Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate researcher and engineer who works for developing software for robotics with a love for creating innovative solutions and learning new technologies. Here's a bit about me:
- 💻 I specialize in robotics, coding in MATLAB, C++ and Python.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning more about source control management practices.
- 🎓 I hold a degree in Mechanical Engineering, a Master's degree in System Dynamics and Control and have experience working on a variety of projects about robotics.
- 💬 Ask me about programming, tech trends, or anything related to robotics!
Here are a few projects I've worked on:
- Project 1 - Robot Simulation MATLAB GUI.
- Project 2 - This simulation for the Adaptive Newton-Euler Algorithm is from our article.
- Project 3 - Probabilistic Methods in Robotics - Probbilistic Mobile Robot Simulation.
- Email: mertcan.kaya@gmail.com, mertcan.kaya@hs-coburg.de, mertcan.kaya@tum.de
- ORCID: 0000-0002-3174-9394
- LinkedIn: mertcan-kaya
- ResearchGate: Mertcan-Kaya
- GitHub: mertcan-kaya
- Google Scholar: Mertcan Kaya
May 2021 – April 2025
Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Scientific Staff Member (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Motor Interference Models for Human-Robot Interaction (DFG Project)
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Designed experimental setups and conducted robotic programming
- Prepared and administered experimental surveys
- Recruited participants and conducted experiments in the robotics laboratory
- Collected and processed data, performed statistical analysis
- Wrote academic papers and articles, presented findings at international conferences
- Supervised experiments, learned the working principles of various collaborative robot arms, mobile robots, and social humanoid robots
- Assisted students in using these robots
2023 – 2026
Technical University of Munich
Doctoral Candidate/Student, Elektro-/Informationstechnik
Motor Interference Models for Human-Robot Interaction
School of Computation, Information and Technology
2019 – 2021
Istanbul Technical University
PhD Student, Mechatronics Engineering Program
Faculty of Mechatronics Engineering
- Latest GPA: 3.36/4.00
2015 – 2019
Istanbul Technical University
MSc, System Dynamics and Control Engineering Program
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Graduation GPA: 3.31/4.00
- Thesis Title: Compliance Control of Collaborating Robots
2009 – 2014
Koc University
BSc, Department of Mechanical Engineering (2010 – 2014)
- Graduation GPA: 2.79/4.00
- Final Group Project: Stair Climbing Robot
- Fall 2014: ALES (Academic Staff and Graduate Education Test) - Ranked in the top 3% among 230,000 applicants with a quantitative score of 84.197
- Spring 2012: Vehbi Koc Scholar Award - Granted based on academic performance (SPA: 3.60/4.00)
- 2009: Half-merit (50% Support) scholarship, Koc University - Granted based on the ranking on the Turkish University Entrance Exam
- 2009: Academic achievement - Ranked in top 5% in the Turkish University Entrance Exam
June – July 2013
Olmuksan International Paper
Intern in the Machine Maintenance Department
- Gained knowledge on paper recycling processes, machine types, and crucial maintenance
June – July 2012
Kale Aero
Intern in the Production Department
- Learned about CNC machine operations, tool usage, and methods to maximize tool lifespan
- Kaya, M., Akbulut, M. A., Bayraktaroglu, Z. Y., & Kühnlenz, K. (2024). A Novel Recursive Algorithm for the Implementation of Adaptive Robot Controllers. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 110(3), 115. doi:10.1007/s10846-024-02135-x
- Kaya, M., & Kühnlenz, K. (2025). Subjective task-load influences anthropomorphism during cooperative human and robot hand movements. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 73(1), 22-28. doi:10.1515/auto-2024-0031
- Kaya, M., Bauer, J., Nickl F., & Kühnlenz, K. (2025). Towards Motor Interference of Limb Configurations – a potential Measure for Human-likeness of Robots (To be published)
- Kaya, M., & Kühnlenz, K. (2025). Explorative Study on Motor Interference during Synchronous Human and Robot Arm Movements under Varied Presence of a Robot Head (To be published)
- Kaya, M., & Kühnlenz, K. (2023). Towards Prediction of Motor Interference during synchronous Human-Robot Arm Movements Using Subjective Ratings of Anthropomorphism. In 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 2295-2299). IEEE.
