So you want to contribute to this repo? Awesome!
We welcome contributions in the following categories:
To add your contribution, please open a Pull Request (PR)
Some guidelines:
- Add one resource per PR
- Make sure the PR title is in the following format:
Add {category}: {name}
- Make sure the PR title is in the following format:
Want to add a link to your docs powered by Mintlify? Use this title:
Add Community Showcase: {productName}
Wrote an awesome story about how you use Mintlify? Use this title:
Add Community Blog Post: {title}
More guidelines when submitting a new resource — inspired by Hacker News guidelines:
- Please don't do things to make titles stand out, like using uppercase or exclamation points. Use sentence case.
- If the title contains a gratuitous number or number + adjective, please crop it — e.g. translate '10 Ways To Do X' to 'Do X.'
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Remove any trailing whitespace
- Content must be in English
Thank you for making this repo more awesome! Enjoy!