This document will overview the dapr-pipeline
demo deployment into Kubernetes. For illustration purposes, all commands in this document will be based on Microsoft Azure.
Dapr supports a wide array of state and pubsub backing services across multiple Cloud and on-prem deployments, so if you already have a Kubernates cluster somewhere else, you can substitute:
Also, to simplify all the scripts in this doc, set a few az
CLI defaults:
az account set --subscription <id or name>
az configure --defaults location=<prefered location> group=<your resource group>
If you don't already have Kubernates cluster, you can create it on Azure with all the necessary add-ons for this demo usign tihs command:
az aks create --name demo \
--kubernetes-version 1.15.10 \
--enable-managed-identity \
--vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets \
--node-vm-size Standard_F4s_v2 \
--enable-addons monitoring,http_application_routing \
See instructions how to install dapr into your Kubernetes cluster here
Assuming you have a Kubernates cluster and kubectl
CLI configure to connect you are ready to setup the dapr
components and their backing services:
This demo installs into the
namespace in your cluster. When installing into a different namespace, make sure to append the-n <your namespace name>
to all commands below (secret, component, and deployment)
To configure dapr
state component in this demo I will use Azure Table Storage. To set it up, follow these instructions. Once finished, you will need to configure also the Kubernates secrets to hold the Azure Table Storage account information:
kubectl create secret generic demo-state-secret \
--from-literal=account-name='' \
Once the secret is configured, deploy the dapr
state component:
kubectl apply -f component/state.yaml
To configure dapr
pubsub component in this demo I will use Azure Service Bus. To set it up, follow these instructions. Once finished, you will need to configure the Kubernates secret to hold Azure Service Bus connection string information.
kubectl create secret generic demo-pubsub-secret \
Once the secret is configured, deploy the dapr
pubsub topic components:
kubectl apply -f component/pubsub.yaml
Finally, to use the Dapr Twitter input binding we need to configure the Twitter API secretes. You can get these by registering Twitter application and obtain this information here.
kubectl create secret generic demo-twitter-secrets \
--from-literal=access-secret="" \
--from-literal=access-token="" \
--from-literal=consumer-key="" \
Once the secret is configured you can deploy the Twitter binding:
kubectl apply -f component/twitter.yaml
Once the necessary components are created, you just need to create one more secret for the Cognitive Service token that is used in the processor
kubectl create secret generic demo-sentimenter-secret \
And now you can deploy the entire pipeline (provider
, processor
, viewer
) with a single command:
kubectl apply -f sentimenter.yaml -f viewer.yaml -f processor.yaml
You can check on the status of your deployment like this:
kubectl get pods -l env=demo
The results should look similar to this (make sure each pod has READY status 2/2)
processor-89666d54b-hkd5t 2/2 Running 0 18s
sentimenter-85cfbf5456-lc85g 2/2 Running 0 18s
viewer-76448d65fb-bm2dc 2/2 Running 0 18s
To expose the viewer application externally, create Kubernetes service
using deployment/service/viewer.yaml
kubectl apply -f service/viewer.yaml
Note, the provisioning of External IP may take up to 1-2 min
To view the viewer application by capturing the load balancer public IP and opening it in the browser:
export VIEWER_IP=$(kubectl get svc viewer --output 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
open "http://${VIEWER_IP}/"
To change the Twitter topic query, first edit the deployment/component/twitter.yaml, then apply it (
kubectl apply -f component/twitter.yaml
), and finally, restart the processor (kubectl rollout restart deployment processor
) to ensure the new configuration is applied.
You can view the scored tweets in Azure table storage
Similarly you can monitor the pubsub topic throughout in Azure Service Bus
In addition, you can also observe Dapr metrics, logs, and traces for this demo.
Instructions on how to setup Grafana for Dapr are here
Forward port
Instructions on how to setup Kibana for Dapr are here
Instructions on how to setup Zipkin for Dapr are here
Note, if your Zipkin isn't deployed in the
namespace you will have to edit theexporterAddress
in deployment/tracing/zipkin.yaml
Then just restart all the deployments
kubectl rollout restart deployment processor sentimenter viewer