- Kaya, M., & Kühnlenz, K. (2022). Motor Interference of Incongruent Hand Motions in HRI Depends on Movement Velocity. In: Cavallo, F., et al. Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13817. Springer, Cham.
- Kaya, M., Argın, Ö. F., Akbaş, S., & Bayraktaroğlu, Z. Y., (2018). İşbirlikçi Robot Uygulamaları için Hibrit Konum/Kuvvet Kontrolü. TOK2018 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (pp.367-372). Kayseri, Turkey
- Argın, Ö. F., Akbaş, S., Kaya, M., & Bayraktaroğlu, Z. Y., (2018). 6-eksenli Endüstriyel Manipülatörün Eklem Sürtünmelerinin Tanılanması. TOK2018 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (pp.337-342). Kayseri, Turkey
- 27th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2025), June 22nd-27th, 2025, Gothenburg, Sweden - The conference paper will be presented online in an oral presentation session.
- The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2024), December 10th-14th, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand - Presented the conference paper in an oral presentation session.
- The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2023, August 28th-31st, 2023, Busan, South Korea - Presented the conference paper in an oral presentation session.
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), May 29th-June 2nd, 2023, London, United Kingdom - Presented the poster in SOLAR – Socially-acceptable robots: concepts, techniques, and applications workshop.
- Social Robotics: 14th International Conference (ICSR 2022), December 13th-16th, 2022, Florence, Italy - Presented the conference paper in an Interactive Poster session.
- Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (TOK2018), September 12th-14th, 2018, Kayseri, Turkey - Presented the conference paper in the Robotic Systems session.
Doctoral Subject: Motor Interference Models for Human-Robot Interaction
This study examines 'motor interference,' which occurs when a person perceives a collaborator as humanlike and socially engaging, affecting their motor functions. This phenomenon is characterized by increased variability in hand movements, especially when another person is also making hand motions. Understanding and modeling motor interference can enhance human-robot collaborative tasks by integrating this knowledge into action-planning frameworks, thereby improving performance and safety.
MSc Thesis Title: Compliance Control of Collaborating Robots
This thesis investigates the implementation and comparison of two compliance control schemes—hybrid position/force control and parallel position/force control—for two collaborating industrial robots. It evaluates their performance in tracking force and motion within both static and dynamic environments facilitated by a second manipulator. Additionally, it examines the parallel control scheme's performance under varying mechanical impedances, providing insights into the optimal control scheme for specific conditions.
BSc Final Group Project: Stair Climbing Robot
A team of three students designed a cost-effective robot capable of navigating stairs, utilizing durable materials, efficient design, and an Arduino board for motor control based on sensor input. The robot has potential applications in object transportation across varied elevations and in aiding the mobility of disabled individuals. The project received an A grade from the supervising professor.
Personal Skills
Always open to learning, using analytical thinking, paying attention to details, adapting easily, developing solutions quickly, and producing added value
- Turkish (Native)
- English (Advanced C1)
- German (Intermediate B1 Uncertified Language Course)
- Russian (Beginner A1 Uncertified Language Course)
Programming Languages
- C/C++
- Python (NumPy, SciPy)
- R
- Computing: MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica
- Simulation: Simulink, CoppeliaSim (previously V-REP)
- IDE: Visual Studio/VSC, Spyder, Eclipse, Arduino IDE
- CAD/CAM: Siemens NX (Unigraphics), SolidWorks, CATIA
- CAE: ANSYS, COMSOL Multiphysics
- Office: Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, LibreOffice
- Typesetting: LaTeX (Overleaf, MiKTeX, TeXstudio)
- Statistics: JASP, RStudio
- OS/Middleware: Windows, Linux, VxWorks RTOS, ROS/ROS 2
- Microcontrollers: Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico
- SBC: Raspberry Pi 4B, Nvidia Jetson
- Robots: Stäubli RX160, UR3, Franka Emika Panda, Pepper/NAO, TurtleBot 4, AgileX Scout Mini
Updated on 2025-02-07 00:03:10 UTC
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on a project or just chat about tech. Have a great day! 😊