Project uses Semantic Versioning.
Given version x.y.z
- x - Major version. Backward compatibility is broken. Refactoring or big features.
- y - Minor version. Backward compatibile with previous version. New features.
- z - Patch version. Backward compatibile with previous version. Bug fix or small features.
3.0.0 (27-09-2017)
- QueueLocation replaced with QueueId wherever possible in order to identify particular queue.
- QueueDao instances are directly passed to SpringQueueInitializer instead of retrieving it from SpringQueueCollector.
2.0.0 (04-09-2017)
- Removed TaskExecutionResult#fail(delay)
- Removed QueueSettings.AdditionalSetting
- Changed signature QueueDao#reenqueue
- Changed signature QueueActorDao#reenqueue
- Replaced AdditionalSetting#RETRY_FIXED_INTERVAL_DELAY with QueueSettings#getRetryInterval
- Added QueueSettings#getRetryInterval and QueueConfigsReader#SETTING_RETRY_INTERVAL
- Renamed TaskRetryType#FIXED_INTERVAL to TaskRetryType#LINEAR_BACKOFF
- Changed value of QueueConfigsReader#VALUE_TASK_RETRY_TYPE_LINEAR to "linear"
1.0.0 (01-09-2017)
- Stable version
0.0.11 (29-08-2017)
- Add callback telling that SpringQueueConsumer and SpringQueueConsumer are initialized
- Fixed passing null property file to QueueConfigsReader
0.0.10 (27-08-2017)
- Added ThreadLifecycleListener#executed to measure overall queue performance.
- Specifying ThreadLifecycleListener per queue
0.0.9 (26-08-2017)
- Fixed ability to disable queue processing via thread count
- Renamed ThreadLifecycleListener#crashedOnPickedTask to ThreadLifecycleListener#crashed
- Constructors of builder classes are made private
- Return value of QueueProducer#enqueue changed to primitive
- Added reenqueue by actor via QueueActorDao#reenqueue
0.0.8 (24-08-2017)
Renamed classes:
- Queue -> QueueConsumer
- Enqueuer -> QueueProducer
- ShardRouter -> QueueShardRouter
- QueueThreadLifecycleListener -> ThreadLifecycleListener
- QueueAction -> TaskExecutionResult
- PayloadTransformer -> TaskPayloadTransformer
0.0.7 (24-08-2017)
- Upgrade Spring to 4.3.7
0.0.6 (24-08-2017)
- Same queue names in different tables are forbidden
- Reading configuration from file (QueueConfigsReader)
0.0.5 (20-08-2017)
- Translated README to English
0.0.1 (08-08-2017)
- Initial version