- You don't learn as fast if you don't have the resources.
- Learning doesn't happen fast. Learning to program is a marathon, not a sprint. It does not end.
- Don't overwhelm yourself. Push yourself, but don't tackle things you have no chance of solving; it will only lead to disapointment.
- Don't start projects that take too long. Tiny, fast projects you can finish will feel much more rewarding than a huge proejct you can't finish.
- Don't limit your skillset. Technology is rarely written in a single language, so if all you know is one thing, you're going to struggle when something unfamiliar comes up. It's good to have tools are skills that you are very familiar with, but you should be well versed in many areas.
- Confidence in your own abilities. Confidence is what you need in order to push yourself. It's what helps you apply to jobs in the field.
- Hang out with people who know more than you do. If you can, find a mentor!
- Get your hands dirty! Learn by doing. Theory is important, sure, but you need to be able to practically apply your skills and knowledge. You can learn a lot just by trying.