# Project Name
### Less than 240 Characters describing what we're building. Include external links here if desired
* Teammates:
- Teammate Name (@discordUserProfileName)
- Teammate Name (@discordUserProfileName)
- Teammate Name (@discordUserProfileName)
* Seeking Teammates: Yes/No
* [Project URL](https://github.com/your-profile/your-project-name)
* Project Name (ok to say "coming soon" and update it later)
Copy the above code snippet in its entirety and add it to the BOTTOM of this document. Then edit with your information. Don't forget the ***
three stars, and don't forget to git pull origin master
and git rebase master
into your feature branch before you push to origin!
This project exists solely to show you how to edit this document. Fork this repo and make a PR to add your team at the BOTTOM of this list -- below the last 3 stars! Don't forget to include the 3 stars in your entry. Don't forget to git pull origin master
and git rebase master
into your feature branch before you push to origin!
- Teammates:
- Benjamin Dunphy (@benghamine)
- Quincy Larson (@QuincyLarson)
- Matt Biilmann (@biilmann)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- GitHub URL
This project is going to be a budgeting/expense app to help people manage their finances and track expenses.
- Teammates:
- Christopher Karras (@ckarras)
- Dimo Ivanov (@Dimo)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name SpareChange
- Teammates:
- Alfred Conlan (@Alfred#6356)
- Dennis Deamer (@Demird14#4032)
- Joseph Eton (@etonjoe#5279)
- Juan Garcia (@john</>#0065)
- imtan007 (@Tanmay#3030)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name (comming soon)
Using FindYourFeeling, Any human can find their feeling based on Clarifai API mainly focused on facial expression detection.
- Monica Pattel (@MonikaPatellT)
- Qasim Hafeez (@Qasim)
- Juan Pablo Yeverino (@JPYeverino)
- Nassim (@Nsdz)
- Rossella Ferrandino (@RosellaFer)
- bvipul (@bvipul)
Seeking Teammates: No
Find Ur Feeling
- Teammates:
- @Jarrod
- @smakosh
- @kBrew
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Team Name: Prestige Worldwide
An online quiz app where questions would be asked on topics selected by the user. This is a timer-based quiz with four options for every question with only one being correct. Now, after successfully completing the quiz, the user will be mailed with a digital badge and the score reflecting his/her performance!
- Teammates:
- Priyabrata Biswas (@pbiswas101)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes
- Project URL
- Project Name - Quizard
CMintS is a CMS and static site generator created with the internationalization in mind, but yet it's not deployable to the Netlify, the idea is to during current Hackathon create a Multilanguage websites, Themes and deploy them to the Netlify, meanwhile adapt actual CMintS package to support Netlify deployment. Also document the deployment process in https://cmints.io.
- Teammates:
- Manvel (@saroyanm)
- @OdearOgy
- @satyendra
- @nvs16
- Seeking Teammates: Yes
- Project URL
- Teammates:
- Renz Christen Yeomer A. Pagulayan (@ThatOneNoob)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes
- Project Website
- Project Repo
- Teammates:
- Jait Jacob (@jaitjacob)
- Adam Wier (@AdamWier)
- Kelby Baca (@kelby-baca)
- Eunice Park (@eunicode)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes, if you're a coding wizard and want to donate your magical skills, or if you're familiar with React basics
- Project URL
- Project Name: coming soon