The following guidelines are designed for contributors to the idl_emcee package, which is hosted in the idl_emcee repository on GitHub.
The issue tracker is used to report any bugs, request new functionality, and discuss improvements. For reporting a bug or a failed function or requesting a new feature, you can simply open an issue in the issue tracker of the idl_emcee repository. If you are reporting a bug, please also include a minimal code example that makes the issue, and IDL version used by you.
To make contributions to idl_emcee, you need to set up your GitHub
account if you do not have and sign in, and request your change(s) or contribution via
opening a pull request against the master
branch in your fork of the idl_emcee repository.
Please use the following steps:
Open a new issue for new feature or failed function in the Issue tracker.
Fork the idl_emcee repository to your GitHub account.
Clone your fork of the idl_emcee repository:
$ git clone
Make your change(s) in the
branch of your cloned fork. -
Make sure that all tests are passed without any errors.
Push yout change(s) to your fork in your GitHub account.
Submit a pull request, mentioning what problem has been solved.
Your contribution will be checked and merged into the original repository. You will be contacted if there is any problem in your contribution.
While you are opening a pull request for your contribution, be sure that you have included:
Code which you are contributing to this package.
Documentation of this code if it provides new functionality. This should be a description of new functionality added to the API documentation (in
Tests of this code to make sure that the previously failed function or the new functionality now works properly.
Revision history if you fixed a bug in the previously failed function or add a code for new functionality, you should well document your change(s) or addition in the Revision History entry of the changed or added function in your code.