The amazing StevenBlack repo has block lists for various domains that have been known to serve ads and other malicious content.
However the blocklist is in /etc/hosts
format that looks like this:
And if you want to use it with Unbound, you need to have it in a format like this:
local-zone: "" always_null
local-zone: "" always_null
local-zone: "" always_null
local-zone: "" always_null
local-zone: "" always_null
So what this Nix flake does is convert the above format to the below format. Then it exposes the converted file as a package. It additionally exposes a NixOS Module that can be used to automatically configure Unbound to use this converted blocklist.
description = "NixOS configuration with Unbound Blocklist";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
blocklist.url = "github:mirosval/unbound-blocklist";
outputs = inputs@{ nixpkgs, blocklist, ... }: {
nixosConfigurations = {
hostName = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
services.unbound = {
enable = true;
# This line enables the blocklist
blocklist.enable = true;
What it exactly does is it adds an include
statement to the server
block of the /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
file and points it to the blocklist.conf
file generated by the package included in this flake.
There are some ways this could be extended:
- Add the other optional lists from StevenBlack (rn it's just the ads + malware)
- Add CI so that the blocklists are automatically updated
In order to reflect the latest changes to the upstream blocklists, take the following steps:
# Get the hash of the latest master
nix shell nixpkgs#nurl --command nurl master
> fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "StevenBlack";
repo = "hosts";
rev = "master";
hash = "sha256-fPMGNj1dXrbxJDxiC8U41NLz1vL5m3Ayw8uC1HJm4sU="; # <-- this
# Update it in flake.nix