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File metadata and controls

77 lines (66 loc) · 3.2 KB


This application only shows the iTunes' movie catalog.

(It's called meowvies bc i love cats and for pun (fun) huhu)


  1. Displays catalog from iTunes Movie
    • Title
    • Genre
    • Price
    • Artwork
    • Long Description
  2. Displays all the available genre
  3. Sort movie list using selected genre
  4. Displays Recently Viewed Movies
  5. Able to handle negative scenario such us internet connectivity issue/ no internet at all.

MVVM as Architecture

Model-View-ViewModel architectural pattern was used in this project for these reasons:

  • Separation of Concerns - to separate the user interface from the logic behind the process
  • Readability - it is easier to understand the code because of the first reason
  • Maintability - it is easier to maintain and add new features
  • Scalability - there will be no problem for scaling if in the future there will be added new features in this app
  • Testing/Debugging - easier to debug because of reason #1. It'll be easier also to add unit testing.


The application used Room as persistence library

  • The application stores the recently viewed movie and displays it for these reasons:
    • User can easily return to the viewed movie
    • User can view it without the internet connection

File Structure

Stated here the description of important files and structure

  • data - local db and reusable model

  • helper - all the reusable model

  • network - API handler

  • ui - screens

    • Creating new screen must have these three main components
    1. activity - serves as the canvas
    2. fragment - the main user interface (to make it reusable)
    3. viewmodel - retrieving & processing of data
    • Creating new adapter must separate these
    1. adapter - to prepare for populating data and inflating the layout
    2. viewholder - responsible for applying the ui content of the view
  • res

    • layout
    1. activity_ for activity layout
    2. fragment_ for fragment layout
    3. item_ for recyclerview's item layout
    4. layout_ for custom layout (toolbar/dialog.. etc..)
    • values
    1. dimens - used to have standardized ui dimensions (margin, padding, etc)
    2. colors - added custom colors
    3. strings - no hardcoded strings in xml / classes
    4. style - all the ui element reusable custom style declared here
    • anim - created basic animation for screen transition
    • font - used custom font: nunitosans


  • Retrofit - REST client
  • Lifecycle - Live Data and ViewModel
  • Room - Persistence
  • RXJava - Observe in API request task (clean and ez)
  • Glide - Images from URL handler
  • Blurry - Blur image (for aesthetic purposes lol)

Target Version

  • MinimumSDK - 21
  • TargetSDK - 29

Meh Side

  1. iTunes provides a low-res artwork (artwork100 - 100x100) so gomenasai for the pixelated thumbnails/image.