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File metadata and controls

169 lines (132 loc) · 4.98 KB


Takes MongoDB collections modelled after relational databases and creates more NoSQL-friendly relationships with embedded documents and/or references.

Useful after migrating tabular data (CSV, SQL etc.) to a MongoDB database and wanting to take advantage of a flexible schema and embedded documents to boost read performance.

For more background on MongoDB data model design, see the Mongo Docs.

Use cases

You have:

one-to-many relationships between collections, modelled after a relational database

authors: [	{"_id" : 1, "name" : "de Cervantes"},
		{"_id" : 2, "name": "Tolkien"}],
books: [	{"_id" : "A", "name" : "Don Quixote", "author_id" : 1},
		{"_id" : "B", "name" : "The Lord of The Rings",  "author_id" : 2},
		{"_id" : "C", "name" : "The Hobbit",  "author_id" : 2},]

You instead need:

(A) a data model using document references

authors: [	{"_id" : 1, "name" : "de Cervantes", "books" : ["A"]},
		{"_id" : 2, "name": "Tolkien", "books" : ["B", "C"]}]

(B) a data model using embedded documents

authors: [	{"_id" : 1, "name" : "de Cervantes", "books" : [
			{"_id" : "A", "name" : "Don Quixote"}]},
		{"_id" : 2, "name": "Tolkien", "books" : [
			{"_id" : "B", "name" : "The Lord of The Rings"},
			{"_id" : "C", "name" : "The Hobbit"}]}]

Or, you have:

many-to-many relationships modelled using a link table, or link collection

products: [{"_id" : 1}, {"_id" : 2}, {"_id" : 3}],
releases: [{"_id" : 7}, {"_id" : 8}, {"_id" : 9}],
productsreleases: [	{"_id" : 20, "p_id" : 1, "r_id" : 7, "type" : "ALPHA"},
			{"_id" : 21, "p_id" : 1, "r_id" : 8, "type" : "BETA"},
			{"_id" : 22, "p_id" : 2, "r_id" : 8, "type" : "ALPHA"},
			{"_id" : 23, "p_id" : 3, "r_id" : 9, "type" : "FINAL"}]

You instead need:

(C) only two collections, referencing each other through document reference arrays

products: [	{"_id" : 1, "releases" : [7,8]},
		{"_id" : 2, "releases" : [8]},
		{"_id" : 3, "releases" : [9]}],
releases: [	{"_id" : 7, "products" : [1]},
		{"_id" : 8, "products" : [1,2]},
		{"_id" : 9, "products" : [3]}]

(C') ...optionally embedding a field from the link table / collection to one or both

products: [	{"_id" : 1, "releases" : [	{"_id" : 7, "type" : "ALPHA"},
						{"_id" : 8, "type" : "BETA"}]},
		{"_id" : 2, "releases" : [	{"_id" : 8, "type" : "ALPHA"}]},
		{"_id" : 3, "releases" : [	{"_id" : 9, "type" : "FINAL"}]}],
releases: [	{"_id" : 7, "products" : [1]},
		{"_id" : 8, "products" : [1,2]},
		{"_id" : 9, "products" : [3]}]


As a dependency in a Java project

  1. Import the JAR located in the target folder (depends on mongodb-java-driver, tested on 3.6.2)

  2. Create a model for your desired change:

Case (A) – a data model using document references

DBModel model = new DBModel().add(new CollModel("books")
	.join(new JoinModel("authors")
		.on("author_id", "_id")

Case (B) – a data model using embedded documents

DBModel model = new DBModel().add(new CollModel("books")
	.join(new JoinModel("authors")
		.on("author_id", "_id")
		.embed("name")));	// chain as many .embeds as you like

Case (C) – a many-to-many model using document references

DBModel model = new DBModel().add(new CollModel("productsreleases")
	.join(new JoinModel("products")
		.on("p_id", "_id")
		.reference("r_id") // reference other foreign key here
		.embed("type")) // optionally embed fields
	.join(new JoinModel("releases")
		.on("r_id", "_id")
		.reference("p_id") // vice versa
  1. Pass the model into a Denormalizer and hit it:
// Connect to your DB using the dependent mongodb-java-driver
MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI("mongodb://localhost:27017"));
MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("mydatabase");


client.close(); //remember to close!

Detailed descriptions of all methods in the API are in the JavaDoc.

As a standalone command line application

  1. Download the JAR located in the target folder

  2. Prepare a model of the desired changes in JSON format (analogous to the use cases described above). The model should have the following structure:

	"database": "my-db-name",
	"collections" : [
			"name" : "source-collection-name",
			"joins" : [
					"collection:" : "target-collection-name",
					"onSource" : "foreign_id",
					"onTarget" : "_id",
					"as" : "newArrayName",
					"reference" : "_id",
					"embed" : ["optionalField", "optionalField", "etc..."]
  1. Run the app: java -jar mongodb-denormalizer-xx.xx.xx.jar 'my-database-host:port' 'path-to-model.json

The utility has been tested, still it is strongly recommended that you back up your database.