Supported by Jetbrains Open Source License Program
Automatically translate and synchronize '.strings' files from the defined base language
The basic concept of this python CLI tool is straightforward file name based one-way synchronizer. If you are running, other localized resources will have the same key with automatically translated strings. Of course, string on the key that already exists will not be modified at all.
pip install strsync
Set your account and authentication credentials up with Google's guide for local envirnment.
If you can't use Translation feature, use '-w' option to copy all items from Base language.
$ strsync ./myapp/Resources/Localizations -w
this is not required for python-2.7.9+
pip install requests[security]
Naturally, this tool follow standard ISO639 1~2 codes or apple's official document or this tsv table
usage: [-h] [-b BASE_LANG_NAME] [-x EXCLUDING_LANG_NAMES [EXCLUDING_LANG_NAMES ...]] [-f [FORCE_TRANSLATE_KEYS [FORCE_TRANSLATE_KEYS ...]]] [-o FOLLOWING_BASE_KEYS [FOLLOWING_BASE_KEYS ...]] [-w [FOLLOWING_BASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS [FOLLOWING_BASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS ...]]] [-l CUTTING_LENGTH_RATIO_WITH_BASE [CUTTING_LENGTH_RATIO_WITH_BASE ...]] [-c [IGNORE_COMMENTS [IGNORE_COMMENTS ...]]] [-v [VERIFY_RESULTS [VERIFY_RESULTS ...]]] [-s [INCLUDE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGES [INCLUDE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGES ...]]] [-i [IGNORE_UNVERIFIED_RESULTS [IGNORE_UNVERIFIED_RESULTS ...]]] [target path] [only for keys [only for keys ...]] Automatically translate and synchronize .strings files from defined base language. positional arguments: target path Target localization resource path. (root path of Base.lproj, default=./) only for keys Some specified keys for exclusive work. All operations will work for only that keys therefore other keys will be ignored. Not specified by default. (default=None) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BASE_LANG_NAME, --base-lang-name BASE_LANG_NAME A base(or source) localizable resource name.(default='Base'), (e.g. "Base" via 'Base.lproj', "en" via 'en.lproj') -x EXCLUDING_LANG_NAMES [EXCLUDING_LANG_NAMES ...], --excluding-lang-names EXCLUDING_LANG_NAMES [EXCLUDING_LANG_NAMES ...] A localizable resource name that you want to exclude. (e.g. "Base" via 'Base.lproj', "en" via 'en.lproj') -f [FORCE_TRANSLATE_KEYS [FORCE_TRANSLATE_KEYS ...]], --force-translate-keys [FORCE_TRANSLATE_KEYS [FORCE_TRANSLATE_KEYS ...]] Keys in the strings to update and translate by force. (input nothing for all keys.) -o FOLLOWING_BASE_KEYS [FOLLOWING_BASE_KEYS ...], --following-base-keys FOLLOWING_BASE_KEYS [FOLLOWING_BASE_KEYS ...] Keys in the strings to follow from "Base. -w [FOLLOWING_BASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS [FOLLOWING_BASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS ...]], --following-base-if-not-exists [FOLLOWING_BASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS [FOLLOWING_BASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS ...]] With this option, all keys will be followed up with base values if they does not exist. -l CUTTING_LENGTH_RATIO_WITH_BASE [CUTTING_LENGTH_RATIO_WITH_BASE ...], --cutting-length-ratio-with-base CUTTING_LENGTH_RATIO_WITH_BASE [CUTTING_LENGTH_RATIO_WITH_BASE ...] Keys in the float as the ratio to compare the length of "Base" -c [IGNORE_COMMENTS [IGNORE_COMMENTS ...]], --ignore-comments [IGNORE_COMMENTS [IGNORE_COMMENTS ...]] Allows ignoring comment synchronization. -v [VERIFY_RESULTS [VERIFY_RESULTS ...]], --verify-results [VERIFY_RESULTS [VERIFY_RESULTS ...]] Verify translated results via reversed results -s [INCLUDE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGES [INCLUDE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGES ...]], --include-secondary-languages [INCLUDE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGES [INCLUDE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGES ...]] Include Additional Secondary Languages. (+63 language codes) -i [IGNORE_UNVERIFIED_RESULTS [IGNORE_UNVERIFIED_RESULTS ...]], --ignore-unverified-results [IGNORE_UNVERIFIED_RESULTS [IGNORE_UNVERIFIED_RESULTS ...]] Allows ignoring unverified results when appending them.
