.


Here's a (non-exhaustive) list of companies that use rules_scala in production. Don't see yours? You can add it in a PR!