- Fix "undefined local variable or method datastore" error due to typo in a variable name (#116 mkuzmin:datastore)
- Remove "missing required parameter uuid" error from
vagrant destroy
output when no machine exists (#117 mkuzmin:destroy)
- Increase Vagrant requirement to 1.6.4+
- Update copyright date in LICENSE.txt
- Move version history and contributing notes out of
into separate files - Add RuboCop, fail the Travis-CI build if RuboCop or unit tests fail
- Add support for ClusterComputeResource and DatastoreCluster (#101 GregDomjan:StorageSDRS)
- Gracefully power off the VM with
vagrant halt
, and shutdown before deleting the VM withvagrant destroy
(#104 clintoncwolfe:shutdown-guest-on-halt) - Add configuration option
to specify a MAC address for the VM (#108 dataplayer:master)
- Add ability to configure the CPU Count (#96 rylarson:add-cpu-configuration)
- Prompt the user to enter a password if none is given, or the configuration
value is set to
(#97 topmedia:password-prompt) - Add support for
vagrant reload
(#105 clintoncwolfe:add-reload-action) - Fix compatibility with Vagrant 1.7 to use vSphere connection info from a base box (#111 mkuzmin:get-state)
- Add ability to configure amount of memory the new cloned VM will have (#94 rylarson:add-memory-configuration)
- Make
vagrant destroy
work in all vm states (#93 rylarson:make-destroy-work-in-all-vm-states, fixes #77)- If the VM is powered on, then it is powered off, and destroyed
- If the VM is powered off, it is just destroyed
- If the VM is suspended, it is powered on, then powered off, then destroyed
- Add vlan configuration
(#91 rylarson:add-vlan-configuration)
- Added a new configuration option
that lets you specify the vlan string - If vlan is set, the clone spec is modified with an edit action to connect the first NIC on the VM to the configured VLAN
- Added a new configuration option
- Change Nokogiri major version dependency (#90 highsineburgh:SAITRADLab-master)
- Find and install box file for multi-provider boxes automatically (#86 mkuzmin:install-box & #87 mkuzmin/provider-name)
- Use a directory name where
is stored as a prefix for VM name (#82 mkuzmin:name-prefix)
- Create the VM target folder if it doesn't exist (#76 marnovdm:feature/create_vm_folder)
- New optional parameter to clone into custom folder in vSphere (#73 mikola-spb:vm-base-path)
- Follows semver better, this adds functionality in a backwards compatible way, so bumps the minor. 0.9.0, should have been a major version
- Instruct Vagrant to set the guest hostname according to
(#69 ddub:set-hostname)
- Reuse folder sync code from Vagrant core (#66 mkuzmin:sync-folders)
- Increases Vagrant requirements to 1.6.3+
- Supports differentiating between SSH/WinRM communicator (#67 marnovdm:feature/waiting-for-winrm)
- Fixed synced folders to work with WinRM communicator (#72 10thmagnitude:master)
- Use root resource pool when cloning from template (#63: matt-richardson:support-resource-pools-on-vsphere-standard-edition)
- Fixed "No error message" on rbvmomi method calls (#74: mkuzmin:rbvmomi-error-messages)
- Fixes no error messages (#58 leth:no-error-message)
- Fixes typo (#57 marnovdm)
- Fixes additional no error messages
- Fixes #47 via #52 olegz-alertlogic
- Adds configuration for connecting via proxy server (#40 tkak:feature-proxy-connection)
- Includes template in get_location (#38 tim95030:issue-27)
- Updates
to fall back to old version of Vagrant if ruby < 2.0.0 is available
- Fixes rsync error reporting
- Updates
- Restricts RbVmomi dependency
- Handle multiple private key paths
- Add auto name generation based on machine name
- Add support for linked clones
- Add support for the
vagrant ssh -c
- Fix rsync on Windows, adapted from mitchellh/vagrant-aws#77
- Allow setting static ip addresses using Vagrant private networks
- Allow cloning from VM or template
- Add support for specifying datastore location for new VMs
- Lock Nokogiri version at 1.5.10 to prevent library conflicts
- Add support for customization specs
- Add halt action (#16 catharsis:haltaction)
- Add folder syncing with guest OS
- Add provisioning
- Initial release