~/Documents/myapp/myapp/Resources/Localizations$ strsync ~/Documents/myapp/myapp/Resources/Intents$ strsync
Define specific path you want. A parent path of *.lproj(s).
$ strsync ./myapp/Resources/Localizations $ strsync ./myapp/Resources/Intents
Copy all items from Base language without translation.
$ strsync ./myapp/Resources/Localizations -w
All operations will work for only keys "exclusive key1" "exclusive key2" "exclusive key3". Other keys will be ignored.
$ strsync ./myapp/Resources/Localizations "exclusive key1" "exclusive key2" "exclusive key3"
Excluding japanese, spanish, finnish
$ strsync ./myapp/Resources/Localizations -x ja es fi
Forcefully translate and update by specific keys you want.
$ strsync -f Common.OK Common.Undo "Key name which contains white space"
Forcefully translate and update by All keys.
$ strsync -f (input nothing)
When you want to accept the values in the 'Base'.
$ strsync -o autoenhance flashmode #before "flashmode" = "وضع الفلاش"; "" = "السيارات"; "flashmode.on" = "على"; "autoenhance" = "تعزيز السيارات"; #after "flashmode" = "Flash Mode"; "" = "السيارات"; "flashmode.on" = "على"; "autoenhance" = "Auto-Enhance";
If you add an option -v or --verify-results, String similarity of the reversed translation result for each language will be displayed.
$ strsync (...) -v el Hi: Hi -> Γεια σου -> Hi, Matched: 100% fr-CA Hi: Hi -> Salut -> Hello, Matched: 50% id Hi: Hi -> Hai -> Two, Matched: 0% fr Hi: Hi -> Salut -> Hello, Matched: 50% uk Hi: Hi -> Привіт -> Hi, Matched: 100% hr Hi: Hi -> Bok -> Book, Matched: 0% da Hi: Hi -> Hej -> Hi, Matched: 100% ja Hi: Hi -> こんにちは -> Hello, Matched: 50% he Hi: Hi -> היי -> Hey, Matched: 50% ko Hi: Hi -> 안녕 -> Hi, Matched: 100% sv Hi: Hi -> Hej -> Hi, Matched: 100% es-MX Hi: Hi -> Hola -> Hello, Matched: 50% sk Hi: Hi -> ahoj -> Hi, Matched: 100% zh-CN Hi: Hi -> 你好 -> How are you doing, Matched: 50%
or if you add --ignore-unverified-results [Integer, Percentage (0~100) (default=0)], If the similarity of each reversed translation result is under the given value, that string will be skipped(ignored).
strings will be skipped if its text similarity from reversed translation result is under 50 $ strsync (...) --ignore-unverified-results 50 el Hi: Hi -> Γεια σου -> Hi, Matched: 100% fr-CA (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> Salut -> Hello, Matched: 50% id (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> Hai -> Two, Matched: 0% fr (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> Salut -> Hello, Matched: 50% uk Hi: Hi -> Привіт -> Hi, Matched: 100% hr (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> Bok -> Book, Matched: 0% da Hi: Hi -> Hej -> Hi, Matched: 100% ja (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> こんにちは -> Hello, Matched: 50% he (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> היי -> Hey, Matched: 50% ko Hi: Hi -> 안녕 -> Hi, Matched: 100% sv Hi: Hi -> Hej -> Hi, Matched: 100% es-MX (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> Hola -> Hello, Matched: 50% sk Hi: Hi -> ahoj -> Hi, Matched: 100% zh-CN (Ignored) Hi: Hi -> 你好 -> How are you doing, Matched: 50%
There are some additional scripts to help your workflow with strsync.