The app is a calculator with two types: with UI and without UI. It is simply a sample/test app to try out the functionality of Test Base.
Make sure you install the softwares below to build.
- Node.js version >= 16.16.0
- WiX Toolset After installation, add path of wix toolset (e.g, C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin) to system variables
Run build.ps1 in PowerShell to build, then find the msi under windows_installer folder. After intalling the msi, you will find the calculator under C:\Program Files (x86)\Calculator.
Calculator is a simple calculator with UI.
CalculatorCLI is a simple command line calculator.
CalculatorCLI.exe 2+2
CalculatorCLI.exe 88/11
CalculatorCLI.exe 8*2